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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. Update: So after incorporating all of the code changes in the Max2013 code base for better LOD support, I got it to compile (after cleaning up some Unicode conversions I missed). Good news is that it works as expected when you deselect exporting of LODs. Here are the statistics from a test: D:\base\models\map_objects\ships\2013_noLODs.MD3: Frames: 1 Tags: 2 Meshes: 7 Mesh< boxCOD >: 108 Triangles, 56 Vertexes ( +40 verts for SmoothGroups, +0 verts for UV map ) Mesh< Plane01 >: 2 Triangles, 4 Vertexes ( +1 verts for EditNormals, +0 verts for UV map ) Mesh< Plane02 >: 2 Triangles, 4 Vertexes ( +2 verts for EditNormals, +0 verts for UV map ) Mesh< myBox >: 32 Triangles, 18 Vertexes ( +6 verts for SmoothGroups, +31 verts for UV map ) Mesh< boxCOD_1 >: 48 Triangles, 26 Vertexes ( +28 verts for SmoothGroups, +0 verts for UV map ) Mesh< boxCOD_2 >: 12 Triangles, 8 Vertexes ( +16 verts for SmoothGroups, +0 verts for UV map ) Mesh< myBox_1 >: 12 Triangles, 8 Vertexes ( +4 verts for SmoothGroups, +15 verts for UV map ) Geometry Total: 216 Triangles, 267 Vertexes But attempting to export LODs immediately causes 3dsMax to crash and close. So I'm going to have to make a Hybrid build and do some debugging to find where and why it is crashing. Exporting of LODs works great for the Max6-8 plugin... and I don't expect there will be any issues in compiling versions up thru 2012-- but dat Unicode conversion is a minefield. @@DT85 - I saw you had changed the "Total:" line to "Scene Total:" -- but since you can do "Export Selected" it may not represent the full [3dsMax] scene. So I changed it to "Geometry Total:" since that is what the file contains.
  2. So I've updated the source code for the 3dsMax MD3 exporters for Max6-Max2012 (for both 32 & 64-bit versions). I'm starting to compile them within the hour. I still need to add all the source code changes I made (that restored a couple of export options and added option to export LODs to their own MD3 files) from Max6 to the Unicode Max2013, 2015 projects. I also will attempt to compile it for Max 2017 (I'm currently downloading Visual Studio 2015-- which Max2017 requires... but I could try VS2010 to see if it works first I suppose).
  3. nice work... the barge/ship shadows seem too strong.
  4. I would think the transport shuttle would have landing feet pads and not sit on its frame or engine nacelles.
  5. Isn't that what Sprites are? you could take a look in EffectsED...
  6. Ok... well, I have some awesome FX plugins for 3dsMax: glu3D for water FX, Afterburn & FumeFX for fire, smoke, explosions, etc. If you have some parameter to know the water depth we can vary the effect... Big puddle versus 1 foot deep, etc.
  7. @@eezstreet - how does it know when to play those kind of water splash effects? What are the code/event triggers?
  8. @@minilogoguy18 - Are you using the original Raven Assimilate? Or are you using the latest version enhanced by @@DT85?
  9. I know the grapple hook code was available at code3arena (I think that site is still archived somewhere).
  10. I did what you said and googled a video... that grappling hook is horrific. Way too fast, no proper animations, etc. Needs a lot more work
  11. I don't play MP online. Based on what @@Raz0r described I'm imagining something pretty crude.
  12. Maybe you could add NPCs to patrol the crane room-- like they're searching for the player... so it means the player has to solve the crane puzzle between patrols?
  13. Are there any videos on youTube for how it looks? If not, would you upload one?
  14. @@Psyk0Sith -- sure the weighting & timing for his size would need tweaking-- but I think much of the strong (red) style would suit him. With a custom NPC the default root pose can be whatever you want (like @@minilogoguy18 said). I just meant you probably want the limbs close to neutral-- not too much pronation or supination... I will wait to you have the root pose figured out... before attempting to fit a CS Biped. @@minilogoguy18 -- if you wait for the root pose and allow me to fit a CS Biped, I can send you a Null skeleton-- at least then everything will be based on the same skeleton animation-wise...
  15. @@Psyk0Sith - send me the .max file after you have him fitted to a CS Biped... or if you want me to do it, then just send the mesh as a .max file. I also noticed you've modeled him with some amount of forearm pronation. Do you want that in the root pose?
  16. It will be its own custom NPC skeleton and GLA... but we can still retarget many of the existing animations.
  17. That's not really necessary... and you would have to match the CS Biped we plan to make if you want the results to match exactly... and it would still have to go thru the same retargeting process (shown below):
  18. @@minilogoguy18 -- feel free to make any custom animations you'd like for Gork using your humanoid rig. Simply export each animation to a dotXSI 3.0 file and also an FBX (with +Z up); then we can retarget it onto Gork's CS Biped using MotionBuilder.
  19. @@Psyk0Sith -- there are standard tutorials that ship with 3dsMax for retargeting animations from one skeleton to another-- even with different proportions. And can be done regardless of bones or CS Biped. Do you have the tutorial files and tutorial manual (you can download them from Autodesk). I can help get you going...
  20. A custom NPC skeleton with retargeted animations.
  21. @Xycaleth - All of the tools work under Windows XP... it's a shame to break that imo. Maybe next build. This seems to address Qt and XP: http://www.tripleboot.org/?p=423
  22. you can also use GMax for some things... just not characters or vehicles.
  23. How did the mouse wear out? By use... ergo I assumed you were not using your grip pen... anyways... you might want to grab some extra nibs off the internet before they can't be found.
  24. @Xycaleth -- did you recompile this to work on Windows XP?
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