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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. http://www.youtube.com/user/omegasignas recently ive been experimenting with chiptunes, aka NES, SNES, Sega Genesis
  2. Oh, I had no issues with the mediafire link, it was the actual trying to attach a file. http://www.mediafire...e3fsd673oe31mc0 (no .zip at the end) the one I used was a direct link though, most sites dont like this. (this is the link I used in the actual file on this site atm since attaching didnt work)
  3. Although Im not sure if this counts, ive also done random composing in my spare time, most of which can be found on my Youtube page
  4. link? files, submit, but the link i had to use a direct link to my file, cause i noticed, unless the site sees a .zip it will also refuse to use a link saying that its an invalid filetype yeah thats the same error for a link "The filetype you tried to upload is not in the list of approved file types' error." but ive also had a different error when attaching or uploading a file itself to the site's hosting. "There was an error processing the file. Make sure that after selecting your file that you click the 'Attach File' button before submitting." Dispiting double and triple checking this, its as if the site was ingoring the attachment process
  5. i'll try chrome next time, ive used IE8 and Firefox latest version, but not chrome
  6. when I upload a file it gives me a "please attach the file before submitting, currently im using my mediafire account as a host, i've tried both the modern and older uploader for the site, both with same error, i was uploading a 24mb zip file, which contained the goldeneye bunker, and a small goldeneye assit which makes the game feel more bond.
  7. Im not sure if it was an Isolated issue or not, has anyone else had an issue when trying to attach/upload a file to their submissions? i had to use an external link, and my file was only 24mb in a zip format. just trying to see if its an issue on my end or site side
  8. "freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
  9. well im not working on a model Im currently looking into mapping an area from Mass effect 1
  10. Will the Geth come with NPC support Inyri?
  11. I thought this site was made to be the spiritual sucessor to JKFiles
  12. Its Inyri's fault for her Geth and Mass Effect weapons, and im tempted to make a replica map from ME1
  13. CaptainChar


    Hello im OmegaSigma and this is my favourite store on the citad....wait wrong game Here I am again, not much to say aside I prefer mapping replicas over originals, and I stick to the Nintendo 64 / Dreamcast visual style usually, rather then that, you guys are stuck with me.
  14. Version 1.2


    "Bots are a bit trigger happy when it comes to doors", some will get stuck in some areas but will eventually get out of them too. The Bunker map from the Original Goldeneye game for Nintendo 64, in Single player, known as Bunker 2, in Multiplayer just the bunker, its been as faithfully recreated as possible by Kahn, it was passed onto me, and I tweaked and completed the map, as well as restored it to the original N64 version. The map is made with gunplay in mind, its a close quarters map, so saber fighting might get difficult with the confined spaces As with all my GoldenEye maps, there is a hidden VHS/DVD of GoldenEye in the map, try to find them all in all the maps! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Unzip the ge_bunker.pk3 file into your base folder. Optional: Unzip the ge_assets_v2.pk3 into your base folder Credits: Khan: For Providing the original unfinished Bunker Map BongoBob- For making the temple level which is what got me started on project GoldenEye Szico VII- without your source files, I would have never learned as much as I did Darth Zion- Helped me with scripting, fixing sounds, and various beta testing Last Wish- Helped in my beta testing extensively, and gave me texturing tips. RichDiesal - For your mapping tutorials Graeme Norgate- without your music, GoldenEye wouldnt have been the same BUGS: Multiplayer intro video sometimes loses sound. THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY NINTENDO OR RARE
  15. 67 downloads

    This is based off the Mario Kart 64 battle mode map, Blockfort, however its been given a face lift from the original, made to look abandoned with age, or medeval even
  16. 176 downloads

    Based off Sonic Adventure 1, this is the flying fortress that Dr Eggman (Robotnik) used throughout the game, it should be known this was one of my first maps, one that i was fond of in the original sonic adventure game, it might get a rebuild in the future
  17. Version v1.5


    This is an updated version of the race track for jedi knight academy, rainbow road, it features fixed swoops which respawn, and no more lava, Allow 5 seconds for swoops to spawn, they will once destroyed respawn after 5 seconds.
  18. Version v3


    Version 3 of my Cathedral map, The set up was more inspired from Tenchi Muyo with the OVA series main villian Kagato's ship. the sheet music on the organ is still the actual sheet music for that organ peice, the track playing is the Church theme from Baiten Kaitos, personally the song fits very nicely, the map, is smaller then its V2 counterpart, mosty due to complaints of its former size, the ceiling is still tall and far away. the map was the first use of candle type lights for me.
  19. Version v2


    This is a second version of my first train battle, almost none of the original material is present except the steam locomotive which has been overhauled for more realism. gravity has been added as well as a push if you fall off, however if you do fall off the train your still met with a semi instant death.
  20. 64 downloads

    I stopped this map mostly cause I was lacking enough source material to work with, dont kid me, Back to the Future will forever be one of my favourite movie triologys, this is basicly from the first movie, Hill Valley, 1955, when Marty first traveled back in time by accident, the map was to feature all 3 time eras, past, future, and present, with the delorean as the activator/warp between eras, maybe oneday once I get some more production shots i'll revisit this map
  21. 105 downloads

    Inside a large clock tower with many moving gears and catwalks
  22. 59 downloads

    Cybertron from the transformers the game, base doff the 2007 film, this is from the decepticons last mission.
  23. 156 downloads

    This is a 3d version of one of the battle arena's from Super Mario Kart on the SNES, the map is flat coloured, originally I considered a Cell shading option to make it look cartoonish
  24. 149 downloads

    Castle of Dracula made into a small race course, Credit to Inyri for her Pine tree model
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