Plasma Posted April 27, 2024 Posted April 27, 2024 I've just submitted my SP mod to JKHub and Moddb after working on it on and off for about two years now. I figured I would create a thread for people to submit any bugs, asks questions etc. Download here: I am working on new updates for it to add new maps, characters and gametypes so as I'm working on them I'll post updates in this thread. Overview Pick your character in the Hub map and then select which map and gametype you want to play in this single player mod that spans multiple eras. Game Types: Arenas - Fight your way through multiple rooms picking your own route to reach one of four bosses. Ladder - Twenty waves of enemies to fight through including boss fights. Ladder Maps: Jakku - The desert planet from The Force Awakens, fight the First Order with boss fights against Captain Phasma and Kylo Ren. Mustafar - The lava planet from Revenge of the Sith, fight the Clone Troopers of the newly formed Galactic Empire with boss fights against Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Scarif - The tropical planet from Rogue One, fight the Empire with boss fights against Third Sister, Grand Inquisitor, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Supremacy - Snoke's ship from The Last Jedi, fight the Praetorian Guards with Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke. Tanalorr - The planet hidden through the Koboh Abyss from Jedi Survivor, fight the High Republic Jedis with boss fights against Lula Talisola, Stellan Gios, Avar Kriss and Dagan Gera. Trade Federation Battleship - The Trade Federation ship from The Phantom Menace, fight the Separatists with boss fights against Asajj Ventress, General Grievous and Count Dooku. Trials of the Temple - The stage show from Disney World, fight the Jedi of the Republic with boss fights against Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Yoda. Ruusan - A planet in the Mid Rim from Dark Forces 2, fight the Imperial Remnant with boss fights against Yun, Boc Aseca, Maw, Sariss and Jerec. Playable Characters: Aayla Secura Ahsoka Tano Anakin Skywalker Asajj Ventress Atris Avar Kriss Barriss Offee Bastila Shan Baylan Skoll Boc Aseca Burryaga Agaburry Cal Kestis Cin Drallig Cohmac Vitus Dagan Gera Depa Billaba Desann Count Dooku Eighth Brother Even Piell Exar Kun Ezra Bridger Fifth Brother Grand Inquisitor Jacen Solo Darth Caedous Jaina Solo Jerec Jolee Bindo Joruus C'Baoth Juhani Kanan Jarrus Ki-Adi Mundi Kreia Darth Traya Kyle Katarn Kylo Ren Ben Solo Luke Skywalker Lula Talisola Luminara Unduli Mace Windu Darth Malak Alek Mara Jade Galen Marek Darth Maul Maw Darth Nihilus Obi-Wan Kenobi Plo Koon Qu Rahn Qui-Gon Jinn Quinlan Vos Reath Silas Third Sister Darth Revan Rey Skywalker Sabine Wren Sariss Savage Opress Second Sister Seventh Sister Shaak Ti Shin Hati Darth Sidious Darth Sion Stellan Gios Temple Guard Saesee Tiin Darth Vader Vernestra Rwoh Visas Marr Yarael Poof Yoda Yun More game types, maps and characters to be added in future updates! Credits This mod would not be possible without all the other work from mod creators in the community. I have tried to get permission from each author to use their work in the mod however I haven't been able to get in contact everyone listed as some people have left the community. The ingame HUD is based off DarthNormaN's work on the Elegance HUD. Model: Darth Vader Author: Toshi Model: Anakin Skywalker Author: Toshi Model: Mace Windu Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Main Mesh - Spanki, Head Mesh - TFU Team Model: Plo Koon Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Head Mesh - SWRH Team, Torso and Robes - Hapslash Model: Aayla Secura Author:Scerendo Model: Luminara Unduli Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Body Mesh - Neomarz1, Head Mesh - TOR Team, Veil Mesh - CWA Team Model: Captain Phasma Author: DT Model: First Order Stormtrooper Author: DT Model: Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi) Author: Swegmaster, Tompa9, Jedinoob124 Additional Credit: Head Mesh - Netmarble Games, Toshi, DT85, Hapslash´s-wip-thread/ Model: Jango Fett Author: neomarz1 Model: Emperor Palpatine Author: RJA Additional Credit: Toshi, ViceK Model: Kylo Ren Author: Lervish and Plasma Additional Credit: Body Mesh - Hapslash, Hood Mesh - Some0ne, Scarf Mesh - Kualan Model: Dark Rey Author: Doughnuts Additional Credit: Scerendo, Swegmaster Model: Han Solo (The Force Awakens) Author: Lervish Model: Rey Author: Scerendo Model: Ezra Bridger Author: Jeff Model: Kanan Jarrus Author: Jeff Model: Sabine Wren Author: Jeff Model: Zeb Orrelios Author: Jeff Model: Hera Syndulla Author: Jeff Model: Chopper Author: Jeff Model: Snoke Author: Scerendo Model: Praetorian Guards Author: PreFXDesigns Additional Credit: Additional Helmets - Doughnuts Model: Imperial Stormtrooper Author: DT Model: Deathtrooper Author: Scerendo Model: Shoretrooper Author: Scerendo Model: Director Orson Krennic Author: Scerendo Model: Reva Author: ZelZel Additional Credit: Body and Shoulder Mesh - Netmarble Games, Cape Mesh - EA Capital Games, Head Mesh - Netease, Hair Mesh - Netmarble Monster Model: Cal Kestis Author: GPChannel Additional Credit: Model Parts - Scerendo, Model Parts - Hapslash, DarthValeria, Swegmaster, Tompa9 Model: Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Phantom Menace) Author: Tompa9 Additional Credit: Original Mesh - Hapslash, Body Texures - Yeyo JK, Face Texture - JediNoob124 Model: Qui-Gon Jinn Author: Seven Additional Credit: Head Model - Lucasarts, Body Model - Hapslash, Textures - Vitez, Textures - Elek Andor, Textures - Peneke, Robe Textures - Tesla, Belt Pockets - Swegmaster Model: Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi) Author: Toshi Additional Credit: DT Model: Ahsoka Tano Author: ZelZel Additional Credit: Body & Base Additions - Jeff, Head and Body Mesh - Netmarble Games, Head Crown Mesh - EA Capital Games Model: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) Author: Doughnuts Additional Credit: AshuraDX Model: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obi-Wan Kenobi) Author: ZelZel Additional Credit: Hair Mesh - Sirius, Body and Robe Mesh - Netmarble Games, Head Model - Movie Duels 2 Team Model: Yoda Author: Toshi Model: Darth Revan Author: Almightygir Model: Darth Maul Author: DT Model: Rey Skywalker Author:ZelZel Additional Credit: Main Body Mesh & Textures - Scerendo, Hair & Armband Mesh - Epic Games, Additional Parts - Netmarble Games, Gun Mesh - Plasma Model: Second Sister Author: Doughnuts Model: Bastila Shan Author: Circa Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware, Arms, Legs and Hips Mesh - Raven Software Model: Mara Jade Author: DT Additional Credit: Gwenethea Model - Hapslash, Textures - Shadowknight1 Model: Darth Nihilus Author: Omega Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian Entertainment, Additional Parts - Netmarble Games Model: Visas Marr Author: Lervish Model: Kreia / Darth Traya Author: Lervish Model: Count Dooku Author: Hapslash Model: Asajj Ventress Author: Hirmanator Model: Galen Marek (Starkiller) Author: dark_apprentice Additional Credit: Scaling & Weighting Head Mesh - Ruxith, Dark Apprentice & Adventure Robes Outfits - Xeby & RevanKnight, Starkiller - HellKobra, TFU2 Skins - DarthPhae, Sith Stalker - Darth Shiftee Model: The Grand Inquisitor Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Head Mesh - PsykoSith, Torso Mesh - Bioware & Raven Software, Belt Mesh - Lt Claim Model: Darth Malak Author:ksk h20 Additional Credit: Textures - Bioware Model: Ben Solo Author: Omega Additional Credit: Model Fixes - Swegmaster, Head Mesh - EA Capital Games, Legs Mesh - Netmarble Games, Hands, Shirt, Neck Mesh - DT85 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Author: Toshi Model: Galen Marek (Jedi) Author:Seven Additional Credit: Head - Dark Apprentice & Ruxith, Adventure Robes - Jolly & Kobra, Sounds - Kylo Ren Model: Jolee Bindo Author: Jeff Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware Model: Atris Author: Ambrom Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian Entertainment Model: Darth Sion Author: Ambrom Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian Entertainment Model: Malak Author: Ambrom Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware Model: Juhani Author: Ambrom Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware Model: Anakin Skywalker (Ep.2) Author: Kevin Coyle Academy/Models/Star Wars/22041/ Model: Kyle Katarn (DFII) Author: Darth Phae Model: Kyle Katarn (MOTS) Author: Darth Phae Model: Boc Aseca (DFII) Author: Darth Phae Model: Maw (DFII) Author: Darth Phae Model: Jerec (DFII) Author: Darth Phae Model: Sariss (DFII) Author: Darth Phae Model: Yun (DFII) Author: Darth Phae Model: Qu Rahn (DFII) Author: Darth Phae Model: Quinlan Vos Author: Scerendo Model: Shaak Ti Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Head Mesh - Aaron Smith, Torso and Robes - Hapslash, Dress - Mars Marshall Model: Barriss Offee Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Body Mesh - Movie Battles II Team, Head Mesh - TOR Team, Sounds - Republic At War (Empire At War Mod) Model: Ki-Adi-Mundi Author: Psyk0Sith Model: Even Piell Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Head Mesh - Toshi, Hair Mesh - Neomarz, Even Piell Texture - St Scoundrel Boots, Texture - Hapslash Model: Depa Billaba Author: Kualan Additional Credit: Body and Head Model - Movie Battles II Team, Body Reskin - MagSul Model: Cin Drallig Author: Tompa9 Additional Credit: Original Head - Don Tom, Face Reskin - Old Ben, Base Mesh - Hapslash, Sounds - Raven Software and the Peneke Team Model: Yarael Poof Author: Psyk0Sith Model: Saesee Tiin Author: Tompa9 Additional Credit: Base Mesh - Hapslash, Head Texture - Mars Marshall, Skirt Texture - DT85, Clone Gauntlets - Ashura DX, Fix Weight Problems - Swegmaster Model: Jedi Temple Guard Author: Tompa9 Additional Credit: Original Meshes - Hapslash, Toshi and the TOR Team, Mask Mesh - Scerendo, Sounds - Raven Software and the Peneke Team Model: Savage Opress Author: DT85 Model: Scout Trooper Author: KhorneSyrup Model: KX Series Security Droid Author: Lervish Model: Purge Trooper Author: Tompa9 Additional Credit: Body - AshuraDX, Pauldron - Scerendo, Helmet - Neomarz1 Model: Executioner Trooper Author: Barricade24 Additional Credit: DT85 Model: Sith Trooper Author: eSpark Additional Credit: DT85 Model: Republic Commandos Author: Sithani Additional Credit: Ranisdeguery Model: Clone Troopers Authors: AshuraDX, Scerendo, MaceMadunusus, Doughnuts, swegmaster Model: Battledroids Author: Rmvsallen Additional Credit: Dragoan, Khornesyrup, Coolin, Movie Duels Team Model: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge of the Sith) Author: Hapslash Model: BX Commando Droid Author: Lervish Model: Magnaguard Author: neomarz1 Model: Dagan Gera Author: Noob Additional Credit: Head: Hapslash, Cape: Psk0Sith Model: Ahsoka Tano Author: Cerez Additional Credit: Cadellin Model: Yoda (The High Republic) Author: Tompa9 Additional Credit: Model - Toshi, Head Texture - JediNoob124 Model: Baylan Skoll (Ahsoka) Author: ZelZel Additional Credit: DT85, Sirius, Netmarble Games, Lucasarts Model: Shin Hati (Ahsoka) Author: ZelZel Additional Credit: Omega, Scerendo, Bioware, Netmarble Games, Lucasarts Model: Joruus C'baoth Author: Jeff Model: Eighth Brother Author: Swegmaster Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski Model: Fifth Brother Author: Swegmaster Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski Model: Seventh Sister Author: Swegmaster Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski Model: Sabine Wren Author: Swegmaster Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski Model: Anakin Skywalker Author: ZelZel Additional Credit: Head & Base Textures for Arms and Tunic - Movie Duels, Hair - Sony Online Entertainment, Armour - Seven Model: Jaina Solo Author: Jeff Additional Credit: Gweth, Hapslash Model: Jacen Solo Author: Jeff Model: Exar Kun Author: Jeff Model: Luke Skywalker Author: Jeff Additional Credit: Toshi, Swagmaster, Peneke Team, DT85, Circa Model: Luke Skywalker Author: DT85 Additional Credit: Head - Toshi, Original Reskin - Hapslash, Jedi Model - Raven Model: Wookiee Author: Major Clod Skybox: Sky27 Author: Komaokc Skybox: Grimm Night Author: Hipshot DarthValeria, Aldro Koon, Smoo and 4 others like this
Plasma Posted July 26, 2024 Author Posted July 26, 2024 I thought I'd share some of the things I've been working on for the first update of Holocron Challenges. Masters of the Teras Kasi I've added a new gametype in called Masters of Teras Kasi (MOTK) which is based on the PS1 Star Wars fighting game of the same name. In this mode you fight eight opponents across eight stages that are randomly picked making it different each time you play. Once you've defeated all eight opponents you're taken to the boss stage where you have to defeat the final boss. Currently I've built two maps for this mode, one which is based on the characters and stages that appear in the PS1 game and another based on The Force Awakens. I also plan on making a third map for this mode based on The Phantom Menace. The stages themselves are based on the aesthetics of the PS1 game so you fight your opponent on a flat plane and the rest of the map is just a skybox. You can either kill your opponent or try to work them into a position where you can push them off the plane for a ringout. Ladder There were 8 ladder maps included in the first release of Holocron Challenges and I'm planning to add more to that in the next update with these three maps. The first is the Ord Mantell duel map from the base game that I've touched up slightly. Here you'll fight the Disciples of Ragnos led by Tavion. As part of making The Force Awakens MOTK map I needed to build D'Qar (the Resistance Base) as one of the stages. Rather than just leaving it as a part of MOTK I've spun it off into a ladder map where you can fight Resistance members from across the three Sequel Trilogy movies. The final ladder map in the next release will be based off the Massassi Temple map in Jedi Outcast and have opponents to fight from that game though I don't have a screenshot for this one as I haven't started work on it yet! Characters Although I'm not planning to add any new characters into the next release I am going to be adding in some new skins for the existing ones which are listed below. Ezra Bridger (Rebels) Joruus C'baoth (The Last Command) Kanan Jarrus (Rebels) Luke Skywalker (Empire Strikes Back) Dagobah Luke Skywalker (Heir to the Empire) Luke Skywalker (Dark Empire) Luke Skywalker (The Destiny Path) Luke Skywalker (The Force Awakens) Luke Skywalker (The Book of Boba Fett) Luuke Skywalker (The Last Command) Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope) Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope) Robed Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope) Hooded Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge of the Sith) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge of the Sith) Robed Rey Skywalker (Galaxy's Edge) Arenas The Arenas map in the first release was the thing that took me the longest to make because each room has a completely different theme from each other. For the next release even though I'm not planning to do a completely new Arenas map I am going to work on remixed version of the first map which will have a lot of the same rooms but the fights in them will be different. So on Scarif instead of fighting Krennic and his Stormtroopers you'll be fighting Jyn and her Rebels, in Snoke's Throne Room instead of fighting Snoke and his Praetorian Guards you'll be fighting Rey and Kylo. It won't be completely the same though as I do plan on removing some rooms and making some new ones so there will be some suprises if you've played the first map! Final Thoughts I hope that gives you some idea of what I've been working on for the last few months, I'm not sure when the next update will be out but I'm hoping to have it finished before the end of the year. In the mean time if you haven't played the mod it might be worth jumping in and trying it! Circa, SpeedyJDFox95, Sithani and 12 others like this
chloe Posted July 27, 2024 Posted July 27, 2024 This looks absolutely incredible, can't wait to play it!
Plasma Posted July 27, 2024 Author Posted July 27, 2024 7 minutes ago, GamerRedNeck said: Any plans to add a Geonosis Arena ladder? Nope not right now just those three at the moment. I'll probably add some more ladder maps in the future but it's not on my list. There is a room in Arenas for it though. GamerRedNeck likes this
SpeedyJDFox95 Posted July 29, 2024 Posted July 29, 2024 This is nice, Plasma. I'll have to test it on my own accord!
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