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File Comments posted by CaptainChar

    Simpsons Springfield

       1,594    7

    Good work Kahn, it was a pleasure to work with you


    I compared this map mostly to the Xbox 360 version of the Simpson's game, But overall it has the cell shaded cartoony feel form the show, colors and textures are accurate, so are most of the designs artistically, The most fun thing about this map Id say would been the scavenger hunt, I just liked going around and exploring Springfield at my own pace, Mind you I haven't watched the Simpsons in ages but it was a real nostalgia trip for me...


    Overall if you like the Simpsons, you should ahem "Forfeit your bandwidth"

    Kahn likes this
  1. Szico is tough one to please, but it makes me learn new mapping techniques, especially when it gets a a good critique or whatever that word is >.> but it helps in the rating when someone takes the time to actually write a review for the mapper

    Szico VII likes this
  2. with that review in mind, its helpful, so the invisable walls, cept the outer walls well be removed as well in the next version, the lighting i really want the moon to be the map's main light source, with the random candle lanters as backupsources

    Szico VII likes this
  3. yeah alot of stuff was missing when I decided to revisit it, I had the entire map almost done, with details, the huge room you were in was the Ball room, the Original Map, had a small cemetary, a library, a servents housing or dorm like structure, and the castle had lots of detailing on the outside, to make it look more Neo-Gothical, the portait in the Keep/throne room is from Castlevania judgment, the throne room is based off the PSP Castlevania, but I understand your points really, the bridges in the original were adorned with lanterns and suspension cables, and the one turret originally was enterable, that had an iron maidon and other torture devices, I might re-add these elements back to the map improving apon what ive learned in this year from mapping, and Id like to give Death his own place in the clocktower.


    If you were interested in castlevania 64, Darth Zion made the keep/throne room, I also have the unreleased beta for that still, which included the entire stair claimb from the clock tower


    Today: the map shows it was peiced together with various artistics, I need to fix that, add more rain sound, etc, maybe even wind when on the bridges as well, the moon in the skybox is in the proper position beleive it or not, but yeah, much can be improved, not bad considering this map as you can tell by the BSP name, was a clocktower v2

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