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Things have been a bit slow around here since the new year, understandably. People are getting back into the swing of things and such. We mentioned some things we are planning on doing in the year 2014, and are ready to begin on them.

We are bringing back interviews this year. Last year we slacked on getting new interviews out to you guys, so we're planning some pretty interesting ones that hopefully everyone will enjoy.

The first one up is going to be a coder interview. Since the source code released, these guys have been hard at work on OpenJK, improving on the original code released by Raven. It's really some fascinating stuff and we'd love to know more about it. Especially now that rend2 is picking up speed these last couple months.

So here's how it will work. We want you guys to submit any questions you have for the coders behind OpenJK. These should be on topic for the most part. We will sift through the questions and pick the best ones, if not all, depending on the amount we receive. We will combine those with our own. So just comment on this news post with your questions.

One part of our site that hasn't gotten the love that its needed is our very own JKHub Wiki. "What?" you may ask, "we have a Wiki?!" The answer is yes and we need you to help us out! Right now, we've got tons of great, outstanding articles dealing with Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast. Unfortunately...we've got lots of stubs. A stub is a page that onlys got the bare minimum it needs, and needs some more beef. We know that you guys are really good with coming up with great content, and we hope that you'll consider writing new articles, improving old ones, or helping us write red-link articles! Additionally, we've been working on improving the Wiki in several ways. First off, we've been trying to revamp the dated main page, and rework the organization of the page, making content creation and browsing easy and fun. We've also started implementing many Wiki plugins to make our wiki more...well wiki. New content tags and plugins will definitely help authors and browsers alike. We'd also know what you're opinion is on the wiki: what's good what's bad, and what we can do to make it more comprehensive and complete.

Spior's JKHub Chrome Extension
spior has been scheming behind the scenes it seems, developing an extension for the Google Chrome browser that displays your current notifications here on JKHub.

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It's a handy little feature that I recommend to those of you that use Chrome. You can download it here.

Official Server
There has been lots of talk lately and in the past about an official JKHub server. We have toyed with the idea for awhile now as staff, and would like to pursue it further. Do you think it would be feasible? Moderation would be a large issue. Of course the current staff will have top admin positions, but we would need some other admins that would be more active in-game and can fulfill the role of a server admin. The other issue would be expenses. We'd need to raise more money through your donations if this were to be done. Are you okay with that? Would you donate towards a server?

We haven't posted any site related statistics in quite some time, so here they are. Since the months are gathering since JKHub launched, most of these statistics start from the last time we posted stats, which was June 4th, 2013. March is also being left out due to the fact that it just started.


We've had quite a lot of registrations lately.

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The amount of topics have seemingly increased lately, due to the many projects that have taken off.

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The amount of posts are even greater, probably due to the same reason. Also, we disabled post increase for the nonsense forum a few weeks ago, so some of these posts will account for threads like "word association" and such.

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Personal Messages

We've never posted PM stats before, but I find them just as interesting. January sure was a popular time, according to all these statistics.

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Page Views, Threats, etc.

We don't have accurate stats for the usual CloudFlare charts and numbers. This is a result of switching hosts a couple months ago and no longer needing CloudFlare. Sorry about that!

How People Find Us

Being in the first page of related search results can be pretty tough these days. The top keywords people use to find us are as follows.

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We've had no shortage of file submissions, that's for sure. Here are the top downloaded files from the past 12 months.

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Here are the top downloads since launch.

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Then there's the interesting statistic, the difference between top viewed files and the top downloaded files. Some aren't shared.

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Here are the top file submitters. That is, the people that have submitted the most files.

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So that's that. Be on the lookout for some of those new things coming up!

-JKHub Staff

Click here to view the article
spior likes this

Is there a statistic for heavy handed moderating? Or lack of moderating in situations that warrant it?


That would be a fun statistic.

  On 3/14/2014 at 11:28 AM, Boothand said:

Seems like I can't install the chrome extension from this website!

Conduct support for that to @@spior. Perhaps he can help you out.


  On 3/14/2014 at 2:08 PM, Sentra said:

Why there are no highest rated files? :(
That would be a good one, but no way to collect that unfortunately, as far as I know.


  On 3/14/2014 at 11:28 AM, Boothand said:

Seems like I can't install the chrome extension from this website!


Right click, save as

chrome: //extensions/ <--- open this as a url, without the space

drag it inside

Chrome is picky when it comes to verified websites

Boothand likes this

I can see that the 63% off sale in Steam on the Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast games brought a great deal of players in January, but I missed that sale and payed the full $20 dollars for both of em, but I think they are still worth the $20 :)


I wonder how 2014 will go, Jedi Academy is an old game now, and I am amazed that it still survives to this day.


a JKH server would be epic, id also be willing to help out with it :P 


As for getting Wiki content.  Why not ask the affiliated clans?  i mean most of us have a silly amount of JKA related info splattered through our forums, it wouldn't take much convincing to poke them into posting it here or at least handing it over to someone.


just an idea, but direct communication does yield results :P

Circa likes this
  On 3/19/2014 at 9:09 AM, Badboy said:

Hey why ja+ is first on downloaded files? :/ ja++ is a waaay better :<

As is base, but you can't even download that. I call shenanigans.

Badboy likes this
  • 2 months later...

I wouldn't mind applying for admin for an official JKHub server. The question I like to raise is what mod would we run? JA+? JA++? Base? Lugormod?


I mean, I'm pretty sure JA+ or JA++ would be the obvious answer for the numerous security reason, though I wonder if we could have multiple servers running multiple mods :o

  On 6/7/2014 at 1:39 PM, Cell said:

I wouldn't mind applying for admin for an official JKHub server. The question I like to raise is what mod would we run? JA+? JA++? Base? Lugormod?


I mean, I'm pretty sure JA+ or JA++ would be the obvious answer for the numerous security reason, though I wonder if we could have multiple servers running multiple mods :o

Right. Though due to the poll results, nobody was really interested in donating towards one server, let alone multiple.


There were also a few other reasons that we didn't pursue it further that were brought to our attention. I'm still half open to the idea though.

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