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Posts posted by Inyri

  1. You may have to use a spec map rather than the env map, that way you can just copy your original texture and adjust the areas only where you want there to be shine by making them brighter with higher contrast. Environment maps would only affect a certain area if you modeled it off on it's own, they always cover an entire object, if you find the image the env map shader uses you may be able to overlay it with your texture and make an alpha channel on areas you don't want it so that it doesn't affect it but not sure if it'll work.

    You can make partial env maps with some fancy shaders, but it takes multiple images & so the package will be larger. Not a huge deal, but I'm terrible at troubleshooting shaders without the actual mod package to test with.

  2. ^There can be a serious lack of quality control with many models, it's like no one takes the time to do even some basic checks before release.


    We tested Inyri's Geth for weeks before it was even released.

    Weeks might be an exaggeration haha. it was definitely thorough, though, but I'm a perfectionist.

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