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Star Wars Rebels

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Leia would fit in nicely, but I always thought, that it was Bail Organa, who started it all. Though Leia made it into the politics, he still wanted her to be safe and stay away from fight from the Empire at least for some time. 1-2 years before the Death Star destruction however, he might have introduced her to Rebels ideals, because he saw that Leia was understanding the atrocities of current Imperial regime pretty much herself.


But she is not a leader by this time. We see in TFU that Leia was at least virtually present, when the Alliance was formed between Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and Bail Organa, as well as Galen Marek (though I distrust TFU regarding many things, this story of formation pleases me, and I consider it to be canon still).


Only after the death of those she loved, the destruction of her homeworld, she becomes a true leader, ready to struggle for freedom.


Anyways, the fact that some kind of character (fulcrum) raises so many thoughts and theories and makes us doubt them and seek new ones, means, that the show actually found its niche and has a potential.


A bit more thoughts.


The last episode shows major events for Rebels. And it is clear, that the future Alliance will be formed of many smaller groups, like the one on Lothal. It is doubtful, that they might include the already known factions here, like the ones, established in prior sources. But I thought, that Kyle Katarn's father is actually a leader of one such cell on Sulon. He would later pay with his life for helping the Rebels, and is punished by an Inquisitor Jerec, just like Kanan is captured and tortured by the Inquisitor...


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Joking, yes?  :D

I do remember what happened to EU canon, and to TFU as well... Too well.)


I would prefer Mon Mothma, though the tone is most definitely not hers. Leia - possibly, but this manned of talking to Rebels looks too sophisticated for her. Besides she is like Ezra at this time. 


Also if it were Leia, Bail Organa would have had more info on the Rebels in one of the previous episodes - there he seemed to be a little unaware of what this cell actually represents. Leia surely would have provided him with info.

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I still wonder as to how the whole Alliance to Restore the Republic manged to get a lot of ships over the course of 3 movies and an animated series not to mention the Expanded Universe/Legends. I prefer Expanded rather than Legends.

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The Empire needs more dark jedi since two Sith Lords, and a failed dark jedi (spoiler alert) aren't really enough against 5 or more Jedi in exile and one Sith Lord or who can't be a multiable places at once.

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Just watched the final episode. 



I was right, they were fighting in the main reactor area. I guess the ol' inquisitor didn't want to die by Vader or Palpatine's hand so he offed himself, unless he escaped.

For those that said it was Asoka that was a good guess. Looks like the shit is going to come down on the Empire in Season 2 with vader taking over. Finally, the Star Wars era I ike the most....

My only gripe was them in the TIE Fighter and those don't have glass on the hatch, so, they should have been dead from the vacuum of space. Ezra & Kanan's would probably have been pressurized.

All in all I think it was a great first series.


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The recolored TIE had the same color scheme as one of the Borderlands 2 Torgue weapons.Will there be a new dark jedi villian? since a Sith Lord is not enough to hunt down 5 or more jedi.Turning them or killing them is the best solution.I wonder if that recolored TIE had life support on it or not since TIES are not equipped with Life Support systems.I have a feeling the Empire might bring in the Death Star in Season 2.

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Ahsoka is back. Unfortunately, she isn't nearly as cute as she used to be. (Major sadface.) They didn't model her after her grown up spirit from in TCW's Mortis arc. But hey, seeing her again brought a smile to my face. She has two silver sabers now too.


The Inquisitor let himself die on his own will even at Kanan's mercy by falling into a fiery haze below the platform he was hanging from. Before he died, though, he said, "You have no idea what you've unleashed here today. There are some things far worse than death." And now Darth Vader has taken his place, handpicked by the Emperor.


Oh and, the lightsaber choreography is interesting. They look as though they're using certain lightsaber form practices, which is pretty cool. Also, Kanan wins with epic badass Jar'Kai mode.


This was a decent end to Season 1. Season 2 will be better, especially with Darth Vader and Ahsoka. All that's left is ditching LOTHAL... (Please...)

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That was an EPIC episode!


Like I thought, Bail Organa is bankrolling the Rebel Alliance but I was wrong about fulcrum's identity. Tell you what though, I want to see Vader kill Ahsoka, Kanan & Ezra. You know that Vader will destroy them with an entrance like that. :D

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If you enjoyed the last episode, try also this video (Caution! Season 2 Spoilers - MAJOR ones!!!!)




I can say, that this is a video, that shows mostly concepts, but what concepts!



It shows various new and old ships. A ship from TCW can be seen there, as well as the A-wing, which is actually my favourite. There are also many unknown characters from the Rebel Alliance (but they already have names, spoiled into the Net). there is also a scene similar to briefing in Episode VI, which actually shows...



Ahsoka Tano among the Rebels.




And the last... Oh mine, what a nice story this time! I was thrilled to see both of the characters. I wonder what would come next.

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The Final episode was a disappointment. From the Electro Magnetic Explosion to the DUEL OF THE FATES RIP OFF to the moment when Fulcrum is revealed to be Ahsoka.
I also think Vader had a bad entrance to this series, he looked exactly like those many memes on the internet; Darth Vader having a bad day.  He didn't look at all intimidating.

The only thing I liked about this, was how the Rebel Logo was implied into to this Episode;





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I can't help but wonder if Kylo Ren and the Inquisitor might end up being the same person, since Inq fell victim to an explosion and Kylo Ren is all cybernetic and stuff. Just saying, could happen. :3

He felt in a damn exploding reactor, on a sinking star destroyer.


Anyway I liked the rematch between Kanan and the Inquisitor. Also I am hoping very much for it that Ahoska will face Vader even if she wouldn't stand a chance against him, she could even have Kanan and Ezra as backup but Vader would still pwn them.

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@-elegant weapon-

Don't forget the rule of a dead villain: no one's truly dead until the dead body is seen. I think, that was said in the Scream thriller movie, repeated by many others later.


(for ones to remember the rule you might want check it with this video from Angry Alien Productions)


So, the Inquisitor is most likely to return, either as a broken burnt corpse with major cybernetics, or in other forms. It is also possible, that he might even return after the series.


But seeing him saying, that death is not the most terrible thing, I guess, he understands pretty well, what's being implied here.

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After Maul was miraculously revived for TCW, anything can happen in these animated un-cannon series. And if the Inquisitor would also return as a cyborg, I would have to stop watching Rebels.
If only we would finally see the horror of Darth Vaders wrath, I just cant accept that he was saved from Mustafar, he cried 'Noo!' and ever since has only been standing behind Imperial officers...
Then again, the Inquisitor did say that there are things far more scarier than death, this is probably him reffering to the Emperor and Vader... once again, Vader is feared, but why? Because TFU ? lol :D


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I found this episode pretty predictable. Kind of figure Inquisitor was going to kick it due to a screencap. While I am intrigued to see Ahsoka something about her showing up in the series seemed a bit off to me. I agree with @ I would have preferred her to see her resemble her Mortis appearance. I hope the second season is better than this one.


It's weird that Rebels seems to not get dark a lot (at least at this point) while Clone Wars can be too dark.

Tempust85 and Lamented like this
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I can't help but wonder if Kylo Ren and the Inquisitor might end up being the same person, since Inq fell victim to an explosion and Kylo Ren is all cybernetic and stuff. Just saying, could happen. :3


Maybe they'll bring him back  like Christopher Pike in The Menegarie from the original Star Trek. Just replace Kirk, Spock, and McCoy w/ Palpatine, Vader, and Tarkin. One beep for yes, two beeps for no..



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I think Kylo is human or a near human but he certainly isn't a Pau'an.Well Tarkin's destroyer did explode and on the wiki it does say that the Inquisitor character died in the reactor duel then that means hes dead. Season Two will have quite a few new things in it judging by concept art for (spoiler alert)  Rebel Pilots, a Commander character, Prototype A-Wings, and a vessel similar to a Corellian Corvette but its a carrier ship which will probably serve as a mobile command base to launch hit and run raids against the Empire.

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