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Everything posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. Carrie's voice was meh for me. At least it's not when she was still an addict.
  2. I was literally surprised that Harrison and Carrie BOTH voiced Han and Leia in Lego TFA. I literally didn't expect that when I saw a walkthrough of the game.
  3. And I just took a look at a walkthrough of Vengance via Youtube....Dark Alliance...? Really...? I got MS Saga: A New Dawn vibes from that. And the difference is MS Saga is underrated.
  4. Thanks, Circa. I wanted to try playing it on JKA (After rearranging the scripts to work for JKA of course.) to see what the story was to begin with. I know it's all pretty much fan fiction brought to JKA with the cloning of Vader (Spoilers), but still...I'd like to see for myself what is up.
  5. https://www.massassi.net/levels/files/3004.shtml I know that this was pretty much and still is spread around on Massasi, but anyone here know of and played it's predecessors which were on JK2? I know the first predecessor is "The Dark Alliance", but the second predecessor, the one that started it all, I have little to NO information on. Anyone know of it?
  6. If I'll give the MP movement credit, it feels more like the good old Jedi Outcast movement. Plus, have you noticed that with normal JKA movement in SP, the step sounds when you run play almost too in sync with each other? Almost a second apart? That's kinda distracting.
  7. I prefer the same, honestly. SP just feels more like natural movement.
  8. Except maybe Telepathy (MindTrick) 4. I put that one on one of my NPCs and it's okay.
  9. That is unfortunately more of another cvar, if I'm right. @@eezstreet? @@therfiles? @@Circa?
  10. cg_renderToTextureFX 0 I was helped with this earlier....
  11. Spy Kids....Been a long time since I saw that movie.
  12. Alright man. And way to go.
  13. We need some dropbox links for these bad asses. Now.
  14. So would I, TBH. Nice catch, @.
  15. If I may Dusty, if a JA Enhanced patch with the super Saber Lock and all the stuff you added to base SP could be done for JK:E as well in the future, that would be AWESOME!
  16. A means to show appreciation. BTW Slavoo? Looking forward to the next pack release. Take your time.
  17. Well....This is...unexpected. That smirk though...I kinda forgot that look gives me the chills.
  18. If I may make a suggestion, don't quit, but don't push yourself to focus on this singly in your spare time. Whatever time you HAVE for this, use it wisely and to your advantage. I hope that you'll eventually catch a break as well, so you don't burn yourself out. That would suck very badly. Hang in there, Tean. You really have made an impact in the community.
  19. http://www.lonebullet.com/mods/g/star-wars-jedi-knight-jedi-academy-mods-6752.htm?s=0 Was anyone else aware of this website? This is like an ARCHIVE of everything JK3 and JK2 related on Filefront and other Jedi Knight websites.
  20. Goddammit, Sam.
  21. *Blocked on Copyright Grounds* Dammit, Disney!
  22. We need a NEW version of this. The one we have in that pack is pretty old and not very detailed. It's detailed ENOUGH, but it barely passes.
  23. It's...only been 7 days. @@Seven is also doing A LOT of work, not just this topic. So I say patience.
  24. Maybe I can replace it with a Jedi Character for personal use when this comes out. More like say...a Juggernaut type character that will eventually be worn down. But that's me. I gotta say this guy is very intimidating looking at him, TBH. And I have a feeling that was the point of his design.
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