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Szico VII

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Everything posted by Szico VII

  1. Base maps will look almost identical unless someone updates them with rend2 shaders and textures.
  2. So my friend, is the SEARCH tool
  3. I've never noticed angles nor radius to do much for me
  4. Well, the light texture now needs changing, but look how much bigger the light had to be to get the rough same lighting effect! Its really easy to change your shaders to customise the light colour, textures, intensity. http://mapping.jkhub.org/Shaders365_Lesson_2_LightEmitting_files/sh365lsn2.htm
  5. Its hard to tell for sure, though is that entity lighting? Have you tried a shader light, removing the light entities and seeing how it renders, that would be a more realistic impression.
  6. I might suggest that the source is disproportionately small to the light emitted then
  7. So if I made an entity with basic textures and one part had a shader with this parameter, all the other textures would get scrolled as well?
  8. Again. The question wasnt what is tcmod. It's what is tcmod entitytranslate
  9. Never actually changes what?
  10. Any idea what this does?
  11. Its so yellow and yet again, no lights
  12. No no no, the JK2 level Edit, nevermind this is just for DF2...never played it
  13. Nar Shaddaa for sure, thats the first level after the lightsaber, right?
  14. I used alpha fades for the waterfall with an overlying foam shader (tcmod scroll) and that one isnt lightmapped as I havent figured out how to lightmap a transparent and blended surface... The water on the floor is lightmapped, with an envmap, a glow env map, a caustic effect shader and some displacement of the vertices using deformvertexes. Also tesssize 32 to increase tris count and make the env map look better. I plan to improve the candle effects but its basically an animmap with around 16 stages
  15. I dunno what that big glowy thing is but I want to touch it. Is that bad?
  16. No I meant in radiant Incidentally, someone asked for a base vs rend2 of moonbase, so here it is:
  17. *cough* if you tell me how to I shall do it
  18. Finally happy with the first room....second room to start soon.
  19. I'm guessing nobody has added that to OpenJK though?
  20. I have no idea what ensiform said Heres a vid of rend2, I finally got it to record properly by turning off r_postprocess
  21. How might one do that>?
  22. I tried with that - It appeared to make everything lag a lot more... Though the "auto-normalmap" did make it look a bit nicer and the SSAO seems to make it smoother
  23. Theres...a lot going on, Did you have some specific ones in mind?
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