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Everything posted by kibasennin

  1. Wavepad sound editor? BTW, I just tested by putting all the audio files on 32 kHz instead, and now instead of it being completely mute, I hear a high-pitched beep where the audio is supposed to occur.
  2. I checked, and its all at 44 100 Hz, and its all mono...
  3. When I play with this model, I get none of the audio I put in it. Anyone know why? https://www.mediafire.com/?75aa69llrvcvbe2 Thanks
  4. Hi this is a slightly tweaked version of @@dark_apprentice 's Ben Kenobi model: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8b95pvd5cp9vfbg/ben_kenobi.pk3 Can anyone add the goggles on his chest, like on the original statue? Like maybe Jan's goggles, only instead for the head, on the chest? Like here? https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/78730916123155.562a60ae74964.jpg Would it be feasable?
  5. awesome, then! so, anybody interested?
  6. Hey, if you can send me a version with omega1'ss jedi robes, that's all i need
  7. goood god! it's beautiful! can it be used to play...?!
  8. Now that I think about it, would Hapslash be OK with his models being used...?
  9. Awesome! It worked! Thanks guys!
  10. OK. using notepad. it sez hs_kenobi_rots m do i keep the 'm' ?
  11. OK, awesome, and how do I open up sounds.cfg?
  12. Hi, kinda need some help with this model: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8b95pvd5cp9vfbg/ben_kenobi.pk3 It's a slight modification on @dark_apprentice 's ben kenobi model. The issue is, it doesn't play sound. As in, when I'm playing AS this character model, it doesn't emit any sound. When I spawn it as an npc, it does. Can anyone help me out, pls? Thx
  13. I was able to get my hands on the files for Ben Kenobi, from the TFU Sith Edition game. http://www.mediafire.com/download/q2av5decckzg51y/Ben_Kenobi_TFU.zip Anybody wanna make this Jedi Academy compatible?
  14. This one shouldn't be too difficult? It's just the Dooku HapSlash model, with no cape, and a modified tunic... http://www.nexusroute.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/count-dooku-clone-wars-612.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJPYxBsx_vc Now that i think of it, has anyone ever tried to frankenstein the Hapsalsh Dooku face on a jedi body, like in here? http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o18/Jungho06/Skins/dooku_jedi.jpg
  15. Nuff said. Anyone wanna do a mod that replaces the default stormtrooper with the ep7 one? like this one https://jkhub.org/files/file/2523-dt-stormtrooper-ep7-jk2/ instead of the default one?
  16. Damn! Rlly? Maybe @@dark_apprentice could frankenstein it?
  17. I just read both of these and my mind is blown! I'm on a rampage, now, I'm adding characters to my menu by the dozen ! Thanks so much to both of you! Other question, @@dark_apprentice! How do I give them sound? Cuz I made a sound/chars/npcname folders with all the mp3s in the final one, but it doesnt seem to work...
  18. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2234-jedi-temple-guard-version-2/ Somebody wanna make a modification of this that appears in the character selection menu? I tried doing it myself, but I eventually always end up either missing a step or doing it wrong...
  19. Pretty much Only walking and with jedi robes ^^ That or Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad, without a beard...
  20. Prolly not gonna happen, but meh, worth a shot: A Rajivari skin/model? For those who don't know, Rajivari is basically the founder of the Jedi Order, in Legends. He was first introduced in the The Old Republic game. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rajivari Now, as for the model itself, the design I'm talking about is slightly different (and simpler) than his design in The Old Republic. This is the design he has in Dawn of the Jedi, we're talking about. http://img09.deviantart.net/5e11/i/2016/026/b/e/rakata_wars___master_rajivari___sketch_by_kibasennin-d9pe33y.png http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ru.starwars/images/e/ec/Ketu_comes_to_Rajivari_DotJ06.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20151127145936 He's around 60-80 at this point, and if somebody does do it, is there any way you can make it appear in the character menu? Also, an additional ghost version would be nice...
  21. where can I find it? I just checked, are you sure you aren't confusing it with Cyber-Maul? This is Old Master Maul, we're talkin about...
  22. Sorry, link expired: https://torcommunity.com/images/weapons/saber/high01.a01_v01.jpg Here we go... this one.
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