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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Yeah, I'm thinking once Tobe chimes in and can tell us more about how his magic/secondary weapons system works we can build the rest of the weapons around that. It's easy enough to make a ton of melee weapons for the game, and hopefully we can mess around with damage levels, range, maybe some magic effects etc. with the melee weapons too. And of course we can work in ranged weapons quite easily as well. Just need to see how Tobe has implemented his magic system and then we can get more into it.
  2. Totally, we just need to figure out who the protagonist is and then we can fill in the story pretty easily from there I would think.
  3. Thanks Circa! Much appreciated, I've been looking for a good VM program as well so saves me some cash. You can creep on in any time.
  4. So for someone who has avoided shaders like the plague since he started modding, what's going on here? I know it's a rather broad question but just curious as to what kind of effects are being utilized and in what combination for the different parts of the map. Some of these effects are just gorgeous.
  5. That's too bad, you could always just get a trial of VMware Fusion in the mean time and run a virtual machine of XP.
  6. Bumping this again to keep this going. Let's get a main character, a storyline, and motivation down for the character. Do we want to use a Belmont other Castlevania protagonist (Alucard, Soma etc.) or an original character? We can always have multiple protagonists for the player to choose from a la Castlevania 64, so long as the characters make sense in the timeframe (two characters can't be from different eras 200 years apart etc). Should we stick with the classic Castlevania storyline of "Dracula has been resurrected again, we must stop him"? They typically start with this premise and then fill in details that change from game to game, which will hinge a lot on the protagonist we choose.
  7. Figured we should nail down the basic gameplay mechanics. What do you guys want to see? Obviously we want to work in the vampire killer whip but until we know how that is possible (if at all) we can't really do a whole lot. For now we should brainstorm the combat system in general and the weapons you want to see in the game. I'm thinking there should be a decent amount of melee weapons (daggers, swords, clubs, rapiers etc.) with varying degrees of strength. I'd say at least 10, if we can add up to 50 like in a lot of other Castlevania games that would be great but I don't know how that would work, acquiring different weapons as you play through the game would be ideal but the implementation of it I'm still unsure about. @@tobe_one was working on a weapons system for Holy Cross, Garlic, and some other cool secondary weapons/magic items. Depending on how that system works it may dictate what weapons we are able to add and how we add them. But secondary weapon ideas and magic ideas are welcome. Another thing to keep in mind is how the player should acquire different spells/secondary weapons. A couple ranged weapons would be nice as well. Tobe was working on a crossbow which I think would be fantastic, and possibly throwing in a pistol or flintlock of some kind, as seen in many Castlevania games from N64 to GBA etc. So lets start talking a real combat system that makes sense for JA and think about: - Weapons - Weapon Types - How to get different weapons - How to use Magic - Controls
  8. The Master List is going to be used to keep track of all the things we want to be in this mod. Please do not discuss anything in here (I will lock this thread but I do need to unlock it in order to edit it) but instead keep discussions to their respective threads in the Staff Forum. I'll link the proper discussion threads in each section of the Master List. Castle Keep - (Original/N64) - WIP/TBD (Omegasigma) Throne Room - (Castlevania Judgement) - WIP/TBD (Omegasigma) Villa - (N64) - WIP (Botdra) - Main Gates - Inside - Hedgemaze - Underground Primary Weapons/Melee Weapons Fists - (Original) - FINISHED/Base JA Club - (Original) - Not Started Dagger - (Original) - Not Started Short Sword - (Original) - Not Started Sword - (Original) - Not Started Great Sword - (Original) - Not Started Axe - (Original) - Not Started Battle Axe - (Original) - Not Started Lance - (Original) - Not Started Death's Scythe - (Original/Mixture) - Not Started Secondary Weapons/Powers/Ranged Weapons Crossbow - (Original) - WIP (tobe_one) Flintlock Pistol - (Original) - Not Started Garlic - (Original) - WIP (tobe_one) Holy Cross - (Unknown) - WIP (tobe_one) Holy Water - (Unknown) - WIP (tobe_one) Vampire Killer - (Unknown) - Not Started NPC's Alucard - (Symphony of the Night) - FINISHED (tobe_one skin on Dante model) Gabriel Belmont - (Lords of Shadow series) - Not Started Leon Belmont - (Lament of Innocence) - FINISHED (tobe_one skin on Dante model) Richter Belmont - (original/mixture) - FINISHED (tobe_one skin on ???) Soma Cruz - (Aria of Sorrow/Dawn of Sorrow) - FINISHED (tobe_one skin on Dante model) Monsters Flaming Skull - (original/mixture) - WIP (AshuraDX) Knight Armor - (original/mixture) - Not Started Medusa Head - (original/mixture) - WIP (tobe_one) Skeleton - (variety) - FINISHED Succubus - (Original) - FINISHED (tobe_one skin on Zabrak Female) Vampire Minion - (Original) - FINISHED (tobe_one skin on Reborn?) Werewolf - (original/mixture) - Not Started Bosses Death - (original/mixture) - WIP (ChalklYne original model) Dracula Beast - (original/mixture) - Not Started (OmegaSigma has a placeholder Rancor skin atm) Dracula Human - (original/mixture) - FINISHED (tobe_one skin)
  9. Are the three skins you did on this model functioning? What was the issue with the original model? Upload them and send them to me if you get a chance. Stil interested in trying this Chalk? Any luck converting that for tobe?
  10. In our assets there is an impaled skeleton map object that I wanted to use in the Villa Underground map but for some reason the textures don't display when I load it up. Any ideas? There is a texture for it in the impaled_skel folder along with the .md3 but it just won't load the textures on the model, just the model itself.
  11. It's not an overreaction as I'm not mad. Just stating facts. This looks great Chalk, I must say I didn't expect much of this but you've surpassed expectation.
  12. Read again, I wasn't pointing fingers at specific people or specific posts.
  13. And people should treat their hobbies as such, just hobbies. Not life and death scenarios.
  14. And it's just a f**king video game. Some people on here tend to forget that.
  15. Excellent. Any assets we can get would help. I think a big thing for me is I don't know what assets we have, just the assets that I have, so it's tough to plan things out and sometimes just results in me making something we already have, heh. Would you mind doing the stalagmites if I send you the .map?
  16. Hey @@OmegaSigma, few questions. I was wondering what maps you still have from the old mod that we can use. I know you posted pictures of an early version of the keep, and the castle exterior as well. You still got those kicking around for us to use? I was also wondering if I could get your help with some brushwork with the Demon Forge map I have in the WIP section. The bottom of the platform never gets seen much in-game, but since it would make a great duel map and people could fall off of it in JA, I was thinking of adding something like this to the bottom but I'm not great at that. Would you be able to add this to the map for me? Also, I think it would be good if we could work on throwing together some skyboxes we can use for our maps. Maybe a day one, a night one, and any others you think we might need? Maybe a night one with a normal moon (before Dracula's return or after you kill Dracula) and the other with the red/orange moon?
  17. So as an update this map is about 85% complete. 99% of the brushwork is done, and once I get some models from Chalk then I just have to finalize some textures, do the lighting, get a skybox and we're done this one!
  18. Great to hear man. I've been working on my maps again and I'll shoot a few posts into the WIP section so we all know where they are at. Hedge Maze is really close to the final stages of completion, I'm really just waiting on some models from @@ChalklYne and then I can work on finalizing textures, lighting, and getting a skybox and then it'll be done.
  19. Awesome. As of right now tobe, any work you can do on new characters that could be playable would be great. I'm thinking focusing on the MP portion is the key to getting this mod going. If you want you can also work on any characters that would go with any of the maps that are being created right now, just so that we're all sort of working on the same thing together, you know? I just want to start a workflow that makes it so that if we drop this mod at any time, we can still release everything (or almost everything) we have up to that point and have it all be somewhat compatible/connected, rather than just a bunch of random Castlevania stuff released at one time, like the Hedge Maze being released with some character models that weren't from the N64 games, etc. Make sense? Feel free to choose your own projects, just keep us up to date on what you're thinking and working on so we can stay in touch.
  20. Are the two of you still down to continue working?
  21. You guys still around/alive? @@OmegaSigma @@ChalklYne @@AshuraDX @@tobe_one Sorry, I've been really busy with school and work. I am still chipping away at this over time, but I wanted to see who else is around, if anyone. I'm thinking we should restructure this mod a bit and focus on the MP aspect for now, so that we can actually release something people can enjoy and mess with, even if we never finish the SP side or it takes much longer to finish.
  22. You are honestly making me so happy, these are incredible maps you've been releasing.
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