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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. @@Psyk0Sith - you use Max 2011 correct? Once I get the Max2013 dotXSI 3.0 Version 1.9 finished, I'll apply all the fixes and recompile all Max versions: Max6 to Max2016.
  2. @@DT85, @@Psyk0Sith: Should I add an option for exporting scene lights? While not used by Carcass... it would greatly improve pre-viz viewing in the XSIViewer app. What do y'all think?
  3. @@DT85 -- is that image on left an older version with the broken normals (I.e., not transformed to XSI coordsys)? Seems like it from the lighting... Model is looking great!
  4. Update: I just emailed @@DT85 a new beta v1.9 dotXSI 3.0 exporter to test out for me. Exporting of Vertex Normals using Smoothing Groups should now be supported. I still need to add the code to deal with Specified/Explicit Normals (i.e., the Edit Normals modifier)... but I hope to have that completed soon as well.
  5. Ok... so I have the vertex normals being written out properly from the smoothing groups. But I need to sort out the vertex normal indices that map those normals to the vertices for each triangle in the mesh.
  6. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/189-duncans-vehicle-tutorial/
  7. I've been working on this today... I still need to slightly plump up the area between the upper lip and nose. I'll try and have some new screenshots by Sunday. Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Well that is true... any model that uses the _humanoid skeleton has to fit it. I wasn't sure what the OP's intent was... ...I thought you could change the scale of a NPC thru its NPC file. Desann is scaled larger in-game than the standard size.
  9. Usually in a 3D program... in a hierarchy you can scale the root node and it will pass the scale to all it's children. You could try that in blender... but then you'd need to reset the transforms?
  10. Another quick update on his chest armor plating (magenta piece):
  11. Just a quick update on the IG Lancer variant:
  12. @@DT85. -- Are the vertex normals correct when you don't rotate the model 90 degrees (I.e. leave it face down on ground) during export?
  13. I've emailed @@DT85 a new v1.9 dotXSI exporter which should fix the bad vertex normal orientations for the legacy export options. I'm still working on the code for the new vertex normal export options (to support smooth groups and explicit normals).
  14. Nope. Doesn't work on the native android app. I have to use Firefox app.
  15. @@Azatha -- How are you creating new lightsaber sounds? I've been meaning to play with my Foley Studio plugin for 3ds Max that records 3D sounds inside 3ds Max... that also captures the "Doppler effect" (i.e., how it sounds when you swing it...). All sounds for this animation were rendered out using Foley Studio plugin (using SFX files of course)...
  16. Here you go... I appreciate your time and mentoring...
  17. Which one do you prefer? wip52e or wip52f ? Also, would you sketch (red-line) on my picture to show me how you think the upper-lip "M" contour should go? Thanks...
  18. So I tried to work on the corners of the lips... This was my first attempt (wip52c): I didn't like it so I went back and tweaked an earlier version (wip52e): And here is WIP52e without colored lips: ...and I went back and re-worked wip52c (tweaking the corners) and saved it as wip52f here: @Pysk0Sith -- close enough?
  19. FREE Reallusion iClone5 Standard & training DVD -- Limited Time Offer... Hey guys, 3D World magazine and Reallusion have partnered up to offer this free software! Go to this link and register and follow instructions to get your FREE version! http://www.reallusion.com/event/iclone5std/3dwsep.aspx But hurry! The offer ends on November 25th.

    1. Bek


      I'm very skeptical, what is this software?

    2. Archangel35757


      iClone5 Standard -- Google it for yourself. It's a legitimate offer thru 3D World. I downloaded it already.

    3. Bek


      Ok, just was making sure this wasn't spam of some sort. I'm on edge when it comes to spambots XD.

  20. @@Barricade24, sorry no... I've been busy traveling for work and brainstorming about how to fix the dotXSI exporters for 3dsMax. I'm about to work on the Raven's Claw model in a few minutes. I will have some time this weekend and I will try and make some progess on Jan Ors, Raven's Claw, and IG-88. I also have to travel next week... but I can take my new laptop with me and work on the model projects in the evenings. ...seems like I never have enough time. I guess I just need to win the lottery...
  21. @@Xycaleth- (I know you are on somewhat of a sabbatical) ...but-- any progress on the new ModView tool?
  22. I think I'm going to reduce these options to only add the "specified/explicit" option... so the artist will have to set smoothgroups or custom normals themselves in 3ds Max.
  23. I doubt Adam Driver is Luke's son-- more likely Han & Liea's. And I think he has daddy issues and strikes down (killing) Han.
  24. I need @@DT85 and @@minilogoguy18 to help make a test case in 3dsMax (DT85) and Softimage (minilogoguy18) ...something simple like a box at the origin and extrude each square face out along the positive X, Y, Z axes (like making a coordinate tripod)... textured in red, green, and blue... coordinate on the dimensions... also something with explicit normals or multiple smoothing groups... (I could do this in Max but I'd fumble for hours using Softimage).
  25. Update: This is going to take longer than anticipated... looking deeper into the code (and knocking the rust off my brain...) and the linear way that they exported the dotXSI templates and nested children templates complicates matters. It's compounded by the fact that the dotXSI format breaks a mesh's data like so: SI_Mesh { SI_Shape { … } SI_TriangleList { … } } And there is a separate class export method (::ExportMesh, ::ExportShape, ::ExportTraingleList, etc.) for exporting each template (SI_Mesh, SI_Shape, SI_TriangleList, etc.). And they all take a pointer to the original Node container. So each time they re-get the mesh object contained within the Node container and they process the mesh again to only write out the data required by each dotXSI template. The SI_Shape template lists out the actual vertex positions (Point3 values), vertex normals (Normalized Point3 values), and vertex UV coordinates in UV space (Point2 values). It is in the SI_Shape template that I need to do the Max-to-XSI coordinate transformation on the vertex normals... and that should fix the bad normals that @@DT85 posted about. But it's going to be more complicated to do SmoothGroup/Explicit normals because I'll either have to redo all calculations for each child template to extract the specific data each template requires... or do the calculations once and come up with a clever way to re-access the already computed results in the children templates. My opinion, is to attempt the latter so as to save processing time. Stay tuned...
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