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Posts posted by Sirius

  1. The Obi Wan outfit is almost ready from Kyle Katarn's Stealth Outfit from Hapslash

    Maul can be achieved with a combination of Savage and the inquisitor neck+shoulder pads. (Or the desann shoulder pads).

    Qui gon s can be achieved on the base jaden tunics outfit (i have done an outfit that is inspired by that toy even if i ended up taking artistic liberties.

    Jeff likes this
  2. I had a go at the Taron Malicos idea.


    Utilized the Savage Opress body, the naked Darth Maul hands, Combination of Darth Maul tabards and Starkiller Jedi Hunter tabards. Theron's swtor port belt flaps. A custom modeled belt piece on which the triangle was textured. The Gar Iblis model for head/hair/boots. A beard I have had for a looong time that I know not how it originated. Quinlan Vos torso texture. Felucian shaman bones/teeth.

    Edited the model extensively in blender while adding the many different parts and retextured many many things in Photoshop.


  3. Coffee Arana





    This needs to be a model, laughed my ass off at this one.



    I don't think it'll be hard to make, will try at it when I have some time!



    ((if someone can delete the "." post above, it d be great. I am not used to the message interface and messed up double posting))

  4. Knowing full well it's not an easy process (possibly including weighting, whose mere thought sends shivers down my spine) and being unaware on whether or not you welcome recommendations; I think the model below would be a very nice addition. (And of course one I would love to see)





    That being said, everything in this thread is perfect. Seriously, for most you can't even tell they are ported. Extremely well done!

    Noodle likes this
  5. This is one of the most stunning maps I've ever seen, it's even more incredible to see it ingame with the ambience music in the background. Can't wait for this to be released, it'll be great!


    your work with skybox portals is beyond measure. I wait with baited breath for your relief, and thank you for showing us glimpses along the way.


    Inspiration from things like Blade Runner is great for any city world, and seeing this map makes me feel better about 1313 never coming to life. At least somehow we're able to venture to the deep dark.


    GOOD GOD! This is absolutely beautiful! Be proud of what you have been able to do thus far! I can't wait to see its development!


    I m still gawking at it XD

    Sting likes this
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