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This is my first fully-developed (riiiight...) map. It was created for roleplaying or cinematic purposes, so it's basically focused on terrain design. I was trying to capture that specific "Yavin 4" mood, with lots of rain, moisture and greenery.

It has a very dense flora, which surrounds muddy paths sculpted by water. Terrain was generated using Easygen, after that I've manually added mountain pass and flat terrain on the other side of the river - which might look like natural transitions to other maps of your choice.


As I said, map was designed for roleplaying, so there isn't much to do, unless... FFA! Because of that, I recently added several spawnpoints, so now you may use it as a harsh environment for jungle combat. Trees and bushes will provide extra cover, and potentially may help you ambush poor souls beneath you. ;) Unfortunately, map has several flaws - it could be more optimized, but I simply cannot pour more time into it, so I am releasing it as it is. Sorry!


Huge thanks to @Thrust for all that stupid questions he had to answer... and he did it flawlessly. Without his support, this map couldn't be completed. Also, shoutout to all my friends from yavin4.pl, for their unaware beta-testing and opportunity to release this map as a part of our mappack.





Put pk3 file to your gamedata/base directory. Choose map from in-game menu (FFA mode) or open your console and type /devmap y4_riverside




Feel free to download and play. If you want something different, such as reuploading to different sites than jkhub, contact me there (@kwenga).

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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Looks very nice to me, gonna try it out. Don't have a map with such an ambient yet



Love this map. Even if there is no "special" place, this is truly natural, we feel the forest ambience, and several ideas are very well found. RP/videos maps are the best, anyway :)


EDIT: There is a rock which hurts when you touch it. Is it normal? It's not far from the river (that's all I could say, sorry)



I like this a lot. You should assist me in my Star Wars Saga Mod!


EDIT: Only downside is, I averaged around 30fps around the whole map. Other than that, it was great. :)



Thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate it! :)


EDIT: There is a rock which hurts when you touch it. Is it normal? It's not far from the river (that's all I could say, sorry)

Ants. Yep, ants. Don't step into ant-hill. There might be more of them across whole map.



EDIT: Only downside is, I averaged around 30fps around the whole map. Other than that, it was great. :)


That's major flaw for me too. Tried to fix that by cutting culldistance as much as I could, but it's mostly because of rocks and all those trees, plus grass. I think I could gain few more fps, but it would require much time, which unfortunately I don't have. Might upload source file one day, maybe someone would be brave enough to go through all of that. :P

Next map will be much, much smaller. Soontm.



Its definitely because of the fog and grass and such. I think it might be a bit easier than you think to optimize it a bit. I recommend posting a thread about it and getting some assistance from people that know more. 



@kwenga no existing words to describe it !! It's BOOOM :winkthumb:



Any one else ran into a problem with some of the rocks hurting and killing npcs and players there like very few of them but they are there.



Any one else ran into a problem with some of the rocks hurting and killing npcs and players there like very few of them but they are there.


He already addressed that above.

zOrg likes this


You should make a Dagobah map since there hasn't been one made yet! Awesome map btw. 5 stars.

ZanderNao and yeyo JK like this


Super mapa, przyda się do mojej machinimy :) Jednakże fps... auć! Jeszcze jak będę to nagrywał to chyba będę musiał zejść do 640x480 by zachować jakąś płynność obrazu.



Author, map is amazing. That's exactly what I've been looking for, thank you very much for creating this. Jungles feels like endless, trees and grass - all in the right places. Map feels very natural, as it shuld be. Just perfect for me.


I gonna use your map in nearest RP session.


I'd very grateful if you gonna make Dxun/Dagobah map in that style. JKA really needs maps of that planets,



i like the look.


It reminds me of a map boddo made in past that was yavin like w rain. wish i could rem name

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