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Posts posted by katanamaru

  1. Have you used the writeconfig command? I just learned about it too.


    Get the settings how you want them in game and then in the console type: writeconfig original

    Now if you go in game and your config is screwd just open the console and type: exec original

    Then you'll get it back.


    I'm using it now to make a setup for npc's and sabers for easy switching.

  2. Yeah throwing on a base model would work fine with me. Throw on a Kyle torso and legs and that'd be fine. There are so many Kyle reskins that would then become compatible that any pack could be updated to work on the 'new' model.


    I'd also say throw most the base heads on it so we could have academy students and teachers with traditional robes.


    If you were so inclinded. I don't want to sound demanding. :)

    Circa likes this
  3. @@Psyk0Sith, if you do any updates with Haps models would you consider adding hips and a non-tunic style top please?

    I don't think (but I could be wrong) that Hap put a actual pelvis on his legs in order to reduce clipping.

    A plain torso such as a bodysuit, t-shirt, baggy-shirt, and etc would allow for more customization and rp potential. It would be much easier to had a Cade Skywalker type of character that way, a disguised jedi, or even just a dude.


    @@DT85, if you do anything with Toshi's luke would you look at rewieghting him please? I like the model a lot but the fact that his right hand holds the saber a little slanted drives me crazy to the point I don't use it. 

  4. Rzzlin frazzlin nogood grumble grumble...


    Dang I thought I was (mostly) done with the backhand styles. I planned to revisit them when I had more skill later. I'm just not sure of what else to do with a heavy style. I was racking my brain for some of those moves. Any ideas or details on what it would be like? Remember in the TFU games his combos involve spinning the saber to a forward position by about the third swing.


    I may get the demo again and see how he does his attacks again.


    You're macro ideas are intriguing.

  5. Well as a longsword fencer I'll say CaptainCrazy is mostly right. The majority of people think that harder and faster is what one should strive for in a fight. There are a number of great fighters in HEMA that do that. There are also some fighters that are a bit slower and just as good. They tend to be technical fighters who think and understand what their opponent is doing.


    Then of course there are people who can do both and they are beasts!

  6. The only advice I'd give is to becareful of people saying things like: "it's too green/pale/faded/bright etc." You can find images to back up all those claims. To someone it will be too green and to someone else it won't be green enough.


    I'd focus on advice that talks about layers, brushwork, and other techniques.

    Mandalorian likes this
  7. The second skin is 'ScorpDeathKnight.' There were ~5 updates on pcgamemods back in the day. It was a port/frankenstien of reborn, ut model, and a WoW/concept. Still it kicked ass. I have it, but I don't have a way to upload it for you.


    Any suggestions?

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