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Szico VII

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Everything posted by Szico VII

  1. It doesnt for me... Perhaps you could send me whatever model + test map you are using to see If I can duplicate it
  2. Well I couldnt get it to work with a full lightmap, but with onlyvertex lighting it works just as well textures/blueice_nightfall/nightfall_treebranch { qer_editorimage textures/blueice_nightfall/nightfall_treebranch qer_trans 1.0 q3map_onlyvertexlighting surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm trans surfaceparm nonsolid cull twosided { map textures/blueice_nightfall/nightfall_treebranch blendfunc blend rgbGen vertex } } #01 Vertex Lit with blendfunc blend #02 Lightmapped with alphafunc GE128
  3. It just looks like the alpha channel isnt very good to me. No, actually, I dont think twosided is any different from none. Have you tried adding "depthWrite" to your main texture stage? You can have lightmapped gradual transparency, you just need the right lightmap stage as mentioned in last post using depthfunc equal - Ive recently used it for lightmapped alpha faded water in the Bioshock map. DOnt know about how it works with a alpha blend in the texture itself.... models/map_objects/bootland/trees/pinestem4 { cull disable surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm nonsolid q3map_alphashadow { map models/map_objects/bootland/trees/pinestem4.tga alphafunc GE128 depthWrite } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity blendFunc filter depthfunc equal } }Or, perhaps for gradual...: models/map_objects/bootland/trees/pinestem4 { cull disable surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm nonsolid q3map_alphashadow { map models/map_objects/bootland/trees/pinestem4.tga blendFunc blend depthWrite } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity blendFunc filter depthfunc equal } }
  4. textures/blueice_nightfall/nightfall_treebranch { qer_editorimage textures/blueice_nightfall/nightfall_treebranch qer_trans 1.0 q3map_onlyvertexlighting surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm trans surfaceparm nonsolid cull twosided { map textures/blueice_nightfall/nightfall_treebranch alphaFunc GE128 depthWrite rgbGen vertex } }Thats the nightfall shader -> worked pretty well to be fair. It uses vertex lighting to save on compile time but still looks fine. For a tree branch, do you not want all or nothing transparency? Its not like some bits of twigs are partially transparent are they? For gradual transparency with lightmaps, particularly used for already partially transparent surfaces + additional alpha blending, the "depthfunc equal" seems to be the magic parameter, otherwise you get the lightmap showing up and ruining the gradual blend even if the texture itself has successfully faded away ) AFAIK, Alphafunc describes how to use the alpha channel by the renderer, and blendfunc describes how various texture layers are mixed with each other. Theres a lot of duplicate commands too, for example blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE is identical to blendfunc add, and blendfunc GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA I think is the same as blendfunc blend. EDIT: Heres the documentation in the shader manual: http://q3map2.everyonelookbusy.net/shader_manual/ch6.htm ALSO - Use cull twosided
  5. For discrete transparency you should really be using the alphafunc GE128 (or LT 128) command. If for somereason you really need gradual transparency youll need a depthfunc equal in the lightmap stage. Oh, and dont forget to ad the "lightmapped" spawnflag to the model in radiant.,
  6. I just clicked the right link here: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/112-richdiesals-mapping-university/
  7. http://web.archive.org/web/20081228205726/http://www.richdiesal.map-craft.com/darthg/Shaders_365/lesson2/sh365lsn2.htm
  8. Needz dglow. And any possibility of making cubemaps work? Proper reflections would be sooo good.
  9. Ah its okay everyone makes errors - the reason it was dashed is because unfortunately, people don't tend to read entire topics and if people come across threads like these with wrong info in the future they wont bother to check post 4 and 8 or whatever to find the real answer. They'll either start new topics to ask again or add on the same answer about it being wrong like 3 weeks later. Incidental question - If I add a model2 key to a func_entity as opposed to targeting a misc_model at the entity, does that make any difference to entity count? I recently noticed I can add .ase models to entities using this targeting method, as ase's don't usually work as non-static model. Made me wonder if it was just baked into the entity rather than the map in that instance... (Unless thats an openJK change)
  10. Where dat indoor fog coming from?
  11. Func groups arent ingame entitities. They are editor-and compiler-only.
  12. Only if its just a slight hint. Otherwise no, its fucking awful.
  13. It needs a game switch not an engine path for that?
  14. Excellent!
  15. What do you mean by changing the note "value" then? I just didnt understand exactly what you want this grid to do and how you want it to work.
  16. I dont understand your intention from the first post. If each higher vertical block increases the note pitch, what do you want the blocks moving horizontally to do?
  17. Engine path points to ja? I didnt think q3map2 cared about or needed an engine path@?
  18. As in dont add your celshader to individual entities or individual map shaders, just try adding it globally to the worldspawn?
  19. I mean have you tried compiling with it set on a per-map basis not a per-shader basis
  20. Is there not a worldspawn _celshader key?
  21. Its always worked for me?
  22. I was already using that... It fixed the church flowers but not any of the most recently posted white shader errors.
  23. Ta-da?
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