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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. dam man, that was fast >.>; suddenly Im not optimistic on fighting that robot in JA, an AT-ST is annoying enough, lol, mental note, change rocket model into spikes :P


    I dunno why, seeing that Robot, just makes me laugh at the fact it'll prolly own me in a fight >.<

  2. inyri made the tree not me, and the map is released as is, Im not polishing much more up on it unless I can recover its final version from my borked other HDD

    and texturing repeatitive is the biggest bitch in the video game industry, even I cant really get away from it

  3. clock hands move in real time, pendlum swings, I was going to animate the weights as well, but figured that was overkill, since its just a sitting area inside a giant castle's clock tower, I seem to enjoy finer details, but overlook the more important details in mapping >.<


    The tall case Grandfather clock will be avable as a seperate download when I start releasing my prefabs

  4. Hah, well I wasnt born till '89 so wont know this cartoon :P


    and the reason I animated that grandfather clock was cause your clocks in your village werent animated


    Another lost map well maps, was for SP, it was all 3 of the bowser stages from mario 64, and some from galaxy, sadly those were completely lost when my former Main died, if I can ever get a logic board for that hdd, i'll be able to restore the data

  5. the clocktower V2, is basicly all of Castlevania rendored in one map, including the entire castle, due to my former HDD dying i had a huge revert


    Castle Dracula aka Castlevania (formally clocktower v2)


    stairs to the keep:


    inside the clock tower, looking up:


    keep/throne room:


    gazing up at the castle: (layout inspired from vanhelsing film)


    Ball room:



    main hall: (with trees by Inyri)



  6. Im going to be releasing some of my older works soon, as a teaser i'll start posting some screens, sorry, when you have 100+ map files you get lost in what has to be done, etc.


    Anyone want to take a guess at this map? (hint: its the largest map ive ever made)



    Based Apon a cartoon in the 80s, which was based apon an NES video game (those with a great childhood would know this one)




  7. Makes me wanna buy ME3.. I just heard that the end of the game was fail sooo.. yeah i didnt wanna spend 60$


    I was iffy on the ending, but since Shepard can live, I took that ending, but eh the ending makes you make the hardest decision in the series


    And im getting used to the 1.4 assets in my 1.5, Ive also started adding the tools from 1.4 to 1.5 in my spare time as well

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