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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. speaking of the FTL drive, ive also designed a map concept for it to work nicely the electrical effects will be the real pain in the ass, I hope to have the bridge completed tonight.


    "You know what pisses me off? Calling this the cockpit. Alliance ships have bridges. Asari ships have cockpits. Oh wait. No they don't."

  2. Im no good with photoshop, and since theres a no porting rule i cant just use the source files, lol

    I had to use some stock atm, so i could get an idea how it'll look and to tell parts appart, customs would be nice, but I know this replica will push my mapping skills, lol


    Also the ship was built to scale with player size, so it should be fairly accurate, shaders, basicly everything on the normandy shimmers, its smexy shiny, and the ammount of glow needed, it'll work, hell I dont see why not.

  3. more minor work, sleep now, Garrus will go back to work in about 8 hours: and yes textures are place holders, I cant stare at caulk or notexture forever, i'll go mad or lose were I am, I just had to contribute to the mass effect mayhem Inyri started....


    "Great. See, this is how it all starts. When we're all just organic batteries, guess who they'll blame? 'This is all Joker's fault. What a tool he was. I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the Overlord.'"





  4. Best of luck!


    Im going to need it


    Update: Minor hull work, all command chairs added in, the helm/bridge has a way to go still, Joker has a seat at least so he cant bitch.

    but at least with a side by side comparison, just as Inyri did, cept I have mass effect running on my 360 while i do this




  5. Ive started construction on the SSV Normandy From Mass Effect 1, thanks alot Inyri, lol anyways this is the first and earliest build im currently working on, its getting late though, and I have a hell of alot of textures to make up, and still a hell of alot of work ahead, but the project is started, and no caffeiene to do this on either, you'll get new images as i feel progress enough as been made




    its supposed to look like: ( like I said, I got alot of work ahead)






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