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Everything posted by JediBantha

  1. Or, you could just add additional force levels & make level 1 Grip deal 3 damage instead of 0 via code, like I did...
  2. Did you use a sort of radius command when you tried assigning them?
  3. @@the_raven The "misc_model_breakable" portion of ForceGrip is what would allow you to grab & move map objects. You'd probably have to add a powerup to make it stay frozen for a short time (at higher levels?) .
  4. I think it's a good idea, especially if you're making it for huge characters like Gork, or Desann.
  5. I believe stopping a blaster bolt in mid-air is more Grip than anything, so I'd recommend that you look there.
  6. Oh god, imagine this happening in places like Walmart...
  7. If you're referring to the increase in Force levels after completing a level, you'll want to change the icarus scripts, not the game code. These can be found in the Jedi Academy SDK, which can be edited by Crimson Editor, or something similar. yavin1b Force powers (Saber ranks count) = scripts/yavin1/player_setup.icarus yavin2 = scripts/tutorial/tut_start.icarus t2 levels = scripts/academy3/give_neutral_level2.icarus t3 levels = scripts/academy5/give_neutral_level3.icarus
  8. For those of you who've never played Mysteries of the Sith, Far Sight is a spectator cam that doesn't involve you dying.
  9. I've looked at G_SetViewEntity and searched the project for anything relevant to "spectator", but I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm supposed to do for Far Sight's camera. Is there anything in the former that I missed?
  10. The only thing you really need for .npc files is notepad; not ++, or sublime, just your default notepad.
  11. I *think* I found the night vision portion of the goggles here: SP Vanilla Renderer
  12. 1&2: You may have to make custom buttons for those to work. 3: Look into the code for Rage, and do the same for those powers, except replace "self->health -" with "self->client->ps.forcePower -", and adjust the "addTime" values as needed. 4: I've been trying to figure that out myself, but no luck so far. I posted a thread for it not too long ago: http://jkhub.org/topic/6699-light-amp-goggles-night-vision-code/
  13. He *almost* became Sith. Killing Mara would've sealed the deal, except he didn't.
  14. I'm trying to figure out what affects the color of LightAmp's night vision, so I can make Force Sight more similar to DF2's variant of the latter. Between this and Force Destruction, I had to get away from it for a bit.
  15. @@Asgarath83 Yeah, I've been planning on doing Stasis after I've finished with Breach. I have a feeling that I'll need to make a new PowerUp type (PW_FORCE_STASIS) in order to both freeze enemies and play the .efx on them instead of the caster. Also yes, Breach cancels out Rage, Absorb, and Protect, but not Heal, since it heals you instantaneously at levels 4 and higher.
  16. I occasionally get the 'Debug Assertion Failed!' message, and other times, It'll just crash outright. I did some more tweaking to Breach and the 'Release' version seems to work, but I'm worried that it'll crash on some areas in the final release. (If I ever do manage to finish it... :/ )
  17. And where would I do that? I'm not quite that 'versed' in VS.
  18. If you meant compiling in debug mode, the game crashes whenever I try to load a map.
  19. lol that looks more like a gimp than a trooper
  20. That's more or less what I'm doing, isn't it? xD
  21. If you've played Knights of the Old Republic, Force Breach cancels out any self-buff you have on your character, so I'm trying to get it to where it cancels out any buff powers the target might currently have active. As for what happens at this present moment, absolutely nothing, and crashes after a certain amount of time prior to casting it. I've tried using parts of the Force Grip code, but I can't remember what I did in the previous build that got it working.
  22. Had to rework most of my stuff on OpenJK after erasing a disk, and now Breach is messing up on me. void ForceBreach(gentity_t *self) { trace_t tr; vec3_t end, forward; gentity_t *traceEnt; qboolean targetLive = qfalse; if (WP_CheckBreakControl(self)) { return; } if (self->health <= 0) { return; } //FIXME: if mind trick 3 and aiming at an enemy need more force power if (!WP_ForcePowerUsable(self, FP_TELEPATHY, 0)) { return; } if (self->client->ps.weaponTime >= 800) {//just did one! return; } if (self->client->ps.saberLockTime > level.time) {//FIXME: can this be a way to break out? return; } AngleVectors(self->client->ps.viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL); VectorNormalize(forward); VectorMA(self->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, 2048, forward, end); //Cause a distraction if enemy is not fighting gi.trace(&tr, self->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, self->s.number, MASK_OPAQUE | CONTENTS_BODY, (EG2_Collision)0, 0); if (tr.entityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE || tr.fraction == 1.0 || tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid) { return; } traceEnt = &g_entities[tr.entityNum]; if (traceEnt->NPC && traceEnt->NPC->scriptFlags & SCF_NO_FORCE) { return; } if (targetLive && traceEnt->health > 0) {//hit an organic non-player traceEnt->s.powerups |= (1 << PW_FORCE_BREACH); traceEnt->client->ps.powerups[PW_FORCE_BREACH] = level.time + 500; if (traceEnt->s.powerups |= (1 << PW_FORCE_BREACH)) { if (traceEnt->client->playerTeam != self->client->playerTeam) {//an enemy switch (self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_BREACH]) { case FORCE_LEVEL_10: case FORCE_LEVEL_9: case FORCE_LEVEL_8: case FORCE_LEVEL_7: case FORCE_LEVEL_6: case FORCE_LEVEL_5: WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_ABSORB); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_PROTECT); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_SPEED); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_DEADLYSIGHT); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_RAGE); break; case FORCE_LEVEL_4: WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_ABSORB); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_PROTECT); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_DEADLYSIGHT); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_RAGE); break; case FORCE_LEVEL_3: WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_ABSORB); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_PROTECT); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_RAGE); break; case FORCE_LEVEL_2: WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_ABSORB); WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_PROTECT); WP_ForcePowerStop(self, FP_ABSORB); WP_ForcePowerStop(self, FP_PROTECT); break; case FORCE_LEVEL_1: WP_ForcePowerStop(traceEnt, FP_ABSORB); WP_ForcePowerStop(self, FP_ABSORB); WP_ForcePowerStop(self, FP_PROTECT); break; default: break; } vec3_t eyeDir; AngleVectors(traceEnt->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, eyeDir, NULL, NULL); VectorNormalize(eyeDir); WP_ForcePowerStart(self, FP_BREACH, 0); } NPC_SetAnim(self, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING_START, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); } self->client->ps.saberMove = self->client->ps.saberBounceMove = LS_READY;//don't finish whatever saber anim you may have been in self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE; self->client->ps.weaponTime = 1000; if (self->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1 << FP_SPEED)) { self->client->ps.weaponTime = floor(self->client->ps.weaponTime * g_timescale->value); } } }
  23. @ I'd check newegg.com for new parts if you haven't already... I'd say you would either need a new graphics card, processor, or like @@Cerez said, extra RAM.
  24. Shouldn't the hilt be made of cortosis instead? It seems more likely to dismember the user than the opponent.
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