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Moved to general discussion, as it pertains to JK. :P





couldn't resist but why not just ''ask raz0r'' to fix something that cannot be fixed? , Raz0r is useless like always ;) this clown makes me laugh...

OBS! (I'm not responsible for the masterlist , nothing to do with me.)


On a serious note , I'm still out there playing with my minions , enjoying my time crushing people who can't obey the law :). We will always be in charge over JKA. Pretty much owned raz0r hard enough that he realized he can't do shit about me either. I better leave before raz0r goes berseker @ Me , cba dealing with ''clowns'' that think they're good , sayonara.


/Oof yolo.

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On a serious note , I'm still out there playing with my minions , enjoying my time crushing people who can't obey the law :). We will always be in charge over JKA. Pretty much owned raz0r hard enough that he realized he can't do shit about me either. I better leave before raz0r goes berseker @ Me , cba dealing with ''clowns'' that think they're good , sayonara.


kiddies still aren't in school? too bad 4 u.

therfiles, Evulant, Circa and 1 other like this
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couldn't resist but why not just ''ask raz0r'' to fix something that cannot be fixed? , Raz0r is useless like always ;) this clown makes me laugh...

OBS! (I'm not responsible for the masterlist , nothing to do with me.)


On a serious note , I'm still out there playing with my minions , enjoying my time crushing people who can't obey the law :). We will always be in charge over JKA. Pretty much owned raz0r hard enough that he realized he can't do shit about me either. I better leave before raz0r goes berseker @ Me , cba dealing with ''clowns'' that think they're good , sayonara.


/Oof yolo.


Damn, even comes with colors! Appreciate the effort you put in to send your message across! *salute

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I have no idea what is going on. It's like jumping into the middle of a show.

Why are you jumping into the middle of a show instead of sitting down in the audience?

Anyways, it just something I seen (Which is still going on now) while browsing the Server list.

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