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    So far it works well as a typical conversion mod. The clever re-naming and icon-ing of force techniques to Mandalorian tech helps to solidify the feeling of being a non-Jedi. Unfortunately, though all the custom Mandalorians are unisex in design the voicing is only female and it doesn't fit the Mando feel. Also, though not a drawback there is no change to enemy NPC's so the story doesn't have any derivation from the original. Good job for a beta, can't wait to see the alpha.
  1. Any chance we can get the SP commands to get the lightdisc and eclipse sabers to play in SP? ?
  2. Anyone know the code to get it into SP?
  3. You know that girl in high school who shamelessly flirts and shows off her assets but never lets you score? She is this mod. It is by far the best JKA mod created in adapting the open world feel of Star Wars and natural leveling. But just when you're hooked it leaves you craving more by ending just as soon as it begins. Dang MagSul you did my emotions dirty.
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