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14 Screenshots

About This File

Date Created : February 22, 2006


Ahhhhh...  Finally done.  35 levels, 150000 brushes, 25000 lines of script,
40000 entities and 3000 hours of blood and sweat.  EY:4 - The Lost Maps.

Let's get this out of the way first.  I know the download is big.  Sorry.
I've made every effort to keep the mod as small as possible.  There are
20-30 hours of gameplay here, so it will be worth the download, I hope.

If you played my first conversion, Escape: Yavin IV, then hold on to your
hats.  This is an extension of the first conversion, but includes 25
additional levels, a new story, vehicle levels, space levels, additional
duels and puzzles, and customized interface (including a 'Chapters' menu
that enables you to play any game level), on-the-fly saber upgrades, and
three endings (that's right 'THREE' endings).  Your choices during the game
decide your fate.

Given the length of the game, I have eased up on the difficultly of the
game a bit (just a bit).

Nuff said.


1. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
2. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
3. Remove *ALL* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder

Failure to do so will likely result in the game failing to even start.  So
please don't ask me why the game won't start if you haven't done this.

To install this map, extract the contents of the ZIP file into the
'GameData' folder of your Jedi Academy install directory. Double-click the
batch file in the GameData folder and you're on your way.

I've been running with the 1.1 patch.  If you don't have it, play at
your own risk.


Basically, the Sith have dominated the galaxy.  The good guys (called the
Alliance) are threatened.  The game will feed you some hints that explain
the reason for the Sith control.  Of course, you have to come to the
rescue to save the universe from total Sith control (oh, unless you choose
to become a Sith).  The rest of the story pretty much tells itself.

Please note that if you choose to jump around the levels using the chapters
menu, you will not get the entire story.  Just keep that in mind.  It is
recommended you play through in normal game mode before jumping around.


In all, there are 38 levels (12 cinematic levels and 26 playable levels).
Unlike the traditional game (JKIII), your saber upgrades occur as you
defeat your opponents.  Each level also offers your a chance to 'trade'
your saber for one encountered up to that point in the game.

Like the cool saber disc your opponent has?  Defeat him, and take it!
It's that simple.


There are two really big issues:

1. level2_saber_shipment always hangs for me when it is *not* loaded as the
   first level in the game.

   ** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
      from this point in the game.

2. After some time of playing, the game seems to 'hang' after about 90
   seconds from a save point.  It does not happen in the same level or
   in the same place in the level.  The problem only occurs after playing
   and saving for SEVERAL HOURS continuously (essentially the same game).
   Restarting and loading the saved game does not correct the problem.

   ** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
      from where you left off.

3. My hard drive crashed and I lost *everything* associated with this game
   just a couple weeks ago.  Fortunately, I had already posted a V4 Beta, so
   really what you are playing is Beta V4+ here.  Everything pretty much
   works fine, but I lost all of the .map and script files.  So...  If you
   use the Chapters menu to start the ending levels of the game (Chapters 8
   - 11), you'll need to use the cheats to setup your force powers.

   ** Bring up the console then type:
        > helpusobi 1
        > setforceall 3

There's other little detailed things, most of which you probably won't
even notice, so it's not worth mentioning...


Without these contributors, this game would not be.

Beta Testers:

Tester #1 ............................ Theos Burgess
Tester #2 ............................ Captain Shuttle
Tester #3 ............................ Mr11
Tester #4 ............................ Chris Jackson


Aayla Secura ......................... Mars Marshall & Dark_Cuillere
Abbaddon ............................. El Cuko
Asajj Ventress ....................... Monsoontide and Psyk0Sith
BPPloKoon ............................ [BP]Plokoon
Bain Elite v2 ........................ -=SOTG=-Bain_Elite
Boba Fett ............................ Brian Jones (Bones)
Darth Maul 1 ......................... mrdefender
Darth Maul 2 ......................... broken_hope & Aaron Smith & Chesire
Darth Omega .......................... KAZZZ
Darth Savet .......................... Brejo Savet
Death ................................ +]Nekroscop[+
Egor ................................. Unknown
FemOffee ............................. Mars Marshall
General Grievous ..................... Mars Marshall
Howler ............................... Light Ninja
Knight ............................... Unknown
Lamasu ............................... Crying Gods Germany
Lizard Reptile ....................... Tps_sithrouge
Mace Windu ........................... Aaron Smith
Maddog JKA ........................... Maddog
Magna Guard .......................... Mars Marshall
Mandalorian Sniper ................... Innocent Hawk
Neo Reborn ........................... Drakkan
Ninja ................................ Tim & Jimesu_Evil & Shady-D &
                                       Satanmaster & Playingkarrde
Noghri ............................... RO Agent Smith
Olts Keldor .......................... OLTS /// Lord Vili ****
Pit Droid ............................ Matt-Liell & Scouttrooper
RAB-24 ............................... Chairwalker
Raptor ............................... Thrawn42689 & Graves & LightNinja
Razchrome ............................ Unknown
Rodian ............................... Darth Algar
Sabergirl ............................ v2 by Sabergirl
Samus ................................ Kurtis 'KMan' Smith
Shinobira ............................ Crying Gods Germany
Sithress ............................. DarthVengeant
Soulseeker ........................... Unknown
Spawn ................................ Stingray
Swoop Racer .......................... Nick Aikenhead (Kahn)
Witchblade ........................... {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Xian ................................. Unknown
Yarael Poof .......................... Mars Marshall & PsykOSith & Nomad
Yoda ................................. Darth Dizzy & Team Yoda
Younglings ........................... Mars Marshall
Zabrak Male .......................... Darth Algar

Sound Effects:

Enhanced Saber Sounds ................ Aryyn
Grievous Sounds ...................... Kurt Libengood

Voice Acting:

Darth Maul ........................... Mr11
Jedi ................................. Darrow Linder
Jedi Master Nadoo .................... Mr11
Jedi Master Savet .................... Darrow Linder
Jedi Master Secura ................... The Light Side
Jedi Master Windu .................... Mr11
Mirala ............................... The Light Side
Queen Mothma ......................... The Light Side
Rosh Penin ........................... Darrow Linder
Sith Lord ............................ Darrow Linder
Sithress ............................. The Light Side

Saber Models:

Crystal Hilt ......................... {THC}ShovelHead
CyberNinja ........................... Revan Dark
Darth Maul ........................... Unknown
Desann Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
Dual Lightstaff Sabers ............... Red Sith
Eclipse Saber ........................ +POO+Sigma
Imales ............................... IMALES (Damir Berkovic)
Light Disc ........................... Wolrajh/Xantcha
Majestic Sai Staff ................... Tiri
Punisher ............................. Darth Khan & Lord G-Spot
Reborn Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
Skywalker Saber ...................... CHoSeN ONe
Star Wars Classic Sabers ............. Revan Dark
TS Custom Sabers ..................... Trauma Sensei
X-Saber .............................. Jon Hill 


Custom Textures 1 .................... BerneyBoy
Custom Textures 2 .................... Shaithis
Water and Ripples .................... Sith J Cull (Arevas)
Sith Command Ship .................... Sith J Cull (Ep3 Mappack)


Rocket Effects ....................... Rhinen
Concussion Effects ................... Spector
Disruptor Effects .................... Spector


Duality .............................. Manquesa, RaSiN_HeCk
Sith Speeder ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
Speeder Bike ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
STAP ................................. Duncan_10158


Menu Tutorial ........................ Red Sith
Startup Screen Images ................ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair
HUD .................................. Chewy≤/Uber Noober≤


duel_valley (modified and extended) .. Raven
(all other maps were done by me)

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

Edited by Circa
added original trailer

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I started getting errors from this maps. something about too large of NPC extensions. Couldn't launch other maps as well so had to delete it.



Any chance you can add the cheat codes to equip the enemy saber models for the player?



Any chance we can get the SP commands to get the lightdisc and eclipse sabers to play in SP?




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