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I was thinking of using Dragon to just pull them out and then put them in a clean .gla.



Simplified is:

drop the .gla in the Dragon folder.

open and find the new animations in the animation.cfg

use the import command to load those

save and put into a clean .gla

*  Could you please explain this in more detail? How is it possible to "pull out" a stance from the mod if you only have the .gla and the animation.cfg files? There is a mod and I just want the yellow saber stance from it (just a simple stance) but I dont know how extract it. I already know what is the "code" of the stance in the cfg (126 1 -1 60), but I simply cant figure out how can I put the stance into a new .gla


PS: Sorry for my bad english

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If you are sure that those numbers are correct (126 1 -1 60) then you actually don't need Dragon at all.


The yellow stance is: Both_stand2 ##### 2 0 30

I don't remember it's exact number off hand.


Go get the file animation.cfg file located in models/players/_humanoid

Save somewhere on your pc.

Then open the animation.cfg file.

Go down to the yellow stance Both_stand2

I put // in front of the animations to disable them, and this leaves the original info incase I need it. So mine would look like:

//both_stand2 ##### 2 0 30

both_stand2 126 1 -1 60

Now make the folders models/players/_humanoid and put your edited animation.cfg in there.

Zip it into a .pk3 file and put in your base folder.

Dumah 11523 likes this
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Yes it is.

1. download and install Dragon. I can upload a copy if needed this weekend.

2. extract the animation.cfg and _humanoid.gla file from the assest1 pk3 (I think.)

3. go into your Dragon folder and find the files JAanimation.cfg and JAhumanoid.gla. The JAanimation.cfg file isn't really important, but the JAhumanoid.gla file is the gla file Dragon loads on start up. You can delete it or rename it to something else. I renamed mine like DragonJAhumanoid.gla in case I did need it later.

4. drop the animation.cfg and _humanoid.gla files into your Dragon folder.

5. Rename _humanoid.gla into JAhumanoid.gla.


Now when you start Dragon the default animations are loaded. To load an animation in Dragon you will:

1. open the console with the ~ key.

2. use the command impframe (import frame)

3. find the animation you want in the animation.cfg. It will look like: both_stand2  12345 2 -1 30. You need the start frame number which is 12345 and the sequence length number which is 2.

4. so you'll type into the console: impframe 12345 2 and press enter.

Circa, Omicron and Dumah 11523 like this
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You should get ModView. It will help you with finding the animations you want.

* But can you explain me how it works? Doesn't load or open gla/cfg files, only glm and mvs. If with this program I can do it all by myself (and not bother Katanamaru with that request) then I wanted kown how to make it work.

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* But can you explain me how it works? Doesn't load or open gla/cfg files, only glm and mvs. If with this program I can do it all by myself (and not bother Katanamaru with that request) then I wanted kown how to make it work.

It will only help you find the animations you want. You need a base folder with the models/players/_humanoid/ folders there with the animations.cfg and _humanoid.gla in the _humanoid folder. Then you need a model to load, so pick Kyle or someone and put that folder in the players folder. Then open ModView and load the model.glm in the kyle folder. Then in the sidebar on the left, you'll see a collapsed tree that says "Sequences". Uncollapse it and double click each animation to see it. If it has multiple frames, press the play button on the top of the window.


That's how we figure out what animations are what. It's tedious, but it's how it works.

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* My previous post was a mess sorry for that. But now I already merge the two .gla files https://dl.dropbox.com/s/488n51eln2uxjbl/g.png And now comes the hard part for me. Replacing the animations with the new ones:


-Staff stance: This is the first stance with 2 frames (the others just have 1 frame) and according with Dragon the frame is 0  https://dl.dropbox.com/s/kfkgxg83iauz6tu/0.png

or is it 1 (since this stance has 2 frames)? https://dl.dropbox.com/s/nkvwnuj3liuned7/1.png How should I write the code now? the stance is BOTH_SABERSTAFF_STANCE 21376 but what code is the next then 0 or 1?


-Dual Stance: Now the number of frames for this one is 2  https://dl.dropbox.com/s/0976c84ppfyhkid/2.png but it could be "3" instead? I mean, if we count frame 0 then this can be 3 and not 2. Again what is the proper code 2 or "3"?


-Single Stance: And the last stance is number 3 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/kvrmq5d2xkzblla/3.png or it could be "4" since is the last one?... The same, the code should be 3 or 4?


* This should be the easy part but Im really confused :unsure:

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When the program says

Editing frame0

Editing frame1

Editing frame2

Editing frame3 press any key...


You count the frame 0 in the total. So you have 4 frames.

You can't have an animation in the animation.cfg file with 0 frames. So you'll always have at least a 1 there.


I'm getting confused by all the numbers so I'll approach it from a different angle. Let's work on getting one stance in the game first successfully then we can add others. So we're starting with a staff stance it seems. So you made the animation and used gla merge to add it to the _humanoid.gla file?

Now we're putting it in the animation.cfg.

First find and copy the default staff stance.

Now go to the very bottom and find the last animation. I think it is root or something. It should look like 21736 2 0(or -1) 30

Paste the staff style under it and change the frame number to 21738. We get that by taking the 21736 (start frame) and adding 2 (the sequence length) to it to get the next added animation 21738.

So it should look something like this: both_saberstaffstance 21738 2 -1 30

I'd say turn the frame length from 2 to 1. and test it in game. If it works come back and we'll work on the next part.

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* Actually the root code is "21374 2 -1 29" not "21376" but I know what youre saying. As the code is 21374 2 the next one must be 21376 and looks like this: both_saberstaff_stance 21376 1 -1 20 It works fine for me in both game and modview: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/28mcmsdki2fftau/S.png


* Now the next stance is dual sabers and i know exactly what must be done, it should look like this right? both_saberdual_stance 21377 2 -1 20 This works fine too in both game and modview: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/39kwz4t6x4blyhg/D.png


Well, right now all works perfectly. The Staff and dual stance are flawless. So lets continue.


* And now the single stance should be like this both_saberfast_stance 21379 3 -1 20  Unfortunately this one simply doesn't work. Oddly enough, it seems to work in Modview: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/1zsejswhyle1glr/Z.png but in game its just the Vitruvian Man: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/oktierff1jni5y6/V.jpg


* So, the first(staff) and second(dual) stances are working but not the single saber... What I do wrong?

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Are you sure it is written as: both_saberfast_stance and maybe not both_saberfaststance?

If that's right I'd say that maybe there was an error in the merging; though I've never gotten one like that. It usually tends to be I made a mistake, but we won't discount it just yet.

Double check to make sure it is actually 3 frames. I'd go back and see if I could get just 1 frame to work: both_saberfast_stance 21379 1 -1 20.

Also if this is 3 frames because it has breathing you'll want to change it to look like: both_saberfast_stance 21379 3 0 1. The 0 makes the animation loop and the 1 is to make it a slow breathing.

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 Hey now works perfectly!!!!!! :lol::D^_^:)


both_saberfast_stance 21379 1 -1 20.

This make it work for me. Now the stances works perfectly fine. But what will happen if I put a new animation?. I mean now that finally this stances are working I wanted to add another one.


* The new animation both_stand1 is 2 frames because it has breathing. Staff stance is 1 frame, Dual stance is 2 frame and Single stance is 3 frame (none of this has breathing). So this new animation should be 4 and 5 frames if it has breathing right? Ok, I already merge the gla again and the Stances work fine (even single stance) but stand1 is not working <_< ....  Now the only who doesnt work is the new one. Anyway this is how i wrote the code: both_stand1 21380 5 0 1


- Now, this breathing stance doesnt work: the animation starts well but ends with the Vitruvian Man. So now whats wrong again? :wacko:


Edit: I make it work now. Instead of both_stand1 21380 5 0 1 I write the code as both_stand1 21380 2 0 1 and now its working fine.

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