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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Yeah, me again. Yeah, another Bounty Hunter mod. I've been using the Flame-Thrower Mod made by Dark_Maul for a while now, but decided to fix some issues I had with the mod. Firstly, you still had the effect of lightning around the character you're using the flamethrower on. Secondly, the force lightning icons were still there. And lastly all the text in the menu and HUD still referred to it as Lightning. I've set out to change that. First thing I did was make an icon - it's just base textures thrown together since I'm not skilled enough to do much more than that. Few questions. First is how/where can I change the text for the Force Powers menu and the text under each Force Power in the HUD? Secondly, I tried emailing Dark_Maul for permission but apparently that email doesn't actually work anymore - can I still release it anyways as long as I give him credit? Lastly I still can't find the damn texture file for the force lightning effect on a player that's hit by force lightning. I think it may be several textures. Anyone able to help? Thanks.
  2. My feelings as well, I'm leaning towards all Arubesh but I may make two versions if people want to be more true to the original. *shrugs*
  3. That's a story issue more than anything. Hardly a gameplay/balance issue.
  4. Thoughts? Everyone can thank @@Kalek for taking the nice picture since my ModView won't display textures, still can't figure out why despite checking all my filepaths etc.
  5. For the most part, it's not much tougher to do a texture in 1024 than it is to make it in 512. If he wants to do it, I won't complain. I sure hope no one here will have issues running these textures at 1024 instead of 512.
  6. Well obviously - but making them like TFU in SP would be fun. And heck, I'm sure there's stuff to be done to at least make everything LOOK more powerful in MP. That would be fun. @@Darth Futuza I doubt you've played either TFU game on the hardest difficulty.
  7. My pleasure. I'm hoping the above method will work. That way it's a working scanner, albeit with a generic bounty profile. It's a start! Plus I can always modify these graphics if we wanna try new things.
  8. That model is looking good @@Mandalorian, keep up the good work. I've got other mods related to SW:BH in the works as well that I may finish up, big fan of that game and bounty hunters in general in the Star Wars universe.
  9. May go that route, we'll see. "Nal Hutta (Glorious Jewel in Huttese), also known simply as Hutta" In TOR they exclusively call it Hutta, so I went with that.
  10. Let me clarify my proposal: 1) Use the graphic WITHOUT information as a HUD "underlay" on the base JA HUD (As I said before, The One and Only did this with his Nexus HUD, so it's clearly possible) 2) Somehow script the image to change to the graphic WITH all the generic information and a generic photo when you are looking at an enemy (Should be simple enough, like the force icon that appears on something you can use force push on) 3) Bundle this mod with a mod that removes the crosshair (or rather, replaces it with a blank image), where the "underlay" now takes the place of the crosshair, just as part of the HUD instead. To me, this seems very easy. The hardest part would be part two, scripting that to work... but I don't imagine it would be too hard.
  11. Would it not be easier to do it the way I suggested? Just have it as a graphic overlay on the normal JA HUD, then when you look directly at an enemy it toggles to a different image?
  12. Personally I think remaking the force powers (not much of the gameplay) would be cool, since the force powers in JA don't FEEL nearly as good/powerful as in TFU. But it's more about them feeling good than anything, and a lot of that is due to Havok and a shaking controller in your hand.
  13. UPDATE: I'm pretty much done the graphics for this. I just need to get a generic picture in there and figure out what to do regarding the name. May just leave it in Arubesh (did anyone translate it? ) for now. ModView is being stupid for me, so I'm gonna get a generic human model picture from @@Kalek and thenwe'll be all finished! Just need someone to figure out how to get it in-game as an overlay for the current JA HUD. Or underlay, rather. I don't know if the "No Bounty Posted" and "Bounty Marked" graphics will be of any use, it all depends on what we can script into the game really, but I made them just in case.
  14. Y'know it's weird, I was taught NOT to use an Oxford comma yet I always use it, and then screwed that up on the graphic. xD Thanks for pointing that out. @@Mandalorian: I have the game on Gamecube and on my PC with an Emulator so references are abundant.
  15. That - while seemingly difficult - might actually be possible. I'm leaving that up to people like therfiles and eezstreet who know more about coding/scripting. I just make graphics.
  16. So here's just a test. I think just having an Arubesh name looks odd... Either way, I used the name of someone I think all of us have wanted to take a few shots at at one time or another.
  17. Just for the sake of getting as close to the real deal as possible, but I suppose I could do Arubesh. It's just not as interesting for the player, I suppose. Maybe just the name in Arubesh?
  18. Heh, it'll be in English actually. Nice try though.
  19. Also think about information, there's gonna be names and stuff so I may make up a Star Wars-esque name or just stick with a very generic "John Smith" kind of thing. Other ideas are welcome.
  20. Heh, well yes - but considering the nature of the game and the content in a lot of the games/books/movies, it's usually a Rodian, Gran or Trandoshan. Pretty racist stuff, haha. But it's up to the people, I personally am leaning towards human silhouette. Also, I forgot there's more than just the "Nothing" and "Bounty" images, there's also the "NO BOUNTY POSTED" and "BOUNTY MARKED" versions of this scanner graphic, so I'm making those as well. @@Inyri: Yeah, that's probably going to be the end result... well, not that.
  21. Great idea @@Horatio Culver, I think human would be best but maybe something like a Rodian silhouette would be better?
  22. I am creating two separate graphics, one like shown above (which is what you usually see in SW:BH) and one with a county picture and information (which is what you see in SW:BH when you're looking at a bounty). That's what the poll up top is for, picking an image to use, since it would be pretty much impossible to have it actually work for each individual character you look at.
  23. http://jkhub.org/topic/2195-star-wars-bounty-hunter-scanner/
  24. Howdy. I'm currently working on several Star Wars: Bounty Hunter related graphics mods, the first of which is trying to make the scanner, and hopefully implement it as an overlay on the original JA HUD. Any ideas on how to do that would be great. In the mean-time, answer that poll for me so I can get people's opinions on how this mod turns out. PLEASE NOTE: This is also being done to fulfill a request someone made. @@Mandalorian was wanting to get a "working scanner", which of course would be nearly impossible but we are hoping to script it so that it toggles between two images - one image when your crosshair isn't on anything, and another when it is on an enemy. It's basically the same idea as most FPS games where your crosshair is white, and then turns red when you point at an enemy. Please keep ideas about implementing this feature and any other script-based ideas to that thread, this thread is about the WIP on the visuals. The graphics you see in this thread may be implemented into JA in several different ways as well. The thread can be found here: http://jkhub.org/topic/2188-bounty-scan/ For those who don't know what it looks like: Here's what I've got so far: And I'm currently working on the version with the bounty picture and information. Any feedback is always welcome and appreciated.
  25. Well ideally this would be a HUD overlay of some kind. I know The One And Only did a Nexus HUD mod that had an overlay similar to this, but it had it's own file in the ui folder and it was way beyond my expertise. If I can get that overlay to work that's step one. If you can script the crosshair thing we get two benefits. First, that on its own is a very cool mod that I think JA should have, and I could just make red versions of the stock crosshairs and maybe some modded ones and you'd have a rad little mod right there. The second is that if you can get that mod working, it probably wouldn't be much harder to get it to toggle between two images on the HUD overlay instead of a crosshair. Just an idea... Also, I'm going to make a WIP thread on this so that this thread can be dedicated to getting that script function (or other script ideas) working, and the WIP will be just about the graphic element.
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