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Getting an NPC to use Force powers only, like a cultist

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title says it all.

I'm trying to get Snoke to use only force powers, but when I type in WP_MELEE in the npc document, he just chases me with his fists, and when I write WP_NONE or just out nothing, he shoots me with an invisible gun.

Anyone got a clue?

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7 hours ago, Droidy365 said:

These specific NPCs are hardcoded to never use primary attacks and only use force powers.

It's strange because I have seen it done before. Like, in the old Knight of the Force mod, made by that turkish dude? Emperor Palpatine from Episode 6 literally only uses Force Lightning (and Force Grip, I think). And they didn't need to replace him with one of the cultist npcs.

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I made my own ancient Sith Lord NPC, with the Cultist class applied. It had a different model, no weapons and used Lightning extensively.

It's important to note, that the Class would work differently depending if other conditions are met as well: like a number of weapons (or lack of these), level of Force powers and other lines inside the *.npc file.

Just for info: in Jedi Outcast, NPC_Class wouldn't work, if the NPC file didn't have the standard class word in the name of the NPC.
For example: Jack wouldn't work in JO, but Jedi_Jack, as well as rodian_Jack would be able to act as a Jedi or as a Rodian respectively. Only for Jedi Outcast.

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On 4/30/2020 at 9:49 PM, kibasennin said:

It's strange because I have seen it done before. Like, in the old Knight of the Force mod, made by that turkish dude? Emperor Palpatine from Episode 6 literally only uses Force Lightning (and Force Grip, I think). And they didn't need to replace him with one of the cultist npcs.

Npcs named 'emperor' are hardcoded to use force powers only

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