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Szico VII

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Posts posted by Szico VII

  1. I cant help but think if they were more reliable everything would have been scripted. However from many coder posts here it does appear Raven are somewhat lax in their work ethic :P


    Ive never had any problems with entity setups but scripts (performing the same actions) occasionally throw up silly problems for no good reason. Just my two cents.

  2. I use reference images for this one, mostly just google-ing Doom 3 pictures and running around the MP maps. I can draw but rarely do, usually see what I want in my head and just try make it work in reality. As for layout...I just work at it as I go along, trying to keep to basic ffa/ctf principles (roughly even, multiple routes, circular, vertical variation)


    Then I just move my mouse a bit and a map appears. Seriously. It just appears quite slowly.....

  3. Dont use that - always use q3map_sunExt (has MUCH better lighting results) ---> See examples HERE


    q3map_sunExt red green blue intensity degrees elevation deviance samples


    Works like q3map_sun with the addition of two new parameters to create "light jittering" for penumbra (half-shadow) effects. This gives you much more realistic shadows from the sun, especially when trying to simulate a cloudy day or a wide sun. The penumbra effect can also be applied to entity lights (point, spot or sun) with the _deviance N (distance in world units for point/spot lights and degrees for suns) and _samples N (number of samples) key/value pairs.



    deviance : The number of degrees for the half-shadow. General values up to 2 or 3 are acceptable. The real sun has a solid angle of about half a degree.


    samples : The number of random jitters distributed over the solid arc (~16).


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