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About This File






Here is FN-2187 also known as Finn or the real TR_8R. I decided to make this re-skin of the Episode 7 Stormtrooper made by DT85 and add it to the JKHub collection of TFA models. There are actually two versions, one is the "normal" based on the movie and the other one is my bonus with more blood and dirt on him.



INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder.






TWO Outfits




* NPC SPAWN TR_8R (bloody and dirt)


* NPC SPAWN TR_8R_NORMAL (movie version, more cleaner)







DT85 for using his Stormtrooper Ep.7 model, Disney and LucasFilm for the inspiration.





Permission: Personally I give my permission to anyone who wants to use/modify/kitbash this re-skin, as long as you ask DT85 for his permission as well. And add a little credit for me too.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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I think someone is getting mixed up here. First, TR-8R is not FN-2187, they are different people, not the same person. Second, FN-2187 had only 3 blood lines on his helmet, not 4. And third, if you was going to post this it would have been good to include a version of Finn in the Stormtrooper suit (Frankenstein Finn's head onto the Stormtrooper to replace the helmet).


No offense here but it just looks like a re-skin of DT85's Stormtrooper, so it should be in the Skins category of downloads, not Player Models.



Thanks for the note @Kylo Ren :)  I have used "TR_8R" for Finn (FN-2187) because he was the Stormtrooper, who have dropped out from the First Order and betrayed the other stormtroopers by joining the Resistance. That makes him the tr_8r and his code name by fn-2187 is no more in the lines of the First Order.
About the blood line on his helmet, I used as a good reference the model showed in Facepunch forums, FleetAdmiral1's topic that was rigged since I do not like piracy and I am waiting for April, so that I can buy the Force Awakens DVD/BlueRay with the extended movie. Yes this is a re-skin of DT's episode 7 Stormtrooper perhaps it should be on the Skins section, but I thought of putting in Player Models, since he is one of the main characters in the new saga. Also there was no version of bloody and dirty Finn on the movie, but I decided to add it as well.

And no offense taken, just try using the search option a little bit more next time, you will perhaps notice there is already what you want (frankenstein of Finn's head onto the Stormtrooper) made by other users "Salvoo" check it here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2643-fn-2187/



Thanks for the note @Kylo Ren :)  I have used "TR_8R" for Finn (FN-2187) because he was the Stormtrooper, who have dropped out from the First Order and betrayed the other stormtroopers by joining the Resistance. That makes him the tr_8r and his code name by fn-2187 is no more in the lines of the First Order.

About the blood line on his helmet, I used as a good reference the model showed in Facepunch forums, FleetAdmiral1's topic that was rigged since I do not like piracy and I am waiting for April, so that I can buy the Force Awakens DVD/BlueRay with the extended movie. Yes this is a re-skin of DT's episode 7 Stormtrooper perhaps it should be on the Skins section, but I thought of putting in Player Models, since he is one of the main characters in the new saga. Also there was no version of bloody and dirty Finn on the movie, but I decided to add it as well.


And no offense taken, just try using the search option a little bit more next time, you will perhaps notice there is already what you want (frankenstein of Finn's head onto the Stormtrooper) made by other users "Salvoo" check it here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2643-fn-2187/


TR-8R is the Stormtrooper with the electric Baton. If you did some research you would know here:



TR-8R is also known as FN-2199. That's not Finn, but a totally different character, and that's on the official Star Wars website. Since it's only a Skin, it would have been better to incluse a version with Finn's head on the Stormtrooper so it could stay in the "Player Models" section of the downloads. (You could have made your own or asked Salvoo for permission etc). It would have made this download a bit more enticing.


But for a 2.0, those things could be done in the future to improve it. Good work though!

Darth Sion and KyleKatarn1995 like this


Well, i think the whole story behind FN-2199's nickname from the memes who has the electric Baton is really out of logic (personally for me), he only used to say "traitor a.k.a. tr_8r" to Finn, when he confronted him. I don't think that Mr. Electric Baton have betrayed the Order and that is why i decided it would be better to call Finn "tr_8r".



um, what is "the real TR_8R"? o.O



Dude, as far as i know TR_8R is the guy with the electric baton and FN-2199 is finn, they are not the same guy.

So this is a FN-2187 model

Darth Sion


Dude, as far as i know TR_8R is the guy with the electric baton and FN-2199 is finn, they are not the same guy.

So this is a FN-2187 model

No, this model (The actual model shown in the image) is of Finn, when he was part of 'The First Order' and known as FN-2187, at the start of the movie during the invasion of Jakku. This is NOT the TR-8R model. Finn was referred to as a "Traitor" (TR-8R) by another Stormtrooper of 'The First Order', known as FN-2199.



The name should have been TR-EIGHT-OR Finn, if we have Finn here and not the popular TR-8R with the baton. I guess, some would make JB-007 trooper as well soon (the one manipulated by Rey with a Force Persuade ability). :)

dark_apprentice likes this


Regardless of the whole name thing everyone's complaining about, a beautiful skin! Love to throw this on for some good ol melee only on the Tram mission in SP :)



I think someone is getting mixed up here. First, TR-8R is not FN-2187, they are different people, not the same person. Second, FN-2187 had only 3 blood lines on his helmet, not 4. And third, if you was going to post this it would have been good to include a version of Finn in the Stormtrooper suit (Frankenstein Finn's head onto the Stormtrooper to replace the helmet).


No offense here but it just looks like a re-skin of DT85's Stormtrooper, so it should be in the Skins category of downloads, not Player Models.

yo someone convert this kylo ren shuttle from garrys mod to jedi academy. Pleaseeeee



I've got a problem when downloading : Error 522 Connection timed out



I agree with the complaints, I thought this was the baton guy but instead its Finn for some reason lol

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