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Jkhub Memories

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Funny thing is, I've been on JKHub since maybe 2007 (if not even before that), but haven't been active because I had no interest in the community per say - I'd only use the internet when dad would take me to work with him, so internet gaming or forums were out of the question. Looking back, I do feel like I've missed out, but what can you do?

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Funny thing is, I've been on JKHub since maybe 2007 (if not even before that), but haven't been active because I had no interest in the community per say - I'd only use the internet when dad would take me to work with him, so internet gaming or forums were out of the question. Looking back, I do feel like I've missed out, but what can you do?

Funny this is, JKHub has only existed since 2011. :P Impressive stats.
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Funny this is, JKHub has only existed since 2011. :P Impressive stats.

Really?? :o

Strange. I could have sworn I've seen it as early as 2007 at the least. There was LucasFiles, FileFront, JKHub, and at least one more site where I'd be downloading mods back then. Or maybe I just got lost in time again? <_<

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Really?? :o

Strange. I could have sworn I've seen it as early as 2007 at the least. There was LucasFiles, FileFront, JKHub, and at least one more site where I'd be downloading mods back then. Or maybe I just got lost in time again? <_>


There was LucasFiles, FileFront, JK2Files (technically part of the FileFront network but different), modDB, and pcgamemods.com (which was shut down around 2005ish). JKHub was created in 2011 and went live in 2012.

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There was LucasFiles, FileFront, JK2Files (technically part of the FileFront network but different), modDB, and pcgamemods.com (which was shut down around 2005ish). JKHub was created in 2011 and went live in 2012.

Ah, pcgamemods must have been that "one more site" that I was thinking about :D



There was a different JKHub (.net) for Dark Forces that you may have been on.

I know of that one, I think it's still on, but I haven't been using it since I hardly ever played Dark Forces.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't remember, how I ended up on JKHub, but there were certainly many reasons. :)


One is familiar to all – I simply like the JK series, which introduced Kyle Katarn and his adventures to us. And this site came in just at the right time, when many other sources started to collapse.

For a long time jk3files, moddb and few others were the main hub to find news about JK. For me jediknight.ru was the predecessor to JKHub, as it introduced modding into my life.


I'm glad we have JKHub and some kind of facebook fan-group or other social media. It's good that we have our own wiki, dedicated to JK series and mods. We must also be proud, that our base of models as well as talented modders it quite large. I would even dare to say (again), that thanks to JKHub our beloved game is in sort of Renaissance state. 

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