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Darth Maul

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JKA's terrible lighting does have a hand in all this, but the textures are dark. In the future remember to keep the textures as bright and clear as possible, DT. Don't add apply any low brightness to them (even if it is a generally dark character) because JKA's lighting is already unforgiving, and will turn anything under full lighting to dark anyway.


I've also added an extra shader onto the eyes, as Maul's eyes are not quite human and they do appear to glow most of the time.


I hope you don't mind my hand in this, DT.


Here's the updated package file:



EDIT: And just for you guys, I set up a DropBox account. Aren't you special? ;)






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(Sorry about the massive images above. Next time I'll be sure to use links...)


And an alternative icon for ye who fancy:



I noticed one small error with the model: the inside of the garments is missing a texture. It's particularly noticeable when the character squats. I think if the external texture was mirrored on the inside that would effectively fix this issue.


Otherwise, just as everyone has stated: excellent work. The resemblance to the real life actor is as close as I've ever seen in a model.


(Sorry about the massive images above. Next time I'll be sure to use links...)


And an alternative icon for ye who fancy:



I noticed one small error with the model: the inside of the garments is missing a texture. It's particularly noticeable when the character squats. I think if the external texture was mirrored on the inside that would effectively fix this issue.


Otherwise, just as everyone has stated: excellent work. The resemblance to the real life actor is as close as I've ever seen in a model.

the Gamefront link seems to be broken :| Could you share a dropbox one maybe? Thanks! Looks good.


(Sorry about the massive images above. Next time I'll be sure to use links...)


And an alternative icon for ye who fancy:



I noticed one small error with the model: the inside of the garments is missing a texture. It's particularly noticeable when the character squats. I think if the external texture was mirrored on the inside that would effectively fix this issue.


Otherwise, just as everyone has stated: excellent work. The resemblance to the real life actor is as close as I've ever seen in a model.


Is it normal, robed or hooded? I may have forgotten to add a cull twosided for a texture.


the Gamefront link seems to be broken :| Could you share a dropbox one maybe? Thanks! Looks good.


Are you sure? It's working on this end.


I'll try an alternative upload. I don't think I have a DropBox account… :\

Is it normal, robed or hooded? I may have forgotten to add a cull twosided for a texture.


The normal one. I haven't tried the other two.


Should I take a screenie?


Can someone please look at the lightsaber's shader and find out why the specular + env isn't being shown?


I can do that. Let me have a look...


Can someone please look at the lightsaber's shader and find out why the specular + env isn't being shown?


Well, first things first: make sure that the letter-casing in the paths is the same as the actual folder structure (e.g. DT_Maul_Saber, not dt_maul_saber). I'm not sure if JKA is sensitive to casing in the file paths. I imagine it would be.


EDIT: Hmm… on further inspection I cannot find anything else wrong with it. The shader file is set up and referenced correctly, and the assets appear to be in order, too, yet there's no visible change on the in-game model…


After spending a good hour in trial and error it appears to me that JKA has no shader support for saber staff hilts. Can someone confirm otherwise?


The same shaders that work on the single hilt seem to have no effect on a staff hilt.


Nope, the darth maul staff hilt from RevanDark's hilt pack's shader works fine. Copying his shader has no effect either, so there's something else stopping DT's hilt from allowing shaders to work.

I want to add that RevanDark's environment image for the hilt is really nice, and I think would work better than the one you used on the hilt DT.


Nope, the darth maul staff hilt from RevanDark's hilt pack's shader works fine. Copying his shader has no effect either, so there's something else stopping DT's hilt from allowing shaders to work.

I want to add that RevanDark's environment image for the hilt is really nice, and I think would work better than the one you used on the hilt DT.


Thanks Ruxith. I'm guessing this has something to do with the GLM's make-up then? I've tried overriding the internal setup with a SKIN file, but that showed no results either. Perhaps the environmental and specular textures need to be included/linked in the model somehow for the shaders to take effect? I'm really not sure at this point… :/


Okay, I found out a couple of things.


First of all, you need to rename all the "saber" instances to "w_saber" even in the model, DT. It's important that you keep the naming conventions, as the engine seems to be looking for the "w_" in this case for loading certain elements -- possibly right for the shader textures:



You will notice that this particular saber has a couple of parts to it aside from the tags (little triangles sticking out of the saber).  Raven added the ability to cut sabers in half in Jedi Academy. Make sure that when in your 3D application you name all parts of the mesh you start with a w_.  The saber won’t work otherwise.  The engine looks for the “w_”.


Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20050330000010/http://psynex-land.com/saber%20tutorial/Custom%20JA%20Sabers.html


Secondly, there is some mention about including the specular textures in the model build if I understand this correctly:



About the spec files, I haven't tried yet. But I think it is applied in Max as well. The spec textures' format and elements positionnings are exactly the same as the common textures.... And you can affect a map to specular under Max as well. So I believe it is all work with Max. What I haven't really figured for now are the glow options. File format is different, so I don't know yet. Will see later, probably. Those two things, specular and glow, are what can truly make the differences between one common hilt and one good one 



Source: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=111660


Am I the only one who is not pretty satisfied with the Maul's hood, isn't it? 
Besides, I like it very much in all other points-
your models bring us both high- quality canonic film characters and generic ones,
like the jedi from the JKG project (it's yours, isn't it?).




The no specular issue was due to using "\" in the texture path within the MD3 instead of "/".


Good to know. Thanks DT.


Would love to help test this out, but away on holiday right now, and internet has stopped working back home :/


Will upload release candidate 4 tomorrow, but here's the changes:


- fixed head paint to match better

- added stud earring

- lightened head texture

- tweaked a few areas of the head mesh

- fixed the open mouth issue

- moved the front 3 horns down a bit, and tweaked the shape of them



Omicron, negru_tudor, Bek and 3 others like this

I would also add a shiny head spec for him ingame, cause he does have a rather shiny head due to lack of hair:










EDIT: If you do rig his mouth so it moves when he talks, I'd give him the yellow/black teeth like he does in the second pic (unless you have already, can't test it atm, on holiday)

DarthStiv likes this

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