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Posts posted by Stoiss

  1. damn, your story triggers such great memories for my self, as I look back and think to the time I myself started playing multiplayer in jedi academy.

    the journey from being a noob to sitting down and spending several 100 hours a month training everyday for years and getting better at playing the game, to becoming a clan leader for a big server to making money from having a server, to that you start modding the game and then you sit here today and can look back and think back on the things that you yourself have experienced.

    it gives some super cool flashbacks for me with this experiences i have  had for almost 20 years with the game, I've made a lot of good friends myself from it. some have gone others have stayed, I could never regret this experience without it and if i had the chance to start over i would gladly do it again. thank you for your super cool video Circa, thank you for what you do to keep this community up along with all the rest of us who still have a great love for the game and each other.

    GamerRedNeck, Smoo and Circa like this
  2. On 12/14/2022 at 8:16 AM, skew said:

    Hey guys,

    It's been a few years since my last update but I will be trying to work towards a release soon.

    Quick update:

    - Trying the built in saber knockbackScale as a hitstun with my own damage system. Video below. It seems to work well enough, but it breaks the knockdowns from kicks and, in certain cases, results in ridiculously far knock backs, so I'll be adding a knock down when the knock back exceeds a threshold.


    keep up the good work man, ben watching this mod for years now 🙂 keep making progress no matter how slow it is 😉

    hope to see more from you soon 🙂

  3. On 8/5/2022 at 12:54 PM, Szico VII said:

    Small updates - decided I preferred it with some more skybox elements.








    damn this looks nice man, good to see you are back in the community 😄 that water looks really nice. way better then what we have in Warzone but i do like Warzone's a lot to 🙂 here is a Pic of me taking a screenshot from me and Uniq1 Mod 





  4. 10 hours ago, Lancelot said:

    I must correct you there: He wanted the 200k views for the 30 minute Ultimate Trailer. I remember how people went nuts over it, and they shared the video with anyone possible. Once the viewer count was reached, everyone got super excited - for a good reason, because after all, he said that once the video hits the mark, he would release the mod. But he then accused his fans that they cheated in order to get the counter up. This was yet another moment were everyone started throwing tomatoes at him. Nevertheless, I still had the faith that everything was not as bad as it seemed. I had this feeling years before, and I maintained it at that time.

    correct. wont disagreed on it. i don't think the mod was bad, but Tim was not legit about his action, i talk with him a lot on MSN messenger every day about this stuff, and he didn't only lie to the community he lie to his staff as well behind the screens. any who its not about KOTF past here so lets keep it to the topic 🙂

  5. 2 hours ago, Circa said:


    This is a bit misinformed. The problem with Tim's KOTF was that he took all of those mods, put them in his giant menu mod, and didn't give credit to anyone that made any of it, implying he did it himself. In addition to that, the launcher had a trojan virus in it, and he had essentially switched to charging money for the mod right before it went down and he disappeared. Charging money for mods he didn't even make. It was a terrible situation and he was a scummy dude. The issue was never with the overall idea, it was how he went about it.

    This i can only say is the hold truth, i was there when it happen as i was a Admin on KOTF forum back in the days, Tim was a scummy dude for sure, and the way he earn that money was also a really nasty way doing it, said he could not finish the mod if he didn't get a new PC. i remember it like it was yesterday lol, plus he didn't want to release the mod after he did get his new PC the community had payed him to finish the mod with, his greed got over him again as he  wanted 200k views of his video on YouTube, that showed where he live, So me and a sec mod in there got mad and there after did a web script that would get the view counter up faster so the release could happe, when it happen he didn't want to release it right away, and i got mad at him Tim, because he promised his community that it would happen, and he released it, some time after that a lot of stuff happen, and he had no respect for anyone when i was there. it ended up with that i moved a lot of fans and some mods in there away from his forum, and things only went down after that by his own mistakes and greed. it did end up with a new mod that aim for what he did. and Star wars Chronicles got form out of that. sad as things got mention in this topic the source of the models, maps and so on never had a release, witch is sad because it could get out to a lot players,/modders in there hands to fix, play, and do more with it 🙂

  6. 6 hours ago, Circa said:

    They just announced a new non-EA game, an open world Star Wars game, developed by Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment (The Division). Extremely excited! Ubisoft isn’t perfect, but I think Massive is probably one of their best studios in terms of game vision, ability, and dedication.


    as long as they keep there time saves for them self, and out of there game, and don't force there player base to grind their ass off to get some martial to buy some gear sets or force to buy it through micro transactions that is cut content like they have done with the last 3 assassin's creed games and breakpoint for that matter with scummy micro transactions. im fine with that Ubisoft gets a chance to make a star wars game. but remember Ubisoft is no different from how EA is when it comes to micro transactions. as long its just skins im fine with it, but they have just not proved that they could do a live service game or a single player game without micro transactions in the scummy way they do it. but this is just my opinion on it. so lets hope Disney still have the voice to keep this in tact so it dosnt end up like Battlefront 2 ended 🙂

  7. the main thing for lugormod was to build, making quest with npcs, and based on classes. there was a few RP clans out there, but from my past and having a lugormod server we where more making it a quest based mode where u could get credits to upgrade, build a house for the credits and so on.

    Robophed or what he was call was one of the last one who was coding on it, but he moved on for what ever reason he had, maybe he just lost the passion to go on with the project. the source code has been release by some other guy who got the code and was trying to work on with it. but i guess he lost interested as well.

  8. that video is just a small part of how it can look at some times, where 10 clashed start to come in, and you do the parrys right at the right moment and then make a attack after it and see if your opponent can be fast enough to parry it,

    if he do that and can keep doing it right, the clash that will happen looks really epic, and it is never the same when you play for you 10 time. and the way the system in it, react to things looks really cool as well. i personly think this how a manual block system should be :)

    Siegfried likes this
  9. It literally looks no different than what's done in SJE.. pretty much :huh:. Other than a few minor tweaks here and there. That's what I take from it at least, anyway.

    lol for real ? i was the one who did EOC back in the days dude :D i know the saber system and it is far from SJE at all, 


    EoC use a lot of crap like Mishaps, Dodge meter and all sort of crazy stuff from OJP, this saber system dosnrt use any of that at all, there is really nothing left of OJP in my build here, beside checksaberdamage function with some massiv changes in it :) so i would not compair this stuff to what SJE is :)

    Tompa9 and Smoo like this

    Keep in Mind that this is Work in Progress and what you see have some FPS issue becours of the AI not is up to date and needs work, besides that, it runs smooth and looks really cool ingame :) ofc textures and stuff like that could use work, and what we have here is only a place holder on til we have something better later on :)

    Andy, Smoo and therfiles like this
  11. mmm my mod code is builded with one of the first version of OpenJk of 2013. o.o i doubt they are compatible. if i use rend2 and wz code sure i will need to take code sources and merge with all my code edits O.o well... should be a necessary sacrifice i guess.

    i tested on a map two area ripped by two legacy of kain games one of defiance and one of blood omen 2

    same is ours, but a lot has change in our codes over the past 4 years now, for Weapons code, to AI, to how the network handles stuff and much more, i would never begin to port wz to a new code without know what u are doing :D

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