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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. Fightning in SP would be more like the movies!!! More realistic and harder too but make it working for npc would be anpther piece of cake hem ?
  2. I am not upset on these requests I just said what i have on my mind. I am not I am
  3. Emm well It is not that nobody want to help is that We dont know what exactly to do to help You. What trick or program are You using ? It is coding , scripting?
  4. Well but to not sound like hipocrtic I also requested the non star wars character - Raiden . But i also requested and hoping for the a lot of the star wars characters too. I agree that lately there are too many of these requests but we should be mad at them as well. We love characters from other franchaise and we want to see them in one game - i understand that. Jka is my one of favourites games (for really i gave it on first place with jedi outcast of mine favourites games) and i kinda like some of models of this kind but of course ... there are some limits. And of course modification can change games completely with models and levels. So if somebody make a -for example Mario games in Jka it would be awesome XD.
  5. The limit is 32768 brushes i think but ofcourse there are other limits too. https://community.moviebattles2.com/Thread-Common-GTK-Radiant-Errors Here are the list of common errors in gtkradiant. If You will use the MD3 models dont select the solid spawnflag because it will create a big count of them.
  6. This looks rly nice!!! These are brushes ? You should pay attention on the brush limits!
  7. Wow start to look very nice O_O Good Job!
  8. When i will find some time i will try to make it
  9. Wow @@Jeff You are truly Frankenstein master! This looks very cool! But i have one hard to made idea - Give him arms of the Sith Stalker and change a skin colour of them. This would be awesome! (But still i think this model is great! 5 stars)
  10. In my opinion this .. Creature is one of the most frightened s*#t in star wars ever. It looks very strange and horryfing. But this scene in episode 6 is one of my fav. I dont know why but i always wanted to add it to this game I heard that! Lol XD Kinda possible (that is why he add this mouth in special edition)
  11. I like Anime and manga and Disney too! But there are a lot of star wars characters that would be cool to add to the game
  12. Changed Console and made flags :
  13. You mean that these are spawnflags?
  14. To make the maw move i used deformvertexes. Animated MD3 is not good :/ maybe with script because the misc_model_breakable doesnt catch the light. I dont know about using the glm or special scripted npc I must think about that. Making a pit without any animation would be boring... The stomach is the hardest part. Thinking that this is inside its body there shouldnt be any light source (maybe it will be arena even in the stomach!!! With small stomach juice stomachs or tentacle traps which will kill the player ofcourse ... this is the Multiplayer map [i hate mapping for multi ] ). The ideas are always nice but resaults in the game is other thing. It is strange that the animations in jka are well made only for glm.
  15. A train is a mover that moves between path_corner target points. Trains MUST HAVE AN ORIGIN BRUSH. The train spawns at the first target it is pointing at. "model2" .md3 model to also draw "modelAngles" md3 model's angles <pitch yaw roll> (in addition to any rotation on the part of the brush entity itself) "speed" default 100 "dmg" default 2 "health" default 0 "noise" looping sound to play when the train is in motion "targetname" will not start until used "target" next path corner "target3" what to use when it breaks "color" constantLight color "light" constantLight radius "linear" set to 1 and it will move linearly rather than with acceleration (default is 0) "startframe" default 0...ghoul2 animation start frame "endframe" default 0...ghoul2 animation end frame (Sry typing from the phone) Here is the quick tutorial in gtkradiant of func_train enity. I FORGOT ! You must add the origin brush. The technique that i mention worked for me a lot of times.
  16. You can import a glm in blender and quickly change it to the MD3. If You want create a train with the model : 1.Create the overlay brush of your model using with physic clip texture 2.Select all brushes and chnage them into the func_train 3.Create Misc_model and target it to Your Func_train 4.You have a model that follow the train and also the hitbox of it. Remember that Jka lightning is limited so when You are creating the train in the place that has (for example) green light it will stay with it - EVEN if it will go to the blue lighted place
  17. Rly? D8 Oh no! Maybe i will add a posters of it or something like the ones in the Rancor mission on Nar Kreeta
  18. I am drawning the fixed controlpanel for doors and some other things to this map. I am thinking about these corridors on the top. I will probably add some cantina stuff - tables with bottles and glasses. Many of them will have wall monitors with sarlacc on the screen. This is the arena but for map this big i think it is enough for FFA not DUEL. I am typing here for Your requests as well giving me ideas would be rly helpful for me.
  19. Here are new pics (Hard work with doors and rly happy with the cool floor light effect) Enjoy! : - There are many screens :/ sry And sarlacc with stomach (still i dont think this will go well...)
  20. I am thinking about frankenstein the weequay head , change it a little (mostly the skin and shape of the head) and give it diffrent body. I am giving the idea because i dont know how to franken
  21. LOTR is great idea for the non star wars mod - i remember the modification on moddb but it was WIP and it is dead. Making a mod where two big armies fight with each other would be very hard to do.
  22. Heheh well i love Toy Story But here?!??! In Jk3 ? We can think about making the remake version: Buzz - the mandalorian with diffrent armor and color with special jetpack Woody - the smuggler that look very similar to the one from Old Republic. The idea is rly weird... people should made more star wars characters not animu und mango or disney franchaise... it is too much mess in downloads and in other sites of non - star wars stuff . It is ndothing bad but it is toooooo much...
  23. Langerd

    dot matrix

    Man first... Look at this skin. It has some missing textures. Before uploading the files post them on the WIP section of the forum to show everybody the reasult of Your work. The members will help , teach and will show You the best path to create skins. If You are making skins from franchise You should consider to upload the pack of them not separeted files... This creates some messy download section .
  24. I made it with Misc_model_breakable and... the effect... sucks... The light and dark not catch to it and the animation is laggy :/ 180 frames i thought are enough. Origins of the model doesnt work at all ... the tentacles are flying in the air ... I could make the glm but as i said before in on topic i cant export it for some reason... Maybe i will make deform vertexes very low to make it work in SP and MP. I dont play MP and i checked milion times that some things works fine in SP but comepletly doesnt work in MP. I will throw towel on that i think...
  25. misc_model breakable doesnt work for me for some reason ...
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