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Everything posted by Maui

  1. Heya guys Maui again and this time with a more advanced question, Is it possible to import a Kotor 1/2 playermodel into jka and be able to play it and give it sounds and stuff, if so.. how am I about to do that? Any help?
  2. Thank you for this very detailed reply, Apprentice. Couldn't wish for a better explanation.
  3. Maui

    RCON Tool

    Oh I see, We got our server hosted by BFS but they don't provide us the Console so we cannot see what's happening ingame while not being ingame ourselves.. pretty lame
  4. Heya Maui again, I would like to ask anybody knows a RCON tool which has the functionality to track the ingame chat? I've downloaded the Rcon Tool 2.3 from jkhub but I cannot see the ingame chat. It's pretty useless to be able to Say something ingame but not being able to see what they type to you. Any clues?
  5. Oh my god... Now I tried to do something else with blender.. I tried to import model.glm from the imperial and then it says that there are no gla files... when I import the gla file and then the glm file it still says it.. What is wrong with that?
  6. Uhmm not sure, I guess not ;o I'll give it a try.
  7. Lol... Anyways, now when I import the .ase into gtk, it says that it can't find the texture.. while I assigned yavin/stone.jpg on it. Is there a way to retexture the .ase file inside gtkradiant?
  8. OH MY GOD mrwonko, you saved me! Thank you so much! Do you also got some blender tutorials or any tips for beginners?
  9. Now, I retried it and gave the object some textures inside blender. I exported it as md3 and when I try to open it with misc_model, it says the following. WARNING: could not extract the relative path, using full path instead Model load failed: "C:/Users/Kenny/Desktop/dragonbridge.md3" entityCreate -class misc_model What can I do?
  10. When I command it to export is as md3 it gives me an error and asks for a .ql file
  11. How am I able to place the .ase if I can't see it? I exported DragonBridge and made an ase of it. But I can't place what I can't see :S
  12. Heya Maui again, Does anyone has an idea how to export Skyrim objects into GTKRadiant? I've managed to do so but I can't get it compiled. I've read something about UV Mapped but I got no clue what it is. Also, when I open the obj file in Blender and export it as an ase, it shows me a square when I try to open it with misc_model with the No Shader texture. When I try to convert it to md3 it asks me for a ql file or something like that. Any idea's?
  13. I tried to import DragonBridge (From Skyrim) into blender and export it as .ase but when I use a misc_model to import him into gtkradiant it shows me a little square textured with a Shader Not Found texture. Any suggestions?
  14. Thanks, that's a start. But I mean like, my own Player Models, I would like the tutorial for that. The ones in the tutorial section are un-detailed and written in messy english. And not all the tutorials I need are in there. Could you help me out? ** Maui **
  15. Heya, Since yesterday I've started to learn to use Blender and I wish to go further with it. I would like to learn JKA Modelling to make my own models but I don't know where to begin. I've been looking through the tutorials but I can't see the one which is needed to begin with. Any help? ** Maui **
  16. Well, it can be any pillar actually, but I found a way to import Skyrim structures into GTKRadiant so, this thread can be removed if needed. But if you would like to teach me some stuff about meshes then uhmm do you know Skyrim at all? Let's say the wall with the power shouts on, can you make that? ** Maui **
  17. That's the thing, I don't know a dang about modelling. And patch meshes? I don't think you're going to make that kind of pillars with patch meshes. :S
  18. Heya, I was thinking to make Windhelm for JKA, but the problem is.. I can't make everything as it looks in Skyrim. The special curves in pillars as example, I've tried to make an advanced looking pillar with an example of Skyrim infront of me but I just can't remake it.. I don't know what to use or how to create it. My modelling (with gtkradiant) is way to bad and I can't find a tutorial about making advanced structures or anything. Does anyone got the time to help me out? ** Maui **
  19. Maui

    OpenJK crashed ???

    How can we do a packet sniffer? I totally got no experience or understandings of coding and such so. :/ But I would like to help you guys with getting the stuff fixed. We don't know anything about how the server got crashed, every client in the server randomly gets Connection Interrupted and yes we are using OpenJK + JA+ together.
  20. Maui

    OpenJK crashed ???

    Never mind this post, delete please, thanks
  21. I did before it worked, I first loaded the openjk while starting with ja+ and then ja++.
  22. HUH? Now it works... Those files are just messing with my mind I think o.O
  23. Well, when I copied all the JA++ files in japlus (in its empty state) it didn't work for me so, there should be a problem with your files then I think (not sure). I'll try again with just the files of JA++.
  24. I've already solved the problem. The problem from your side is that you didn't give the right instructions to me. ^^ First of all you install ja+, then you remove the client_v*.dll and the gla_anims and then you drag in the files. It works perfectly now. Thanks for the attempts of helping me. ** Maui **
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