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OK! http://wrzucaj.net/LeI http://wrzucaj.net/LeK The problem is i think is that i create a bulb but the smaller emiting shader bulb was inisde the bigger glass bulb http://wrzucaj.net/LeM So i took a chair model, _remap it to the emiting light shader and as You see it works... but not with glass bulb which i think block the light. So glass cant pass the light in the Md3 model right? (the bulb glass texture is just common/glassreflective and it works fine)
I mean make a bulb model in the Blender , export it to Jka and gave it a shader that will emit the light but not using a light enity in gtkradiant.
Yep ... but the other textures that should work they dont work neither... I am sure 100% sure because i have convert one Bsp campaign mission and checked all patches with gradient light that in game are non soild... But on my map... it doesnt work
Is it possible to make a bulb model and give it a shader that will emit the light?
textures/h_evil/lakewater { qer_editorimage textures/h_evil/wfn2 surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water cull twosided { map textures/h_evil/wf3 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod scroll 0.03 -0.13 } { map textures/h_evil/wfn2 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod stretch sin 1 0.02 0 0.1 tcMod turb 1 0.02 0 0.15 tcMod scroll -0.03 -0.1 } { map textures/h_evil/waterf1 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod turb 1 0.03 0 0.12 tcMod scroll 0 -0.17 } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } In fact this is the offical shader from h_evil shader
I mean i want to make a waterfall but it doesnt work... I cant go through the water and i cant shoot neither.
bevel glass wall doesnt reflect the blaster shots
Langerd replied to Langerd's topic in Modding Assistance
Well i made the bevel more flat like and it reflects the blaster. I think you cant manipulate with it too much because it will cause this bug that Asgarath83 said. Many thanks for help! -
bevel glass wall doesnt reflect the blaster shots
Langerd replied to Langerd's topic in Modding Assistance
Thanks for answers! Yep I will make it this way Damn... always something against me XD -
The problem is in the topic... Why ? It happens only with patches and bevels...
Starting as the other character than player.
Langerd replied to Langerd's topic in Modding Assistance
Many thanks for answers -
- Celebrity Skin or Model
- Team Support
- (and 2 more)
How to start the map as other character than player. For example as stormtrooper without force powers and only with blaster. And bonus... i play my map but the first thing i do is type the playermodel stormtrooper and playerteam player. When maps changes all weapons stay but i game change me to the player... How to make it?
Hmm i gave the doors spawnflag light and add color of it but it doesnt work. Any ideas why?
Why reborn_new (the more common enemy in the game) has more Hp than Rebornmaster???
Yep I checked. The stormtrooper officers are shooting normal when i am close. But normaly. Repeater is bugged :/ when i am close they start shooting normal but They DONT fire 6 shots - pause- 6 shots! They fire 1 shot -pause- 1 shot. And this is bugged.
So far the repeater is glitched... bowcaster doesnt work ,blaster pistol doesnt work... i thing it is hardcoded or bugged. Cncussion rifle works but it deals only 20 dmg when Rax hits me. Cultists are shooting alt_fire at me and evade attacks (It is cool :3).
Nope it works with stormtrooper fine :/ . It works with e-11 rifle without any problem. But repeater is bugged.
I found somewhere that you must use a script to make npc alt firing. -set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ALT_FIRE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); But i have question about how to make them using the blaster pistol shot but charged one? This is more advanced scripting i guess And also i find a glitch - when npc with repeater has a alt_fire on it works fine (when i am like 3-5 meteres from him) but if i will come closer... he starts shooting normal bullets but only one. How to make him shooting alt fire all the time? (sry for english i am polish)
A missions where one guy is a jedi and the second is a mercenary. Jedi must use the force too help a merc and merc must blow something up or hack the computer.
Ok it is working thanks guys
I used a hammer editor for team fortress 2 ( source engine btw) and i could parent a barrel model to the invisible doors so the barrel looked like it flew up. Is there any possible way to make a md3 doors and use them like the func_door?
YES IT WORKS! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10716259_1517776348469514_1667952134_n.jpg?oh=56afb727e7da9223c2333126ede10aba&oe=54238126&__gda__=1411628178_a1448b1d4d49eaa2b76cae6d542994b3 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10708408_1517776345136181_327332447_n.jpg?oh=68b8b855c0539266b5800b3003d65df2&oe=5424903E&__gda__=1411673326_1b6a503f9d3266446156f1a6ae006501 I changed origin in the effect file. I used many variants and i finnally got it right! Many thanks guys for help
Yep ... And it doesnt change anything. The *flash tag in for example e11 rifle is a tag in glm that creates a shot from the gun ( In third person mode not first person because first person is using md3 model not glm). So i dont know ... When i moved model it worked. But the model was flying in the air 10cm above the floor. The only one way is i can make it bigger or create effect on the model but this is too much work... (sry for english i am polish)
Nothing works I am moving the tags but it doesnt work
Hmm should i change a *flash tag? Or should i lower the *weapon tag?