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rd-rend2 (old thread)


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@@Xycaleth - great news! @@DT85 - does the v1.9 dotXSI exporters fix the mesh normals for Rend2 compatibility?


Well it exports out the proper normals now, so I'd think it would or at least be a crucial step in the right direction. Haven't checked it out yet.


@@Xycaleth, is there a cvar that will make everything be displayed as normals? I forget that code edit you told me to do to check normals ages ago. :P

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Xycaleth would make a good government agent. Just replace


"Can neither confirm or deny that area 51 exists"




"Can neither confirm or deny that rend2 is still in development"



Remember this when it comes to game developers:  Any developer who gives you promises is most probably a liar and not to be trusted until after they prove repeatedly they deliver what they promise.  The most trust worthy developers are those who promise nothing.


I totally understand why Xycaleth said nothing about working on rend2 having felt that way myself about more than a few projects I've worked on.  Cool to see stuff is happening though and I look forward to whatever new goodies are revealed.  :D

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