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    Baron Von Tree#5065
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    Baron Von Tree

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    I got the opportunity to play on this map one of the times it was being used. The setting is perfect, especially with the help of a couple NPC's. When you're behind the scenes, it really feels like you're in the studio, filming in a news station. In front of the camera, you really get to feel like the pressure is on when the questions are being fired off in an interview between a news anchor and a Jedi who has to represent the entire order. I thoroughly look forward to using/playing this map again in the future.
  1. Yooo, Jedi Outcast AND RoTS game?! That RoTS was the best. Here we go again...
  2. I suppose it's depending on where in the world you want the server to host from, but I know our clan uses a French cloud based server. O V H
  3. ::JEDI::, since 2003, has been one of the oldest and longest running clans on Jedi Academy and we're looking for new story tellers like you! With ::JEDI::, you experience the slice of life, living as a Jedi, some 400 years after the Battle of Yavin. Create and breathe life into your own character with three separate servers to roleplay in, creative writing opportunities on the forums that supplement your in game role play, custom maps, models, lightsabers and mod. Common classes to attend within the temple, special one off missions with your mentors and whole clan arcs to engage with. With our RPMod, you level up your character by earning XP. Raise your youngling, be taken by a Master and learn your way to becoming a Jedi Knight with some of the most in depth role play you'll find on Jedi Academy. You can read more about us via our website at www.jediholo.net/about or check out the PCgamer article written about us here
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