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Status Replies posted by katanamaru

  1. Every time winter comes around, I HAVE to play Skyrim through. It’s now a seasonal urge.

  2. Google+ why you Ruin Youtube!

  3. JKHub Secret Santa 2013?

  4. Giving exporting the imported GLA another go. This time I've split the 21000+ frames into two scenes with about 10000 frames each give or take. Hopefully the exporter + carcass won't have a fit :P

  5. Been awfully quiet lately with updates in the mod forums.

  6. Been awfully quiet lately with updates in the mod forums.

  7. Do you know what's my favorite catchphrase in Doctor Who ? ... Allons-y !!

  8. Do you know what's my favorite catchphrase in Doctor Who ? ... Allons-y !!

  9. So...I succumbed to MLP.

  10. Nobody loves me, nobody cares, nobody loves me, maybe I'll go eat worms XD

  11. Just bought 2 Terrabites.

  12. Nobody loves me, nobody cares, nobody loves me, maybe I'll go eat worms XD

  13. Nobody loves me, nobody cares, nobody loves me, maybe I'll go eat worms XD

  14. I'm getting fed up with my car. 1st engine fan needs replacing. Done.

  15. Just bought 2 Terrabites.

  16. We need a JKHub group photo.

  17. I'm getting fed up with my car. 1st engine fan needs replacing. Done.

  18. I'm getting fed up with my car. 1st engine fan needs replacing. Done.

  19. I'm getting fed up with my car. 1st engine fan needs replacing. Done.

  20. What do you think of the new location of the mod project forums?

  21. Muh mod is allll the way at the bottom of the page. Had to be somebody. What is this place powered by scrolling?

  22. If there's anything I've learned today, it's that if your mind is really set to something you want to accomplish, all it takes is two hours. I also found out that skinning by yourself is better than begging for other people to do your work for you. Lot more fun too. I'm having a great time, I'm privileged to be a member of JKHub. You are all awesome!

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