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Dwarf Spider Droid & Other Models

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I need some Trade Federation droids (vehicles) for my mod.  I already have B1 Battle droids, B2 Super Battle droids, Droidekas,  AATs, STAPs, Vulture Droids, Tri-Fighters, and Hailfire Droids.  So as far as I know the remaining droids include Droid Gunships, Crab Droids, Homing Spider Droids (AKA Spider Walkers), Dwarf Spider Droids, and Tank Droids (some people call them "Snail Droids").  Dwarf Spider Droids and Tank Droids are most needed, but any are acceptable, and appreciated.

Dwarf Spider Droid

Tank Droids


Yeah, I don't really remember how I came across the AAT... but I suppose that if you want it I could send it to you however you would prefer.


I knew there was an AAT already out there, post a pic up of it, kinda bored of making it since I'm not much of a fan of many of the prequel designs other than the ARC-170.


I do have this one made already since I thought making animations for it would be a challenge, originally meant for SWBF2.




Considering puting it in JA... someday...

Jeff, KDR_3XILE, Barricade24 and 1 other like this

Alright, here are some screenshots of the AAT ( I seriously can't remember where I got this from... )





And Apparently it has an inside for some reason


that suckers dyin for a reskin huh


from the look of it... the uvs seemed stretched out of proportion making a reskin a real challenge tho

Circa likes this

yeah send ol chalk the pk3 as well ill try n reskin

hope the anonymous artist doesnt get too grumpy with me reskinning without asking  =)


 It could use some animations on its turret, but everything else works fine. I was thinking like how the AT-TE turret works, (for those who haven't used the AT-TE vehicle, the main turret automatically turns with the camera)  Now, I just have to figure out how to send it to you guys...

Posted (edited)

actually... a pretty decent texture map i must say. its the 512 dimensions thats screwin it up...


at 2nd glance.. it seems this would be a reskinning nightmare














to be honest.. it kinda makes me wanna cry  =(


behold the beauty that is milkshape  =)



EDIT: ohhh!!! wait... i get it!

see all that detail that sint being used? its cuz this here texture... is ported  =)

right? am i right?

Edited by ChalklYne

Well, the AAT, and all of its components were somehow mixed in my mod's player_assets.pk3, which I created.  I copied all of the AAT stuff and put it into a file called "seperated_aat_This_took_a_long_time_to_seperate_from_the_rest_of_my_mod's_player_assets.pk3"

Posted (edited)

ibonek, can I use those B1 and B2 battle droids that you have in your mod?  Mine crash the game when killed, and look far less realistic than yours.

At the same time, I noticed that your Droideka is that weird looking model that is completely inaccurate to a real Droideka.  I have a way more realistic Droideka model that I could send you if you want.

And Chalk, I seriously have no idea how I acquired the AAT, most likely I took it out of an old mod, and made some slight modifications to it.

Edited by Vegeta
Circa likes this
Posted (edited)

Uh, it's a "slightly" modified droideka from MBII or something xD

I had a friend edit the shield on its model, and I redid some of the texturing.  It works in a completely different way than it did in MBII also...

Edited by Vegeta

Oh, I just realized what you meant by ported and I am starting to remember how I got a hold of that AAT.  The vehicle model is based off of an .md3 model used in an old JKA mod map.


but even if someone made the model.. they used an old bf2 texture or something it looks like? weird huh? i think maybe we'd be better off to see if mini wants to finish his.. or possibly pass the unfinished model like a torch to someone who does  =)


hint hint



but then again.. having me finish one of minis models is like having open heart surgery, then closing the wound with duct tape so hell i dunno lmao


ibonek, can I use those B1 and B2 battle droids that you have in your mod?  Mine crash the game when killed, and look far less realistic than yours.


At the same time, I noticed that your Droideka is that weird looking model that is completely inaccurate to a real Droideka.  I have a way more realistic Droideka model that I could send you if you want.



And Chalk, I seriously have no idea how I acquired the AAT, most likely I took it out of an old mod, and made some slight modifications to it.

Sure, go for it. The B1 I used was made for JO by "Prophet", but they look spot on from the movies compared to the JA one that was made.


I took the Super Battle droid and the Droideka from MBII. I didn't know there was a better Droideka out there. That would be awesome if you could send me that, thanks!

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