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Posts posted by katanamaru

  1. 3. What do you mean "more chance to get out"? Like, you wouldn't want to stay in range as much because you can't hack away for as long at a time? I could see that. Also, as far as .sab files go, I can't limit the max chain of a specific style per se. It'd have to be for all styles. Or else I need code edits. Red already has a max chain of 3 though so I don't think it's too bad.


    Exactly like in your first sentence. If the player can only make 2 attacks they will plan on a strategy that is only for 2 attacks. A higher number of swings allows the player to get in there and go for more attacks. Thus staying in the krieg (war.)


    4. Well a 125% saber damage isn't too bad. G_sabermorerealistic 1 makes it closer to around 175% or 200% I'd say. Also, a 25 % boost means I can make vibrosword enemies do 100% damage so it still feels like a good amount but sabers still do more.


    I like the default damage. I mainly use the OJP mod with increased damage because it gives me much more dismemberment.


    5. Yeah ideally I'd change saber locks to be more like JK2, where you don't have super breaks (where if you win/lose it's a 1-hit KO). I'd rather that be something you can only do if the saber lock ends very quickly or you have a higher/lower saber offense level than the opponent.


    In JK2 saber locks were less annoying because they only led to staggers or disarms I think.


    I agree completly here.


    6. The problem with alwaysBlock is it makes it so you can block mid-swing and when you're knocked over. The main problem with this is the game makes no differentiation between blocks during those times and when you're actually guarding.


    It gets extremely annoying when hitting the saber of a downed enemy causes you to be staggered, or else I would use it.


    And that is the reason I like it so much! A sword is always capeable of blocking. It is even better at doing so if it is moving. At my fencing sometimes people do get knocked down or tripped and can still use their sword to attack, defend, or flail about graciously to avoid getting hit.



    The way I sped things up was just changing animation speeds in the animations.cfg:

    - BOTH_K# anims are parry anims (where you knockaway/stagger an attacker, which is a saber defense 3 thing). The number says which style. 1 is all single saber styles (they all use the same anims), 6 and 7 are duals and staff.


    - BOTH_R# anims are the retract/recovery animation you have to do after a block of any kind. 1 is fast style. 2 is medium. 3 is strong. 4 is tavion? 5 is desann? 6 is duals, 7 is staff.


    - BOTH_V# anims are stagger anims when you attack and are parried. 1 is all single-saber styles and 6 and 7 are staff and duals.


    - BOTH_D# anims are the "you've been blocked" anims where your swing bounces off IIRC.


    I figured it was by speeding up the animations. How did you do the standing counter though?


    Dusty likes this
  2. 1. Decreasing saber movement speed while attacking slightly

    - Forces you to get into range with saber attacks earlier

    - Makes it harder to pop in and out of close range while swinging

    - This is more realistic? Wouldn't you slow-down slightly IRL if you were putting a lot of power into a swing?


    2. Removing saber throw

    - NPCs are cheap with it, you can be cheap with it

    - NPCs drop the saber occasionally leaving them defenseless

    - NPCs/you have to use force powers for ranged attacks instead (Reborn master and Desann force lightning moar?)

    - Only downside is you have to use guns against turrets and stuff


    3. Decreasing max chain for all styles

    - Well this wouldn't make much of a difference

    - It'd just give you less control over the saber

    - Maybe decrease spamming a bit though


    4. Increasing saber damage

    - Doesn't really make much difference either way, or does it?

    - Makes using your saber more purposeful as opposed to force powers etc.


    5. Decreasing frequency of saber locks

    - Makes it less risky to be blocked vs. bosses and stuff

    - Takes away fun/makes saber contact less important (which I don't want)?


    6. Make blocking more reliable and purposeful

    - I can speed up blocking making it faster and better

    - Make countering more important; where you block a weak swing then do an auto-aimed attack that rips through defenses

    - ^This is a double-edged sword:

    Over-doing it can slow down gameplay and make it annoying when you are always staggered by blocks or can always stagger NPCs and encourage even more hit-and-run gameplay



    Anyone have any other ideas? Or comments/suggestions on my existing ideas?


    1. I turned my movement speed down a little with g_speed 200 or g_move 200 (I can't remember exactly right now since I have it bound to a button.) This only affects the pc and not the npcs so they can catch up and makes entering combat and fighting in distance a tighter fight. Npc's speed can be adjusted in their .npc file. The nice thing is that the command doesn't affect the roll speed so that becomes a better dodge mechanic.


    2. Try and see if you like it without throw.


    3. Decreasing attack chain/combos would mean less attacks and more chance to get out. Now reducing the red's number of swings isn't a bad idea because of how powerful it is.


    4. A saber that is too powerful leads to tense, fast fights. I tweaked the old OJP Basic mod to use the saber damage values and have mixed views.


    5. I like this. Saber locks are annoying. I normally just push out of them.


    6. I use the command alwaysBlock 1 in my custom .sab files. It makes blocking more likely so I feel like I can depend on it.


    I did want to ask how you both sped up blocking and got a counter move in your mod?

    Circa likes this
  3. I figured the whip would have to be animated for each animation. Make it something like 5-7 segments/bones.


    What about a new saber trail intead?  I thought about taking a one-handed saber and removing the blade and replace it with an invisible blade plus the sword saber trail. That plus the tavion and desann style would be a good temp holder.

  4. So a Boss Nass head on Tavion's body won't look right?

    Aww man.



    I remeber you doing this a few years back for mp and was wondering if you'd try it for sp eventually. It's really kickass!

    Though I'll wait for a finished version because I suck at testing mods out.

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