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SdeltroomT Works

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Hello!!! in this little post post my works! More than anything Kitbashings and one or the other artwork   :D


You can support me in: https://sdeltroomt.deviantart.com/


My first job is about one of the best models I've seen in Jkhub so far  :)


SLK Darth Revan From ShenLong (Their respective credits to ShenLong for such a great model  :D )


For this skin I have used the following models:

*Temple Guard from Kualan

*SLK Darth Revan (Obvius)

*Luke ROTJ








Delmi, z3filus, username666 and 8 others like this
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Hello!!! in this little post post my works! More than anything Kitbashings and one or the other artwork   :D


You can support me in: https://sdeltroomt.deviantart.com/


My first job is about one of the best models I've seen in Jkhub so far  :)


SLK Darth Revan From ShenLong (Their respective credits to ShenLong for such a great model  :D )


For this skin I have used the following models:

*Temple Guard from Kualan

*SLK Darth Revan (Obvius)

*Luke ROTJ


Photo: https://jkhub.org/images/NDnnbNw.png






Very impressive. Glad to see more kitbashers and frankensteiners. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You've inspired me to make my own kitbash, my idea is to make a more KOTOR accurate Darth Revan model with high quality. BTW which hood is that? No matter how hard I look I can't find it ;-;

Hi, I'm glad you like my job! , Well there is already a model of Revan kotor but any kitbash is welcome, I have extracted the hood of a TOR model of the many that exist out there.

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WOW this model is sick, any chance of sharing this with the community? :D


It's most likely our ported (As far as I know, punisher and us are the only ones who have fully ported Arcann/Thexan, and Jeff's is the robotic version only) Thexan model with our ported masked arcann head, taken from my pack: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/penekepack-v1-8-replacement-mod-gas-peneke-edition-is-out.2499/


He kitbashed a hood on it.

Credits to the original porters would be nice if you're gonna share the model privately :)

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It's most likely our ported (As far as I know, punisher and us are the only ones who have fully ported Arcann/Thexan, and Jeff's is the robotic version only) Thexan model with our ported masked arcann head, taken from my pack: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/penekepack-v1-8-replacement-mod-gas-peneke-edition-is-out.2499/


He kitbashed a hood on it.

Credits to the original porters would be nice if you're gonna share the model privately :)

Sure Penekowski! I'm aware of all of that, I always give credits to their respective creators and I do not share my Kitbash work until I get the original author's permission, so thanks for bringing such a cool model to the game!

Penekowski likes this
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I think as long as you credit the work if you used someone else's work you should be fine, just need a JKHUB staff to approve though. Love that Revan though, with your kind of work, we don't need a ported Revan.

Oh yeah? Is that I'm new to the community and I'm not sure how things work here, I thought I should get the permits first to publish them in Files, but if I have to leave credits, I'll do it!

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Oh yeah? Is that I'm new to the community and I'm not sure how things work here, I thought I should get the permits first to publish them in Files, but if I have to leave credits, I'll do it!

that depends entirely on the type of license under which the original author provided his file.

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