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Everything posted by GPChannel

  1. No pal, default head model, with new texture
  2. Hey pals! Maybe you know the answer How can i use the head mod from JK:E (you know when you can add heads from another model) I noticed that if i just simply use the pk3 files they aren't work...but if i use the JK:E launcher exe,it is works perfectly So maybe can someone help to do an exe file what is launch OpenJK---The Force Awakens Conversion Mod---and this head mod at the same time? Highly appritiate if someone can help me I would be sooo happy :3
  3. Very slowly but working on it
  4. thx dude, i'm trying to do my best
  5. any ideas guys?
  6. Trandoshan and HD Mos Eisley is Coomin soon!
  7. UPDATE: New HQ Rodian and Weequay face,and Weegueay armor:
  8. Hey pals! Maybe you know the answer How can i use the head mod from JK:E (you know when you can add heads from another model) I noticed that if i just simply use the pk3 files they aren't work...but if i use the JK:E launcher exe,it is works perfectly So maybe can someone help to do an exe file what is launch OpenJK---The Force Awakens Conversion Mod---and this head mod at the same time? Highly appritiate if someone can help me I would be sooo happy :3
  9. If i have time for it maybe i will try to do a skin
  10. Saw this Maybe a good start http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/screenshots/7c2fee05b184e0327fca9e07f7452bb882fe88fb.jpg
  11. Great luke model. Know it is hard but that would be cool if he can move his mouth when he speaks
  12. don't know is this possible to get the half done map? It would be amazing if i can play it and see what's up and what ideas we need
  13. and there was an arena in the map, if i'm not mistaken... Maybe if u want to continue the map,Racto capture Jaden in the arena and Jaden must kill some bounty hunter and some Monster like: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2043-nexu/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/2071-reek/ When you fight with the reek,we should use a little spoiler from SW: Episode 2 If it is possible,we should do that Jaden can stop the Reek with mind trick (like Anakin did in ep2) and after the fight the Reek destroy a door before it dies aaaaand Jaden can continue his mission on that way (hope u can understand,i'm not an English master )
  14. I have some idea 4 this level To tell the truth i always hated,that the most iconic character is not in the game....Han Solo. Maybe he should apear in the map as a team mate at the end of the level. you know maybe the human merc soldiers captured him or something like that I don't know it is your choise,but if you like it please tell me,cause then i will create a HD skin for the han solo model ^^
  15. I know that if the map is done, i will change that cantina line to Kanji Club
  16. Seven is that possible that you do the bf luke head with dt ep7 luke clothes?
  17. Cant wait the rotj luke
  18. Thank you SOOOO MUSCH!
  19. Maybe can someone do a request 4 me guys? ^^
  20. I mean the script for jaden to have a pistol is not working
  21. hmmm Everithing worked exept tge pistol
  22. UPDATE: Korriban Textures are 90% Done :3 + The new DL-44 pistol texture is done too
  23. Okay so if someone dont understand In tfa mod rosh will not have any pistol in yavin I did that jaden wont have saber throw, AND i want that he has a saber and a pistol too. So if when howlers will srcreaming we can shot them to stop it
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