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The path of the Apprentice

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With statements like this it's amazing anyone would ever do a model from scratch anymore, Scerendo´s Rey is a perfect model imo. I mean he spent a ton of time perfecting the model, and now you want to slap a head on it from BF, which requires about 15 minutes of work.

Would anyone mind posting a few links to some tutorial videos? I would think that might help people who would like to have ports, make the ports themselves. 


I personally wouldn't mind learning how to port a thing or two, I would need to learn weighting as well, but if it really would only take about 15 minutes of work to complete once I learned the ins and outs of porting a model, then I (along with a few others I would imagine) would be more than happy to learn.


With statements like this it's amazing anyone would ever do a model from scratch anymore, Scerendo´s Rey is a perfect model imo. I mean he spent a ton of time perfecting the model, and now you want to slap a head on it from BF, which requires about 15 minutes of work.

What is wrong with my statement Jeff? I am not disrespectfull to Scerendo. I cannot have my opinion there? I have just asked him why he doenst want to port it thats it. I know that you or Dark are heavily bombarded by requests but I dont deserve this. I havent really requested anything...


What is wrong with my statement Jeff? I am not disrespectfull to Scerendo. I cannot have my opinion there? I have just asked him why he doenst want to port it thats it. I know that you or Dark are heavily bombarded by requests but I dont deserve this. I havent really requested anything...


I really don't want to derail this thread, and for that I apologize. Oh I don't care what you request or not that's fine and there's nothing wrong with that. I guess I just took it as disrespect to Scerendo's model, sometimes it's hard to tell what someone means through text, which may be the case here. You seem like a good guy and I like a lot of what your doing, so yeah maybe I misread the situation. 


Guys, my point is you can check the Tutorial section on Jkhub, or any other you may find on YouTube. Instead of firing or asking to post, just search it. And yes I can agree with the fact, that after you learn the basics of Blender you can spend 15 minutes to change a head of your own taste. The thing is that when you state it like that people that spend bigger amount of time and skills, will be offended, there is a way to request such things delicately maybe? Personally for me Tompa, you are good person as far as I can tell only knowing you over here and not in personal. Once again, I'm not trying to be rude with you, but those things you can learn on your own. I don't want to bring how much I'm busy with other stuff but sometimes like the past two weeks I'm on holiday and this is how I relax from work. Yes I have posted a port of EA's Han and so did others with Luke, but that is because we don't have modern updated versions of what Toshi made with his version and the model of Han that was hanging since File Front in here. I did it because I personally find those better but I spend time to learn this myself. If any one else have released Luke and Han as new versions from scratch, that are better looking than the previous models I wouldn't have bothered to do so or maybe keep it only for personal use and that's all.


Guys, my point is you can check the Tutorial section on Jkhub, or any other you may find on YouTube. Instead of firing or asking to post, just search it. And yes I can agree with the fact, that after you learn the basics of Blender you can spend 15 minutes to change a head of your own taste. The thing is that when you state it like that people that spend bigger amount of time and skills, will be offended, there is a way to request such things delicately maybe? Personally for me Tompa, you are good person as far as I can tell only knowing you over here and not in personal. Once again, I'm not trying to be rude with you, but those things you can learn on your own. I don't want to bring how much I'm busy with other stuff but sometimes like the past two weeks I'm on holiday and this is how I relax from work. Yes I have posted a port of EA's Han and so did others with Luke, but that is because we don't have modern updated versions of what Toshi made with his version and the model of Han that was hanging since File Front in here. I did it because I personally find those better but I spend time to learn this myself. If any one else have released Luke and Han as new versions from scratch, that are better looking than the previous models I wouldn't have bothered to do so or maybe keep it only for personal use and that's all.

Yes friend, everything is fine  :). It was missunderstanding. I´m not "request hunter" or I don´t want to discrespect Scerendo.  


I'm going to do something I told myself wouldn't do, but felt the need to get it out of my chest. First I want to make clear is not towards anyone, is just my opinion. I am not good expressing myself and I hope it doesn't looks like I am attacking anyone in particular.


Yes,I agree with Dark_Apprentice and Jeff in practically everything they said. I also think asking to put another mode's head over  Scerendo's Masterpiece is not only disrespectful but also a disgrace. 


Having said that, Tompa also made a good point. A point that has been driving me farther and farther away from this community. What the point is?



I cannot have my opinion there?


Lately it has been practically a "no-no" in this site to have personal opinions or choices. 


- We have a "Request" section but a lot of times, when someone requests something, that person is practically attacked or the answer is "do it yourself" or "learn how to do it" or "Google it". And yes, I am also guilty sometimes of thinking they seem annoying or ridiculous requests, but that's what the section is for. If they want to request it, let them. If you don't like it, just ignore it, is their right too. And if someone wants to spend time fulfilling that request (as ridiculous as we might think it is), let them, is their time. You are not paying them anything, so it shouldn't be your problem. Otherwise, just remove the Request section.


- When I joined the community, it was a great place. Everybody was welcome to bring new contents to the game that brought joy yo the players. Be it a model completely made from scratch , a port, a Frankenstein/kitbash or just a plain "re-skin". Of Course we ALL prefer a great model from scratch but people have different sets of skills, have lives, have jobs (sometimes more than one), have family (sometimes with personal or health issues), but still want to contribute in what little way they can. Instead of acting like "Mama Boucher" ("port is the devil"), just think of it as "an appetizer before the main dish". Something that will keep the users entertained while a better model is made tailored for the game.


Instead of embracing Diversity, and keeping alive a game we all love for so long, we are becoming in "is my way or the highway". And you know who turns into that? Dictators.



For those making constant requests. 

- Please understand the limits of the game

- Please understand people have lives and a request (as simple as it seems) takes time and effort to fulfill. Most of the time your request cannot be done in an hour or two. Sometimes might take days or weeks.

- If you posted in the request section and is been months and nobody have stepped out, it means nobody is interested.

- Please post your requests in the appropriate section. Do NOT bombard people with requests, they re not your personal slaves.


For those that want to learn:

- Install Blender (or your favorite modding tool)

- Open an existing model and study it. You can learn a lot from "reverse engineering".


I'm going to do something I told myself wouldn't do, but felt the need to get it out of my chest. First I want to make clear is not towards anyone, is just my opinion. I am not good expressing myself and I hope it doesn't looks like I am attacking anyone in particular.


Yes,I agree with Dark_Apprentice and Jeff in practically everything they said. I also think asking to put another mode's head over  Scerendo's Masterpiece is not only disrespectful but also a disgrace. 


Having said that, Tompa also made a good point. A point that has been driving me farther and farther away from this community. What the point is?



Lately it has been practically a "no-no" in this site to have personal opinions or choices. 


- We have a "Request" section but a lot of times, when someone requests something, that person is practically attacked or the answer is "do it yourself" or "learn how to do it" or "Google it". And yes, I am also guilty sometimes of thinking they seem annoying or ridiculous requests, but that's what the section is for. If they want to request it, let them. If you don't like it, just ignore it, is their right too. And if someone wants to spend time fulfilling that request (as ridiculous as we might think it is), let them, is their time. You are not paying them anything, so it shouldn't be your problem. Otherwise, just remove the Request section.


- When I joined the community, it was a great place. Everybody was welcome to bring new contents to the game that brought joy yo the players. Be it a model completely made from scratch , a port, a Frankenstein/kitbash or just a plain "re-skin". Of Course we ALL prefer a great model from scratch but people have different sets of skills, have lives, have jobs (sometimes more than one), have family (sometimes with personal or health issues), but still want to contribute in what little way they can. Instead of acting like "Mama Boucher" ("port is the devil"), just think of it as "an appetizer before the main dish". Something that will keep the users entertained while a better model is made tailored for the game.


Instead of embracing Diversity, and keeping alive a game we all love for so long, we are becoming in "is my way or the highway". And you know who turns into that? Dictators.



For those making constant requests. 

- Please understand the limits of the game

- Please understand people have lives and a request (as simple as it seems) takes time and effort to fulfill. Most of the time your request cannot be done in an hour or two. Sometimes might take days or weeks.

- If you posted in the request section and is been months and nobody have stepped out, it means nobody is interested.

- Please post your requests in the appropriate section. Do NOT bombard people with requests, they re not your personal slaves.


For those that want to learn:

- Install Blender (or your favorite modding tool)

- Open an existing model and study it. You can learn a lot from "reverse engineering".

Truer words have never been spoken.


And I will add my own statement. Those who do either full models (@@Scerendo), frankensteins (@@Seven's female reborn) or even ports can help the community go a long way in the end. Take machinima makers like myself for example. Any sort of model can help us depending on the story we want to tell, and making one yourself (from a simple skin to a frankenstein to a full model) can go a long way with your own creativity. @@Jeff has helped me a lot in that regard with the stuff he has made, and @dark_apprentice as well with his own work that we all downloaded from this forum, and in turn their work has helped my own as well as others, from simple use in the game to full on machinima making.


In closing, I'm glad this misunderstanding was quickly resolved. :)


Personally.. Going back to what you said, @@The Punisher.. I think the JKHub staff have made a bad decision in disallowing "ported content". I can sort of understand their stance on it, because it doesn't showcase anything 'original'. However.. We as a community, are here to help each other out. That was what makes (or made) this community so engaging and a joy to be a part of. The fact that everyone was willing to assist others with respective content (requested or otherwise). I don't know about anybody else, but I feel this community is slowly dying now, which is a real shame. I've been a part of the community since the JK2Files and JK3Files' days and it's always been a very welcoming place.


But I think the allowance of ported content should return, as this adds another alternative to people who want models and content done, but modelers. etc. may not have the time (understandably), to invest in new model creation. There should at least be an in-depth tutorial on the site (if there isn't already) to show how to port various content, correctly. So, pretty much anyone can learn it for themselves and achieve their own targets or complete their own requests. Ok, you wouldn't want the 'Downloads' section over-run with ports, maybe limit the amount, by way of character/model skins or something, but to disallow ported content entirely, is just a bad move/choice, in my humble opinion.


Personally.. Going back to what you said, @@The Punisher.. I think the JKHub staff have made a bad decision in disallowing "ported content". I can sort of understand their stance on it, because it doesn't showcase anything 'original'. However.. We as a community, are here to help each other out. That was what makes (or made) this community so engaging and a joy to be a part of. The fact that everyone was willing to assist others with respective content (requested or otherwise). I don't know about anybody else, but I feel this community is slowly dying now, which is a real shame. I've been a part of the community since the JK2Files and JK3Files' days and it's always been a very welcoming place.


But I think the allowance of ported content should return, as this adds another alternative to people who want models and content done, but modelers. etc. may not have the time (understandably), to invest in new model creation. There should at least be an in-depth tutorial on the site (if there isn't already) to show how to port correctly. So, pretty much anyone can learn it for themselves and achieve their own targets or complete their own requests. Ok, you wouldn't want the 'Downloads' section over-run with ports, maybe limit the amount, by way of character/model skins or something, but to disallow ported content entirely, is just a bad move/choice, in my humble opinion.

I would stick with ports if there isn't already a model made for a certain character, or if that model is very outdated or not, like, good. So porting Rey's BF head over to replace Scerendo's, whose apart of the community and who made a damn good head may not be the best idea. But maybe for someone like Han, who we haven't seen a model from scratch since JK2, maybe a port would be an option in that case.


Personally.. Going back to what you said, @@The Punisher.. I think the JKHub staff have made a bad decision in disallowing "ported content". I can sort of understand their stance on it, because it doesn't showcase anything 'original'. However.. We as a community, are here to help each other out. That was what makes (or made) this community so engaging and a joy to be a part of. The fact that everyone was willing to assist others with respective content (requested or otherwise). I don't know about anybody else, but I feel this community is slowly dying now, which is a real shame. I've been a part of the community since the JK2Files and JK3Files' days and it's always been a very welcoming place.


But I think the allowance of ported content should return, as this adds another alternative to people who want models and content done, but modelers. etc. may not have the time (understandably), to invest in new model creation. There should at least be an in-depth tutorial on the site (if there isn't already) to show how to port correctly. So, pretty much anyone can learn it for themselves and achieve their own targets or complete their own requests. Ok, you wouldn't want the 'Downloads' section over-run with ports, maybe limit the amount, by way of character/model skins or something, but to disallow ported content entirely, is just a bad move/choice, in my humble opinion.



Personally, I understand the ported content should not be allowed in the Files section if it causes legal issues. That is not my point. My point is the (sometimes elitist) attitude against port/kit bashes/Frankenstein/Not "made from scratch".


And yes, you are not the only one that thinks this community is slowly dying. 


Personally, I understand the ported content should not be allowed in the Files section if it causes legal issues. That is not my point. My point is the (sometimes elitist) attitude against port/kit bashes/Frankenstein.


And yes, you are not the only one that thinks this community is slowly dying. 

I agree on that cause even modelers like scerendo started off small such as making their own kitbashes and frankensteins.


My hope is that MD2R and KOTF 2.1 cause a renaissance and respark interest in the game for new comers. 


Lately it has been practically a "no-no" in this site to have personal opinions or choices. 


- We have a "Request" section but a lot of times, when someone requests something, that person is practically attacked or the answer is "do it yourself" or "learn how to do it" or "Google it". And yes, I am also guilty sometimes of thinking they seem annoying or ridiculous requests, but that's what the section is for. If they want to request it, let them. If you don't like it, just ignore it, is their right too. And if someone wants to spend time fulfilling that request (as ridiculous as we might think it is), let them, is their time. You are not paying them anything, so it shouldn't be your problem. Otherwise, just remove the Request section.



Completely agree, I don't get the harm in a request. Hell sometimes you look at one and think that's awesome why didn't I think of that. Some requests are a bit crazy, but if you're not interested just say no. I've never had a problem with anyone if I decline. 


I agree on that cause even modelers like scerendo started off small such as making their own kitbashes and frankensteins.


My hope is that MD2R and KOTF 2.1 cause a renaissance and respark interest in the game for new comers.

Movie Battles 2 has gotten some recognition on Youtube recently, in response to the criticism of EA's Battlefront 2, and it got a ton of views.






And whenever I join into any MB2 server there's always new players and we always gotta explain how to play and equip your saber. Lol. So I think that Last Jedi and the response to Battlefront 2 has already sparked an interest in the game. But yes, more recognition would be nice. I think we should advertise more outside of JkHub, like on youtube, reddit, and other sites. Most people probably have no clue about this game, so theyre probably not gonna come across this site by themselves, we gotta spread the word more. If they see a cool Star Wars game from 2003 on Steam, they're probably gonna think "This came out over ten years ago. No one probably plays this anymore."


I agree that this community is slowly dying, before I used to be excited to sign on in to JKHUB a lot to see what was new because people were making all kinds of things whether it was from scratch or ported. Now some of the people on here just seem to be going down hill with negative attitude causing people like me to not go on JKHUB as much as I used to because of what this community is turning into over requests and peoples work. I mean lets face it, Lucasarts is gone because of Disney. Most requests/ports are from the Lucasarts days, I mean it blows my mind when people make a big deal about porting something from a game that came out in the early 2000's. I believe everyone has the right to create whatever they want whether it's from scratch or ported or even a frankenstein. That goes for requests, I think people just need to stop bashing requested ports I mean someone requesting for example Revan from KOTOR was a huge request back then and I'm sure people today are against it because they will say it's not original or Revan is overrated or I don't feel like doing it. People like this should just leave the community, because this is what is going to bring JKHUB to its end is because of negative people. We need people full of hope and happy to be part of JKHUB willing to help out with stuff whether it's porting something, fixing something, sending a file you can't find anymore or anything really. The people speaking the truth on this topic about the reality of what's happening to JKHUB are the people we need, those who will stand up and continue doing what they do best for JKHUB.


I for one remain optimistic for the future cause if more and more are coming to join the hub and even becoming interested in the game cause of whatever circumstances brought them over (MB2, the backlash against BF2 EA, etc), then that helps in the long run cause this game's modding community really has something that no other modding community has, even the community on Nexus (which is good to be fair) can't compare.


I agree that this community is slowly dying, before I used to be excited to sign on in to JKHUB a lot to see what was new because people were making all kinds of things whether it was from scratch or ported. Now some of the people on here just seem to be going down hill with negative attitude causing people like me to not go on JKHUB as much as I used to because of what this community is turning into over requests and peoples work. I mean lets face it, Lucasarts is gone because of Disney. Most requests/ports are from the Lucasarts days, I mean it blows my mind when people make a big deal about porting something from a game that came out in the early 2000's. I believe everyone has the right to create whatever they want whether it's from scratch or ported or even a frankenstein. That goes for requests, I think people just need to stop bashing requested ports I mean someone requesting for example Revan from KOTOR was a huge request back then and I'm sure people today are against it because they will say it's not original or Revan is overrated or I don't feel like doing it. People like this should just leave the community, because this is what is going to bring JKHUB to its end is because of negative people. We need people full of hope and happy to be part of JKHUB willing to help out with stuff whether it's porting something, fixing something, sending a file you can't find anymore or anything really. The people speaking the truth on this topic about the reality of what's happening to JKHUB are the people we need, those who will stand up and continue doing what they do best for JKHUB.

I agree with that ports need to be allowed on the main files page, and not just the forums. You cant try to limit a "dying" community. A newcomer might go straight to the files page, and they might not care if its a port or if its from scratch. They just want something that looks really good, or something that has been ported by not fully modeled yet. But at the same time, like I said above, we gotta respect the people who make the models from scratch too, because those are people who ARE passionate about the game and are apart of the community. And by choosing a port over a REALLY good model made by one of us, we are killing the community ourselves. Like what I said above, ports should be reserved, and allowed on the files page, for models that we don't have yet, until someone makes a good one, or if we don't have an updated version of that model.


Update on the Falcon(s), hope it works this time better, shouldn't have any bugs/issues, but if there are I can't figure any further progress on them.


Npc spawn vehicle Falcon (Solo anthology)

Npc spawn vehicle Falcon_Solo (SW OT)

Npc spawn vehicle Falcon_TFA (TFA/TLJ style with the new radar/dish).



Also as I personally think Rival's version of Tarkin is better, I've managed finally to fix his deformed "opened" mouth.

Credits for the rest of his body, goes to The Punsiher. Rank/Pens to HapSlash assets.




Omega, Wasa, Daedra and 2 others like this

@ and All. I don't mind the open discussion going on here, because I see many of us were keeping it inside and we had to get it out to all of us and state our own personal points of view (as Old Ben Kenobi would say). It's time to finally understand that big problem, tell all our ups and downs and who have problems with what so we can figure out how to improve ourself and the community, it takes more than 5 people to have the best community of fans in one (if not the) best franchise saga ever made (no matter if you love all of the movies or just fan of OT / PT / ST or only here for the anthologies). It's time for us to stand together as one and respect what those Artists can do here for us, but in the mean time if there is no update on older model or just they don't have the time doing it for their own reasons, we still have to provide joy for others.

Personally I don't mind having both, maybe in separated sections or even separate download lists or mixed [?] but having the chance to see other people get inspired by you (even if it's only a port) and try to become better than you in many way or maybe make their own artwork/models, why not :)  .... Or at least to see how others like, love and enjoy what others couldn't do but just the idea of having it inside the community for this game in particular. Of course, we again have to ask for permissions of those who at least spend their own time/effort and skills to port something or frankenstein it instead of building it and claiming ownership, but just a little "thank you for making this EFX/Model/Animation/Weapon etc." would be more than enough or at least that's how I see it.


That face you make when someone just farted in a Class/Library/Church:




Don't.... laugh.... :D


But, amazing stuff! Thank you for the Falcon(s) especially!



Believe me it was the hardest to "force" him close his mouth, instead of having him "screaming like someone kicked his b***s" :D But I hear you we finally have a funny Tarkin over here (brace yourself for memes and leave slow-lo to take a rest).


Dark Apprentice you keep doing what you do best man, we always look forward to your work whether it's made from scratch or ported or frankensteined. :winkthumb: 

Back to the discussion though, I just wanted to say I feel like we lost a lot of good files that used to be on here that got hammered for being "ported content" which is just a shame. I remember when I first discovered JKHUB I saw on the files section all these awesome ported models which just goes to show how much fun you can have discovering the limits JKA has being able to put something in this game that came from another game and have it work. Unfortunately those files no longer exist, I hope we can all come together to bring JKHUB back into what it used to be when I first discovered it. :)  


Dark Apprentice you keep doing what you do best man, we always look forward to your work whether it's made from scratch or ported or frankensteined. :winkthumb: 


Back to the discussion though, I just wanted to say I feel like we lost a lot of good files that used to be on here that got hammered for being "ported content" which is just a shame. I remember when I first discovered JKHUB I saw on the files section all these awesome ported models which just goes to show how much fun you can have discovering the limits JKA has being able to put something in this game that came from another game and have it work. Unfortunately those files no longer exist, I hope we can all come together to bring JKHUB back into what it used to be when I first discovered it. :)  

I had chat with Caelum and after changing on JKHUB´s new version/engine there could be subsection with ported content in the future :). Files won´t be physically uploaded on the site but there could be description with pictures and external link to it.

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