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Revenge of the Jedi: A New Total Conversion Mod

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Here is a conversion of the entire Jedi Academy campaign. I've reimagined the story of the original trilogy -- Obi-Wan survived the duel with Vader and Yoda had begun a new Jedi Temple on Dagobah. Luke and Leia are told that they are siblings and head to Dagobah to train under Obi-Wan.



I've finished testing it, and the few bugs that remain are not a hindrance to game play. If you find any bugs or know how to fix any, please let me know or feel free to workshop it yourself.




DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rgc1ov94jx9wnr9/Revenge%20of%20the%20Jedi%20v1.01.7z

(updated with Hoth fix)


Follow the instructions! It's a huge mod (2GB), and pretty much any additional mod could interfere with something in the game, so the download includes a GameData folder already set up with the latest OpenJK build, a base folder, and a Revenge of the Jedi folder with the pk3s. Instead of installing the pk3s, I've set it up so you copy the assets into the RotJ base folder then run the game through there.


The dialogue and menu scripts are in the subtitles pk3 in the mod's base folder. For some reason they wouldn't work in the same folder as the other pk3s, so once again feel free to play around with it and get a better set up.




Note: It only works with OpenJK (I haven't tested it with JA+), and you have to play it with the voices muted. Otherwise the normal voices play over the new characters and it is terrible.











Basically Everything









Wasa, Xanemus, Kualan and 11 others like this

Yeah, that's what I've been trying to figure out for the last 23 years, so I finally decided to fix it. I actually think I used a couple of your models, I know that finding your WIP was like a treasure trove haha. I'm going through all of the assets now to find out who needs credit for what.

Jeff likes this

Yeah, that's what I've been trying to figure out for the last 23 years, so I finally decided to fix it. I actually think I used a couple of your models, I know that finding your WIP was like a treasure trove haha. I'm going through all of the assets now to find out who needs credit for what.


I don't need credit and feel free to use whatever. 


This looks awesome. So many star wars games have been made and yet for some stupid reason no one wants to use the OT main characters.

Explain this please, because I can list off so many games with OT main characters.

I'm very much looking for feedback and criticism, so anyone who plays this feel free to comment your thoughts or PM me


Just so you know. This mod also works well with the SerenityJediEngine with some small file tinkering. PM me if you want to know how to set it up.


LukeJM28 and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Just so you know. This mod also works well with the SerenityJediEngine with some small file tinkering. PM me if you want to know how to set it up.


Revenge of the DEW IT xD

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Explain this please, because I can list off so many games with OT main characters.


Like what? Outside of the stuff on Super nintendo and original nintendo, there isn't a game where you play as Han, Luke or Leia through a story. I guess the LEGO series counts but that's not a serious game.


Explain this please, because I can list off so many games with OT main characters.

Name one 3d pc or console game where you play a story mode as Luke Skywalker (and not as a freaking lego). There's Rogue Squadron, but you're basically just playing as a ship. I can't think of a single one

Jeff and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Like what? Outside of the stuff on Super nintendo and original nintendo, there isn't a game where you play as Han, Luke or Leia through a story. I guess the LEGO series counts but that's not a serious game.


Name one 3d pc or console game where you play a story mode as Luke Skywalker (and not as a freaking lego). There's Rogue Squadron, but you're basically just playing as a ship. I can't think of a single one


Well the first one I immediately think of is the most recent one: Battlefront II (2017). You play as Luke, Han, Leia, and Lando in at least one mission each. Sure its not a whole game focused on just one of them, but it counts.


Vader and Palpatine were main antagonists in the TFU games.


Luke and Lando are in JK2 and JKA.


I don't really think it's fair to rule out Nintendo games, because now you made my statement pointless. Those games definitely still count as video games. You said "no one wants to use the OT main characters" which I guess you meant as an exaggeration rather than fact? Because there are several, but if you're referring to games made on certain systems then that's a different complaint.

General Howard and Wasa like this

Well the first one I immediately think of is the most recent one: Battlefront II (2017). You play as Luke, Han, Leia, and Lando in at least one mission each. Sure its not a whole game focused on just one of them, but it counts.


Vader and Palpatine were main antagonists in the TFU games.


Luke and Lando are in JK2 and JKA.


I don't really think it's fair to rule out Nintendo games, because now you made my statement pointless. Those games definitely still count as video games. You said "no one wants to use the OT main characters" which I guess you meant as an exaggeration rather than fact? Because there are several, but if you're referring to games made on certain systems then that's a different complaint.

I think he meant in the state of the ENTIRE GAME being from Luke, Han or Leia's point of view. That was never done before.


the_last_Jedi and Jeff like this

Well the first one I immediately think of is the most recent one: Battlefront II (2017). You play as Luke, Han, Leia, and Lando in at least one mission each. Sure its not a whole game focused on just one of them, but it counts.


Vader and Palpatine were main antagonists in the TFU games.


Luke and Lando are in JK2 and JKA.


I don't really think it's fair to rule out Nintendo games, because now you made my statement pointless. Those games definitely still count as video games. You said "no one wants to use the OT main characters" which I guess you meant as an exaggeration rather than fact? Because there are several, but if you're referring to games made on certain systems then that's a different complaint.


I'm just saying they've never made a game focused on Luke Skywalker. I liked the old super nintendo games but they're older than most people on this site. They made the TFU and Jedi Knight series of games, that were focused on lightsaber combat in the era where Luke was at his prime, and chose to make 3 new characters (Jaden, Kyle, Galen). I'm not saying these are bad games or characters but why has no one decided to make a game centered around the greatest Jedi is baffling to me. Keep in mind I may be seeing this through nostalgic glasses as I grew up with the OT.


I think he meant in the state of the ENTIRE GAME being from Luke, Han or Leia's point of view. That was never done before.





I think he meant in the state of the ENTIRE GAME being from Luke, Han or Leia's point of view. That was never done before.




I'm just saying they've never made a game focused on Luke Skywalker. I liked the old super nintendo games but they're older than most people on this site. They made the TFU and Jedi Knight series of games, that were focused on lightsaber combat in the era where Luke was at his prime, and chose to make 3 new characters (Jaden, Kyle, Galen). I'm not saying these are bad games or characters but why has no one decided to make a game centered around the greatest Jedi is baffling to me. Keep in mind I may be seeing this through nostalgic glasses as I grew up with the OT.





That's fair. But on the flip side, they haven't really done that with many of the other characters either. The prequel movie games were mostly from various points of view as well. Anakin had a couple Gameboy games from his perspective I think.


I'm all for more unique and original characters and stories be made in the SW universe, but I also agree that more games should tell new stories for characters from the films to expand their backgrounds more, as long as it's done well.


But anyway, back on topic: this looks like a cool mod idea. Glad to see someone doing another TC. My prequel mod was a lot of fun to make, and it looks like this is very similar to that.


That's fair. But on the flip side, they haven't really done that with many of the other characters either. The prequel movie games were mostly from various points of view as well. Anakin had a couple Gameboy games from his perspective I think.


I'm all for more unique and original characters and stories be made in the SW universe, but I also agree that more games should tell new stories for characters from the films to expand their backgrounds more, as long as it's done well.


But anyway, back on topic: this looks like a cool mod idea. Glad to see someone doing another TC. My prequel mod was a lot of fun to make, and it looks like this is very similar to that.


I agree the prequel stuff is needed as well. 

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

That's fair. But on the flip side, they haven't really done that with many of the other characters either. The prequel movie games were mostly from various points of view as well. Anakin had a couple Gameboy games from his perspective I think.


I'm all for more unique and original characters and stories be made in the SW universe, but I also agree that more games should tell new stories for characters from the films to expand their backgrounds more, as long as it's done well.


But anyway, back on topic: this looks like a cool mod idea. Glad to see someone doing another TC. My prequel mod was a lot of fun to make, and it looks like this is very similar to that.


Yeah I saw your prequel replacement tc, I looked through that and the music mod to learn how to do a few of the things.


I would like to do something like this again with either the Prequels or a Leia/Han thing with the Jedi Outcast mod, but getting the models to work in the cutscenes has proven tricky.

Jeff and TheWhitePhoenix like this

ATTENTION: My brother found a bug that I missed, Hoth won't load due to some ridiculously large textures (from the Mr. Zz JKA Texture overhaul). I must have accidentally added those ones to the pk3 instead of the textures from the patched version.


To fix this, you can either:

1. Go into the Revenge of the Jedi.pk3/textures/hoth and delete all of the h_outside and h_basicwall textures (or just the whole folder, it will just default to the hoth textures in the assets1.pk3)




2. Download the Hoth patch that went with the JKA Texture overhaul and put it in the Revenge of the Jedi folder https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-jedi-academy-texture-overhaul/downloads/jka-texture-overhaul-v03h-hoth-fix


The download link will be updated to the new version that has fixed the bug

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