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8 Screenshots

About This File

I through this model together as my first Frankenstein, which originally was quite unimpressive, at least with what it was. After a little bit I decided to polish it a bit, changing the hood, touching up on textures, resculpting certain things on the model and well got this together. It is saupose to be Savage before he was killed by palpi, though the robot hand is not there (It might come in a future update)


(Sorry for the crappy pictures, check it out in Modview or blender if your lazy)

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What's New in Version 1.5


  • In 1.5, I fixed up the horns which were slightly floating on savages head, and aligned the bottom of his cloak to match up with the top part. This may be the last update as I am starting to get sick of working on Savage (I just wanna move on to something else)

User Feedback

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I like that you removed the shoulderpads to have it accommodate his figure, it looks just right like in the comics. Really nice touch on the horns too, nice to see that feature finally added. :D


I look forward to an additional prosthetic arm too. It'll go nicely.

Jolly likes this



Kualan likes this
Darth Reborn


Sith Lord? Thats a laugh. He is too week to be a sith. Always slave to his masters, begging for mercy....disgusting character indeed. I would have slain him as pathetic beast. I have no idea why kids love him so much. But work is good, despite the name.



Sith Lord? Thats a laugh. He is too week to be a sith. Always slave to his masters, begging for mercy....disgusting character indeed. I would have slain him as pathetic beast. I have no idea why kids love him so much. But work is good, despite the name.


He was an adherent of the Rule of Two, hence the title Sith Lord.

Weak? He REKT the Dooku/Ventress-Obi-Wan/Anakin (twice) pairs with raw power, humiliated Obi-Wan, dominated Plo Koon, killed Adi Gallia, did better against Sidious than three Councilors.

Maul begged for mercy where Savage didn't and expected none, taking his death like a Sith.


He's a Sith Warrior, he's a Sith Lord. BAM! And you aren't really allowed to judge a file by its title.

GG no re

Effacer, z3filus and LucyTheAlien like this


lol Intone - don't take it so personally...


 I like this one better than dariannt's version.  Also the /npc_kill all command made a great screencapture :)

Angel Soul and Jolly like this


@darthreborn I do agree, savage is not my favorite character. Though this name just seemed like the only good one I could think of.



@zefilus Thanks for the feedback. The npc kill all command is very useful indeed :P

The Unguided


Robe looks cool, N1 on moving away the shoulderpads beneath the robe. Let me ask, what is the main difference between this and dariannt's version ?



Robe looks cool, N1 on moving away the shoulderpads beneath the robe. Let me ask, what is the main difference between this and dariannt's version ?


The horns were edited to being broken per canonical accuracy and the cloak looks more fitting.



@The Unguided This model ORIGINALLY was made before Dariannts (Though he will probably claim otherwise). I don't like comparing peoples work but this one in general contains more polish then Dariannts, but you are asking for MY opinion. Dariennts Savage had little to no polish, it looked somewhat goofy considering Dariannt left savages shoulder pads on, he also stretched out the robe so that the bottom part of the robe was wider then Savage in width. I sculpted part of the horns so that two of them are broken off (Which is realistic to the material). Dariannt did not even bother changing up the textures on his model, leaving it exactly the same as DT's original textures which I found to do little to no justice to the model. I added shadows to savages head when he has his hood up as well. And what you may have overlooked is this model has a different hood then Dariannts that resembles Darth Mauls hood (which is only fitting :P). When the Frankenstein and skin was complete, I sculpted some things into the cloak making it look less lazy and a bit more realistic. 


Remember this model was made before Dariennts even shared the idea. When I heard Dariennt was making a Cloaked Savage I was quite upset to say the least so this model barely came out. 



@The Unguided This model ORIGINALLY was made before Dariannts (Though he will probably claim otherwise). I don't like comparing peoples work but this one in general contains more polish then Dariannts, but you are asking for MY opinion. Dariennts Savage had little to no polish, it looked somewhat goofy considering Dariannt left savages shoulder pads on, he also stretched out the robe so that the bottom part of the robe was wider then Savage in width. I sculpted part of the horns so that two of them are broken off (Which is realistic to the material). Dariannt did not even bother changing up the textures on his model, leaving it exactly the same as DT's original textures which I found to do little to no justice to the model. I added shadows to savages head when he has his hood up as well. And what you may have overlooked is this model has a different hood then Dariannts that resembles Darth Mauls hood (which is only fitting :P). When the Frankenstein and skin was complete, I sculpted some things into the cloak making it look less lazy and a bit more realistic. 


Remember this model was made before Dariennts even shared the idea. When I heard Dariennt was making a Cloaked Savage I was quite upset to say the least so this model barely came out. 


Actually Intone asked me to make one so I did. I said why not just make 1 version when I can make 2 more with it. SO yea.  I am just doing what Intone asked after all he tought me how to skin so why not repay him by making savage. Also the SBD arm was the closest I could find for a robot arm for him I also Updated it Jolly should check it out.



but you both used DT's model in the first place, and he could've done the robe himself for a later version, so... why the fuzz?



but you both used DT's model in the first place, and he could've done the robe himself for a later version, so... why the fuzz?


He said feel free to do so so therefor we did

The Unguided


I get it. Cool additions anyway, are you planning to do further efforts ? A realistic - but TCW canon-wise at a time - Asajj Ventress would be nice.



@theunguided Sorry for the late reply, I have no interests in the TCW in fact this was originally created for a friend who had the idea, I may add a robot arm later but right now I am still playing around with blender and am very busy with life outside of making silly models on my computer.  

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