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rd-rend2 (old thread)


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Making the normal map hardly visible removes the issue, but at the same removes the effect of having a normal map. As long as it has an effect, it causes the above posted to happen.


Here's another issue. A texture with a normalparallax map makes a sudden sharp transition. It feels a bit in the same category.









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Haha, yeah it's the normal map then. I just wonder if this would only happen in rend2, or if my normal map is generally not good. I've had quite many approaches to making this normal map. Ended up just generating it in Crazybump.


Inverted green channel:








PS. The parallax image is back, my bad :P


And if you wanted to test it yourself, here's the diffuse.

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That kyle is a normal map test which I painted an X on his back, ignore it. :P


I had a good muck around and rend2's specular is broken. The problem doesn't lie with an incorrect shader, because that exact shader shows specular in ioquake3 rend2.

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Hmm what sun elevation did you use? I'm still having the issue using vertexLit. It seems to be on that general area. Doesn't happen on one other of my walls, which is a bigger surface. And thanks a million for the r_forcesun 1 command! It made rend2 about 10 times more rewarding for me :D Only wish it worked on surfacelights as well.

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The sky I used is hevil (base JKA shader), using r_forcesun 1 (r_forcesun 2 is a moving light source).


r_forcesun should only be used for testing, you should always make a proper rend2 compatible sky shader. ;)




I think so. Won't really know for sure if it's 100% working until someone like @@Almightygir puts a model ingame. My test subjects suck because they are either really basic or are model ports. :P

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Hmm. Forcesun 2 is very impressive, although it crashes with the lightmap. Also, was that compile done with -light? I think the issue only arises with the lightmap.


But will a *proper rend2 compatible shader* do the same magic as r_forcesun 1? It doesn't seem to affect FPS that much. It adds a lot of nice detail to my map..!

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It will do the same thing, yes.


I compiled my test map with -light. Here's my other test map sky shader which is rend2 ready:

	qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga
	surfaceparm nomarks 
	surfaceparm noimpact 
	surfaceparm nolightmap 
	surfaceparm sky
	// vanilla-compatible sun
	q3map_sunExt 240 238 200 100 195 75 3 16
	//q3gl2_sun  <red> <green> <blue> <intensity> <degrees> <mapLightScale> <ambientLightScale> 
	q3gl2_sun 240 238 200 50 195 75 3 0.5 0.2

	//q3gl2_tonemap <toneMapMin> <toneMapAvg> <toneMapMax <autoExposureMin> <autoExposureMax> 
	q3gl2_tonemap -5 -1.5 0 -2.0 2.0

        q3map_skylight 50 16
        q3map_lightimage $whiteimage

 	skyParms textures/skies/desert 512 -
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SunExt is the vanilla renderer sun IF you plan on having both renderer compatibility. It also only works if it's a .shader. Having gl2_sun & tone map doesn't break anything in vanilla on all of my tests.


Rend2 manual mentions this, have a look. ;)

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The vanilla renderer never actually checked it before OpenJK.  It only looks for the first 6 numbers anyway.  The extra information to ext is only for q3map2.


You missed the point, though DT85, you wouldn't use BOTH in the .mtr file as vanilla can't load it.

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