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Everything posted by SephFF

  1. yeah the canal was stupid hard.... For mine I have the original model from DF2 as an obj. I scaled it till It was the same size from either kyles POV in DF2/JKA. When i first started this I tried to do it from image reference.(it was waaaay off) Then I tried importing the entire obj into NRC and rebuild the brush work that way. (also not a great idea but kinda worked) Now I do one of 3 things... using blender plugin to export brushwork I invert the normals, export into NRC and extrude flat side of the face, use the faces as a reference and use CSG merg tricks to get things right or for normal rooms i build like I normally do for any other map. The canal was stupid hard to build and that bridge was also not easy. I actually hade to build the bridge in blender with basic shapes and export as brushwork, not faces to get it right. took me like 4 tries to get it right. that model is a placed holder so when I build the sky box you can see the tower in the right spot. @NumberWan FYI.... when i do make this....ill release the source files.... feel free to use whatever ya want....or if want something now i can give it to ya. I also plan an making Max into an NPC.... gatta model him and all still.
  2. I'm happy to see this looks like I got some competition. I also been working on Barons hed.... Tho i'm making 2 versions... one mostly original everything... the other updated... Also a WIP. So far I really like what ya did. The question i got for ya.... is how did you build this part?...... the angles for the pillars in the market place? Mine is a bit different than yours as its close to 1 to 1 in how it was in OG game. But i'm struggling to get it built clean with brushwork. Was wondering how you tackled it. It looks built in the image but its not clean brushwork so I have to rebuild it completely. hit me up on discord can VC about it if ya want.
  3. TTT = Trouble in Terrorist Town I want to build this map for JAWA to run this event for others to enjoy. I figured asking community for ideas could be useful. I am not super knowledgeable about TTT, only played rough version of it on JKA. I think a map designed specifically for it would be fun. This wont be a clan map just a map others can enjoy. Also would like to make the map useful for other event ideas not just TTT. The idea: Most of this should be similar to what they did in Half-Life 2 mods, trying to make it work for JKA. The event is run by a host who picks who the terrorist are in secret. Win conditions: Innocents win if kill all terrorist or unlock escape room and enter it. Terrorist win if Kill all innocents. Concept idea: Innocents need to figure out who are terrorist and kill them, or open locks that let everyone escape. Lock buttons are placed around the map in different rooms, traps can be placed leading to the rooms or also in the rooms as well. "vents" are only used by terrorist so they can quickly get around the map. The vents will shoot the player to different parts of the map. The locks are on a three min or so timer where no one can hit that button after it’s been unlocked. Once timer runs out, a terrorist can in turn relock the escape route. This also acts as a check to see who a terrorist is, if caught relocking buttons. The idea is to incentivize entering dangerous rooms and player movement/interaction around the environment. Most rooms will have two or three ways to enter or exit, with a few dead ends. The map flows equivalent to three figure eights overlapping each other. Visual hierarchy, points of interest, and landmarks are key so players can easily navigate to their intended destination without feeling lost. Lastly some spots on the map will randomly become dangerous, for example a tie-fighter flying through a tunnel players need to jump across to get to the other side of lava/abyss. Maps designed for terrorist but balanced to feel fair. Map theme/ layout: Lobby starting room leading to three separate play areas. (May reduce to one or two due to entity limits) No traps / no escape room, small play area. (Not sure yet) Traps / no escape room, medium play area. (Not sure yet) Traps / escape room, large play area. (Abandoned Imperial underground facility.) Debating on using mainly JKA assets over custom assets to save on file size. Any thoughts about this concept would be greatly appreciated. Might post some concept drawings in future.... currently have artist block thinking of a good map layout.
  4. this actually gave me a cool idea for a ctf/tffa map lol
  5. I might need to upload this into a tutorial map or something..... BUT its interesting to see what you can work with in terms of slopes. I think what grabed my attention the most is the fact that a tauntaun can travel on a slope the player can not.... Might make for an interesting map design. The swoop is pretty limited in terms of slopes in boost speeds.
  6. I am trying to slowly compile over time useful information that may be helpful or unknown to mappers. All the information I am looking for is something JKA game mechanics related. As I continue to explore mechanics in the editor I'll add it to this post if you know anything, I would appreciate any help you have. Or if you know I am extremely wrong about something might be good to let me know. Other examples could be slope limits, entity limits, sniper range, vehicle sizes anything really. I searched the internet but was not able to find a good list of this sort of information about the game. Later on this info can be compiled for quick reference. Here are a few examples of what I mean, all of these I tested in game: I might need to upload this into a tutorial map or something..... BUT its interesting to see what you can work with in terms of slopes. I think what grabed my attention the most is the fact that a tauntaun can travel on a slope the player can not.... Might make for an interesting map design. The swoop is pretty limited in terms of slopes in boost speeds.
  7. This work?
  8. Wish I could remember where I learned that. @mjt was it you? What i do remember was looking at vis and I noticed no vis cubes where caulk was....So i got the idea to just fill things with caulk and it really does speed things up.
  9. Been working on the Mario map still. Thanks to college classes im taking my work has slowed down on it but ATM the map is mostly down. I want to get some JApro features working for it and have to where you can race for times on the slide and a race for times on the outside part. The outside part has proven to be a challenge since it is so open and easy bypass a lot of places on the map I am not sure how to set it up where it will feel fun to race on. So I think I will make 2 bsp files, one for the race and one for FFA... FFA being open and free to roam around and the race more restrictive. Not sure how long this will take me to complete so a lot of testing from other users and myself would be needed. I might go ahead and upload it to here sometime this week so I can get more people to test it. Then update it with fixes as needed.
  10. added skybox
  11. Version 1.2


    ------------------------------------------------------------ STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT: JEDI ACADEMY MODIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------ Contact info: Author: SephFF Discord: SephFF#4710 https://jawaclan.com/profile/4229-sephff/ Email: karcherusmc@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Map Info: Map Name: coop_corps Released: August 29th 2022 Filesize: bsp: 3.73mb pk3: 46.3mb Version: 1.0 <- will add more rooms later Build Time: 60 days Brush Count: 3548 Patches: 459 Entities: 295 Build Command lines: [bsp] -threads 6 -meta -v -verboseentities -maxarea -samplesize 8"[MapFile]" [vis] -threads 6 -vis -saveprt "[MapFile]" [light] -light -dirty -dirtdepth 4 -dirtmode 0 -dirtscale 4 -fast -fastgrid -cheap -cheapgrid -samplescale 1 -gamma 0.9 -patchshadows -bounce 8 -bouncescale 0.7 -fastbounce -bouncegrid -samples 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -lightmapsize 4096 -debugsamplesize "[MapFile]" roughly took 1hour 30 min to compile lighting. ----------------------------------------------------------- Features: FFA / TFFA / Duel / Power Duel Botrouting: no New Music: no New Textures: Yes New Shaders: Yes New Sounds: No New Models: No New NPC: No New Skybox: No ----------------------------------------------------------- ***********IMPORTANT*********** Source .MAP file inside the pk3. Feel free to use anything SephFF has made in this map for your own maps made for Jedi Academy. I only ask that you give proper credit. If you want to port the map for a different game, you will need to request permission. ***********IMPORTANT*********** ----------------------------------------------------------- Description: Inspired by Protal 2, coop mode I just wanted to make a map that 2 people could have fun trying to solve. I also wanted to make a challenge for solo players to enjoy and maybe inspire others to learn how to complete this type of challenge. Map is also a good refrence to see jump heights, player walk slop limits and many other things. Map Features: Coop: 125 fps normal JKA settings. Solo: 125 fps normal JKA settings also Japro supported with timers and check points. Saber range testing room Kyle Spawner TFFA/Duel spawns Portal easter egg Teleport lobby room to get where ya wanna go. Useful tech to know for this map: Water jump glitch: JKA for some odd reason has a cool trick not many people know about where if you jump into water using full jump (J1,J2,J3 <Force level), and you KEEP holding jump while falling into the water never letting it go. When you swim to the surface you will shoot out of the water the same height as the speak of your jump regardless from how high up you are. If you never let go of jump and fall in water again, you can repeat the same jump height again and again. The only thing stopping you is if your feet touch the ground. If your feet touch the glitch will no longer work. This makes getting around the map interesting and sometimes involves prior planning. Some jumps require knowing how to a RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost. It’s a trick in JKA where you can double your jump height boosting off a slope surface less than 90 degrees. There are many variations to do this trick so ill explain the basic D-Swing one. RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost: Run forward using W or D and hold jump/space If using W let go of it while in air press D+Attack If using D just keep hold it and press attack. After pressing attack, you will press and hold W+Attack (Jump/Space is still being held at the time.) You will need forward momentum going into a slope surface. The middle of the swing is where the boost should happen. The player character’s body should be touching the slope surface during the middle of the swing animation. After the boost let go of attack but continue holding W+Jump/Space. If you hold attack you will swing the saber again, slowing your forward momentum giving less height to the jump. The timing of the swing/forward momentum speed and angle of slope surface all adjust when the boost will or will not happen. It takes some practice to learn this trick but its not too difficult to master. This trick allows access to some areas in maps devs never intended. For other JKA mappers. This map is also good for testing how things interact with slopes. I also have perfect heights for j1 j2 j3 and other useful stuff for mapping in general. Source files are included so feel free to poke around. ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs Used: Netradiant-Custom-20220211 Photoshop 2022 ----------------------------------------------------------- Credits: SephFF Author of this map did all Bursh work, patches, custom textures, layout brushes/details, player spawns, TFFA spawns, transition cam and lots of testing. Loda and tayst gave me info for japro stuff. MJT Helped with shaders....this dude does black magic. Map testers: Helena, Yeti*, Ice, Misery, Thunder, Fran, Sal, Source, Loda, prob more... so many people tested this JAWA, SAO, UPS all helped. ----------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Place the .pk3 into your gamedata/base folder. ----------------------------------------------------------- Run map commands: To play this map not a server pull down the console with (shift + `) then type /devmap then the bsp name. ----------------------------------------------------------- THIS FILE IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN SOFTWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS™ & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY, LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  12. Testing some things.
  13. @mjt And I were gonna have a barrel NPC similar to your Moon base Labs Map. Where people could throw it or make it explode like a tie-fighter killing everyone near by lol. Unfortunately we ran out of time before the contest and could not get it working right in time. I really like the idea of making the ball an NPC! where you could use force push and play volleyball with it on the beach! Or slap it with a hockey stick that uses "saberdmgvelocityscale". I could see some fun events we could run on JAWA server with that. One flaw in it would be making it float in water lol. I have no idea how to pull that off. You really are making me want to update my Costa Del Sol map with all these amazing details. ( I got 2 maps to finish before I can start tho ;_; ) Some things I wanted to do but just didn't have the time was build interiors for all the building, true to Final Fantasy 7 reference images of Costa Del Sol. The hardest part is the maps size where so much is being rendered it is hard to optimize and really make it look amazing, not killing everyone's FPS. (we tried adding grass to it.. it killed most ppl's computers to include my own lol). I'm also one of those mappers where I loth invisible walls... Only clip things that absolutely need it. I love the idea that if its looks like you can reach it... you can! Though with the way jump 3 works and some of the movement glitches I can normally find like 50 ways to break a mappers intentions lol. it makes designing maps a million times harder. That water tho.... *Chefs Kiss*
  14. I gatta say this is looking pretty darn good.
  15. Since you’re asking for thoughts, I tend to tread softly on just how much constructive critique I give since it can sometimes be taken in a negative manner. For example, level design logic where the doors are too small for boxes, yet the added boxes improve the play, so the designer just does not care. Each case/designer is different or accepts things differently. I’m assuming your goal is to push the limits of JKA and make an esthetically pleasing looking map while looking for real constructive critique. What you currently have is outstanding and forms a cohesive look to a nice sunny day on the beach. The darkened sand looks a lot more natural to the eye I think you did a great job on that. The only item that stands out to me is the grass sprite/grass texture. One thing my level design professor use to preach is that “your design is successful if nothing is noticeable unless you intend it to be noticed.” So out of all of it so far, it’s the only item that stands out to me. As for ways to correct it, would be avoid stand-alone straight lines of grass sprites with the high contrasting color planted in the sand. Also play with different lengths/density of grass with complementing grass texture/color. If not looking for this kind of critique, I can just go back to…. “looks good!! XD” *keep walking* TLDR: Grass stands out a bit, looks good tho.
  16. top 2 looks better to me... The bottom 2 I tho would be better if made for at a farther distance away from the island. "Do people think its better more isolated or I can pop more islands in the skybox to make it seem more of an archipelago chain" I would say archipelago as long as it does not kill performance. Adds more life to the environment. Also recommend adding fishes/coral... i would be curious to see how you would tackle it lol
  17. @Szico VII Ah thanks for letting me know. I ended up sorta making mine by hand... using 2k textures. Got it close to how it should look then compiled the map and made minor edits in photoshop using vid_restart over and over lol. I tried to find a program that could automatically do the appropiate distortion but all the ones I found were out of my price range. Also tried using blender and texturing the inside of a cube but that didn't translate well into JKA. Its just a painful slow process to make it look right. Or if ya know any good plugins for photoshop I'm all ears. Making the animated skyboxes is nice but sometimes not worth the performance cost. I want to eventually learn how to use rend2. I just have to make sure it works for both base JKA and Rend2 users since its hard to get people to download anything for multiplayer. That grass also looks really good. I tried using a grass shader but FPS DROPPED fast with the size of the map. Like the progress so far!! feel free to use any assets I used in my Costa Del Sol map... your tutorials and .map files ya shared are half the reason I was able to make it. for example alpha shaders and decals are some things I learned from ya. The other half was due to @mjtbeing a mapping senpai lol. regardless can't thank ya enough.
  18. Yes lol....(Sorry for super late reply) IRL can get in the way as well as skill with this type of stuff... IRL I'm retired jarhead now college student who does graphic design. Also got a wife and three kids + 2 dogs so its hard to manage all that sometimes. 3 main reasons i didnt release the first map YET... was -vis was bad causing major FPS drops and I want this to run smooth for most people. The second reasons is I suck at scripting and i'll need to find help with that for the elevator in main building. Three... This map is the first map I tried to make so its been a lot of learning involved. I'm slowly getting confidence I need to finish it tho. In the mean time... before I work on that I wanna make a fun simple not too pretty Co-op map... and probly update it over time. ATM I 2 rooms made for it and wanna make a third before uploading it. The big main room is just a playground of sorts... mainly to teach movement mechanics in game like what can walk on what angle of slope... Glitch tricks...strafe jumps... rolling/crouching and a room to test max saber range. The Co-op part will have 3 difficulties... Hardest can be done solo... just requires to know expert jump mechanics. Next is kinda hard with 2 people but fastest way though the challenges. and last an easy route for people not good with strafing. Its just hard designing rooms with 3 difficulty levels but its nice to have options imo for solving something.
  19. That's a nice skybox. I made one so far and learned it's not easy. Is that a 4k texture 0_o. But please continue making more dope maps. Excellent learning material and fun to play on with others.
  20. Version 1.8


    I made this map purely for my own personal passion for Final Fantasy 7. The map is based on a location in FF7 that is infamous in gaming history but that’s going down spoiler territory so anyone who has played the original FF7 should recognize this location pretty quick. I took a long break from mapping due to college classes and thought making something small would be a great way to get a refresher in mapping. Map Features: Buttons: Four buttons clearly marked allow for changing the main fighting area to change. 1: Spectator stands 2: Wall 3: Pilon 4: Overhead cross One button on the lower floor turns on some platforms and balls of water mad specifically for jump challenges in the map. There is one hidden button somewhere in the map where if ya push it and then jump to the small material orb in the water, it will teleport ya high in the sky. Serves three purposes… 1: obvi FF7 reference 2: a quick way to start the extremely hard jump challenge. 3: Alt way to center pad in all game modes. Starts in off position at start of map…can be toggled on or off. Last there are three secret buttons in an area outside the main map. Only way to reach this is with an extremely difficult strafe jump. The jump is made with 125 FPS users. Corner of landing area will TP you to the secret area. Other ways is obvi with grapple or noclip/use teleport coordinates. Jump challenges: There are six total designed jump challenges all different ranges of difficulty. Only one jump has a reward room, the jump using the water balls reward is reaching the highest point in the map. The others are just for challenge sake/fun. 1: Jump only on broken pillars in a full circle with out falling in the water (easy) 2: Climb to top of bell tower (easy) 3: Use unbroken round pillars with half a sphere on top to circle around the arena. (hard) 4: Climb bell tower only using the bell tower itself. Start of jumps from center arena. (Very Hard) 5: Use water jump glitch and D-swing Boost to reach highest point of map (Very Hard) 6: From elevated platform jump off crystal to triangle glass in open are to corner glass in the map. (Extremely hard) (Will post diagram of jumps on JKhub to more easily see what im talking about…I prob suck at explaining what these jumps are lol) Water jump glitch: JKA for some odd reason has a cool trick not many people know about where if you jump into water using full jump (J1,J2,J3 <Force level), and you KEEP holding jump while falling into the water never letting it go. When you swim to the surface you will shoot out of the water the same hight as the speak of your jump regardless from how high up you are. If you never let go of jump and fall in water again, you can repeat the same jump height again and again. The only thing stopping you is if your feet touch the ground. If your feet touch the glitch will no longer work. This makes getting around the map interesting and sometimes invilves prior planning. Some jumps require knowing how to a RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost. It’s a trick in JKA where you can double your jump height boosting off a slope surface less than 90 degrees. There are many variations to do this trick so ill explain the basic D-Swing one. RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost: Run forward using W or D and hold jump/space If using W let go of it while in air press D+Attack If using D just keep hold it and press attack. After pressing attack, you will press and hold W+Attack (Jump/Space is still being held at the time.) You will need forward momentum going into a slope surface. The middle of the swing is where the boost should happen. The player character’s body should be touching the slope surface during the middle of the swing animation. After the boost let go of attack but continue holding W+Jump/Space. If you hold attack you will swing the saber again, slowing your forward momentum giving less height to the jump. The timing of the swing/forward momentum speed and angle of slope surface all adjust when the boost will or will not happen. It takes some practice to learn this trick but its not too difficult to master. This trick allows access to some areas in maps devs never intended. ----------------------------------------------------------- Map Info: Map Name: Forgotten_City Released: July 26th 2022 Filesize: bsp: 3.80mb pk3: 44mb Version: 1.5 Build Time: 28 days Brush Count: 357 Patches: 530 Entities: 88 Build Command lines: [bsp] -threads 6 -meta -v -verboseentities -maxarea -samplesize 8 -skyfix "[MapFile]" [vis] -threads 6 -vis -saveprt "[MapFile]" [light] -light -dirty -dirtdepth 4 -dirtmode 0 -dirtscale 4 -fast -fastgrid -cheap -cheapgrid -samplescale 1 -exposure 260 -patchshadows -bounce 8 -bouncescale 0.7 -fastbounce -bouncegrid -samples 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -lightmapsize 2048 -debugsamplesize "[MapFile]" roughly took 30 min to compile lighting. UPDATE: Origanal upload had a missing texture, also found FPS drops with more than 4 players. I had to re-work entire parts of the maps and remove/modify a lot of shaders just to increase preformance a bit more but still keep the core play of the map feeling the same. it just does not look as good imo. In order to get this map looking to how I intended I will have to learn how to optimize and import models into the map and thats something that might take a few months to learn. So I got this as good as I could for now. ----------------------------------------------------------- Features: FFA / TFFA / Duel / Power Duel Botrouting: no New Music: Yes (Best to play map with music on!!!!) (3 options) New Textures: Yes New Shaders: Yes New Sounds: No New Models: No New NPC: No New Skybox: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------- ***********IMPORTANT*********** Source .MAP file inside the pk3. Feel free to use anything SephFF has made in this map for your own maps made for Jedi Academy. I only ask that you give proper credit. If you want to port the map for a different game, you will need to request permission. ***********IMPORTANT***********----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs Used: Netradiant-Custom-20220211 Photoshop 2022 ----------------------------------------------------------- Credits: SephFF Brush work, patches, skybox, custom textures, layout of lvl and structural brushes/details, player spawns, TFFA spawns, transition cam and lots of testing. MJT Helped with shaders, brushwork for bowl surrounding the water, and a lot of help with the caustics ....this dude does black magic. Yeti*, Ice, Fransuave, Eternal: Map testers Misery: Mapping tips and testing found all kinds of things for me to fix Szico: 'Toggleable' Teleporters found on JKhub https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/10095-toggleable-teleporters/ Music from FF7 ----------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Place the forgotten_city.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder. ----------------------------------------------------------- Run map commands: To play this map not a server pull down the console with (shift + `) then type /devmap Forgotten_City
  21. I mainly use Net-radiant custom for all my mapping needs. I feel like I understand it enough to make half way decent maps, but at the same time it feels extremely limited. I also searched through the forums looking for tutorials or guides but there is so much scattered, its hard to figure out what workflow I would need to do. With mapping its fairly easy to spend 20 hours on a minor detail only to realize you can't make it work and have to try a new approach. So what I am looking for are any guides or tutorials for a workflow that mainly uses blender for the level creation aspect. I guess I can try to explain a few things I don't know, I should know...but also there is the aspect of what I just don't know that I should be asking. So I hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Can full levels be made in blender? How to make JKA shaders work in blender to include system shaders? Advanced Alpha blending in blender Terrain optimization Importing from blender to Net-Radiant Custom, import small parts little by little or full blown levels Baking light maps from blender into the game Known limitations such as polycount or conflicts. how to ensure -vis works (I'm assuming block out with caulk but not sure if that works inside of models.) There might be a million other questions I don't know to ask lol What I do know mainly amounts to RichDiesal's JK2Radiant Mapping University, Szico VII's tutorials, and what @mjt has taught me under his wing lol. I can use Blender, photoshop, illustrator. I use to have access to substance painter but I cant afford to subscribe to it lol. I am a IRL graphic designer so that helps with making my own textures. I also have a minor degree in game design I just do this as a hobby though. I guess the goal for me is to figure out a workflow that mainly uses blender. ATM I feel fully comfortable using only Net Radiant Custom but would like the maps I make to be higher quality. Another aspect is speed, where I can make something in a few weeks, not a few months. (Wife, three kids, 2 dogs, working keeps ya busy) Personally I would love to make guide about all this stuff someday... Just with so much information scattered its hard to really nail down a solid tutorial with all the new tools we can use today vs back in 2003. Also I do have ADHD so I'm already a scatter brain lol.
  22. SephFF


    First off love the three mountain sections.... more of that please! lol Love that you don't really use clipping brushes much and that huge open area with the water is fun to jump around in. Also love its big enough to fly a tie-fighter in. Very good attention to detail with textures and kitchen design and creative use of in-game assets from ffa3 and other levels. Duel rooms are great and fun to duel in. For a beta version its in great shape, only minor issues Music works for me (using eternaljk) Some of the lasers dont cause dmg, not sure if intended. (also not sure what one of the buttons in that room does) Minor general mapping issues like a texture not aligned or small glitch with -vis Top quality map IMO very fun.
    love the style and how ya used the horizon blending tutorial. The texture on the canopy is really nice.... I only have minor critiques so feel free to PM me for more if interested.
  23. SephFF


    Nice map overall! I have only minor critiques I could offer so if interested feel free to PM me and id be happy to tell ya my thoughts.
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