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File Reviews posted by Sirius

  1. So, I have been playing JKA ever since it came out. I have seen a ton of mods come and a ton of mods go. I have seen SP mods, I have seen MP mods, I have seen attempts at reinventing the wheel.

    Never thus far, however, have I seen a labor of love such as this one and (with no offense meant at all towards anyone else) from a person with such aesthetic quality.

    From the very menu of the mod, to the entire UI, to the Intuitiveness of selecting a character to play as (including variants for them), to the roguelike gameplay that no one knew how much we both wanted and needed, this mod is something that truly makes JKA replayable infinitely.

    It's also quite magical how the creations of almost every single being in JKhub has coalesced into this gem, making it not only one of the most (if not -the- most) enjoyable mod to have been spawned for the game but also sort of a history book of JKhub past, present and future.

    Just beautiful.


    PhreaKy315 likes this


       269    0

    A map that while not overly large by itself, provides a peek into a bustling planet and a society rich in activity! From food stands to droid shops and an amazing gambling venue, it's filled with nice little nooks and cranies, shady and familiar corners, it is easy to navigate, chill at, duel within and RP through it. It ends up being a trope but, the creator has 'done it' yet another time!

    Minoda likes this


       63    0

    From every standpoint that one could view this, it is a phenomenal creation. When most maps could be just flat surfaces that go on eternally, or when they could be a labyrinthian collection of hallways that one would forget mere minutes later, this creator manages to bring forth something beautiful, functional and iconic. You might need a map to test something, a casual arena to train, an area for a friendly spar, a map for a community to train its members in JKA's combat nuances or even to RolePlay within (with an extra flair of the Matrix's loadup area). This map has it all and then some, with its variants, its ambience and it s beautiful utility.

  2. A beautiful, somber and solemn map whose elegance lies in its simplicity. An enchanting little corner of the Star Wars universe that can serve as a wonderful RP location or as a beautiful dueling environment (depending on the needs of the person(s) in question). The aesthetic matches perfectly that which the author described as their intent of making, a ruined Jedi meditation chamber, and stepping onto this map makes you feel immersed into the lore and mysticism of the Jedi Order. Wonderful job.

    Jester Knight

       244    9

    Absolutely phenomenal work. Unaware of whether or not they are 100% original ''designs'' or if there is influence in any of them, but even if there is any influence at all behind them, merely creating them and in such a superb fashion is in and by itself worthy of praise. Keep up the extraordinary good work!

    Willemoes likes this
  3. This is literally just the Fortnite port of the Mandalorian model. With the exception of the hands/palms in what I assume was a workaround to having to weight them.

    While beautiful work, cause let s be honest, any AAA-Game production usually has beautiful work, there is nothing custom about this in the slightest, so I do not understand in what manner it's an entry for the contest.


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