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Posts posted by undeadslayer

  1. @NAB622,

    That's ok, things happen. I put a new misc_model_breakable in and not copied it from the sec base.  I'd did however go off of the settings the original team had for the deathstar plans, minus the trigger once. Yes that is exactly my question.

  2. @NAB622,

    That's ok we all get sidetracked from time to time. So the sec base triggers 3 things in the game. 1.) Kyle's line after picking up the plans. 2.) Objective complete tone and the game marking off the objective and giving the player a new one. 3.) Let's the game know to send the moldy crow to come and pickup the player for next mission.

  3. @NAB622,

    That's definitely confusing because the deathstar plans object works exactly as is. But the nav card doesn't work at all. The targetname isn't on the nav card one but it is on the deathstar, I believe that is to trigger the line that Kyle says there after reteving the plans. I don't know if that helps or not.

  4. @NAB622,  sure I can provide screenshots.

    Nar Shadda:

    Go to this section of the map.




    From the start take right and go through this wall.


    Go around the left side of the cylinder to the stairs and go down them.


    go down the next stairs though the wall. go around the corner you'll see this wall go through it.


    The map object that I based the nar shadda map object is this one and it works.




    Hope this helps. :)

  5. @NAB622,

    Yes it's a single player level. Object shows up in game but player can't collect it. I have it as misc_model_breakable. The options that are checked is, no_smoke, use_model, use_not_break, and no_dmodel. Nothing is attached to it. Is a trigger needed for it?

  6. Good evening all.

    Sorry for being away for so long, life has gotten in the way, for quite some time now. 😔 I'm back now, but probably for only for a short period of time. So i've gotten 90% of Nar Shadda completed. It's not done yet but it is very close. I aslo finally got the weapon system figured out, the disruptor rifle is no longer the concussion rifle anymore. It's now the proper weapon now.😅 What took me so, I know right?



    I'm working on trying to get the Gamorrean to spawn with the proper weapon and not just a random red lightsaber. Idk how long that will take me, the game is very stubbornly determined on the wrong weapon. I'll figure it out though. So recently the fan made soundtrack has been update, I wanted to get your opinions on this whether I should update the tracks or not. There is going to be new content on Nar Shadda that wasn't originally present in the original game. Something jkhub user Kylefan has suggested. I won't go into more detail right now, that would ruin the Suprise. I'm still looking voice actors and actresses for the following characters:



    Morgan(kyle's father)


    Imperial officer(boss)

    Mon Mothma


    and Odom Meck(Kyle's roomate at the imperial academy)

    That's it for this update, until next time may the force be with you.


    gabtrucker and scp_chaos1 like this
  7. @Forceboat

    Until I get the these maps done the textures will be missing. I think you actual nocliped into the part of nar shadda that made by the orginal team, I have no idea what they planning to do with that part of the map. I'll probably remove that part for the final version of nar shadda. Ah yes the boxes in the Wearhouse of ramshed, those I can't even fix they don't even show up in my game but that's not the case when I'm in the map editor. Sadly currently the map editor I was using, netradiant custom, won't even work on my computer anymore. So currently I have no map editor anymore. If this makes you wonder what's the future for Df mod revival, have no fear I won't ever call this mod dead. 🙂 I do appreciate your support of the mod, you can find more info that you may not know about in the Dark Forces remastred thread under wips and teasers.

  8. @NumberWan So I got the ice to work properly now, kyle now slides on it. Still having issues with the water though, some of the water textures do show up in the game but it's solid like this:


    I'm guessing this a problem with shader list and not texture itself? I'm still working on the elevator but a new problem has cropped up. I'm using radiant custom and I keep getting this error message:


    it just started doing this, how do I fix this?

  9. I'm dealing with a couple of fun_static brushes/ eneties in the robotics level and Nar Shadda level. In the robotics level the brushes that act as an elevator to get out of the acid for some reason is not starting in the proper place. They keep spawning in the covery belt that the player just gets off of to get into the facility. So how can I fix this? As for the Nar Shadda brush it's the platfrom that moves at the beging of the level. Is there a way have the platform move in this state or do I need to change it to fun_train? I'm also having trouble with the ice not being ice and the water not having texture. How do I fix this?

  10. @Syny Yes this is jedi academy mod. The levels that have been completed are of the following:

    level 1 Secbase

    level 2 Talay

    level 3 Sewers

    Level 4 testbase

    level 5 gromas

    level 6 detention

    level 7 ramees heed

    level 8 robotics facility

    level 13 executor

    The vr mod you are talking uses the 2008 version of the mod, dr. beef will need to put this version of the mod with the vr version to update it. Yes, I am making the remain levels and then some, see the other pages for more details.

    Hope this answers all of your questions.🙂

  11. @Syny I know exactly which mod you are talking about, and no they are not using the most recent build. That mod uses the 2008 version of the mod which was relased by the orginal team.  As for your question(s) there were only 14 levels in the orginal game, you are thinking of df2 the sequal to dark forces. For the second question, the orginal team only did the first six levels, they planed on doing all the levels but saddly one of the two founders of the mod, passed away. 😪 The remaining members walked away from the mod.

    For your third question, I'm not the first person to try to finish mod. Jkhub user Teancum attempted to finish the mod, some of this was done by him. The robotics - Ice station beta level was made by another jkub user, though not anymore, Jereth; though I belive he/she is involed in the force engine project. Also Jereth did part of the imperal city level. curently in the build levels 1-8 has been finished and there are parts of Nar Shadda, part of jabba's ship has been done. Part of the fuel station - the smuggler's hijack has been done. Finaly, executor -  The stowaway has been finished, mosly done by the orginal team, I fished that one myself. idk if the vr mod team is still around but if they please let them know that they are more than welcomed to take the curent build and put it into the vr mod. Hope this answers your questions 🙂 and thank you following the mod.

  12. 14 hours ago, Teancum said:

    Even then though nobody hones their skills on an old game engine. I definitely think there's intent to release.

    We will see if he will realase it, if he does it will be for outcast.

    14 hours ago, Teancum said:

    Don't feel threatened by them. They do fantastic work, but modding is meant to be fun, and a way to be creative and learn new skills. You do your thing, they'll do theirs. Even if both get released you'll still have something to show for your work -- hopefully something you feel proud of!

    I'm not threatened by him, by the time this done it will be completely different form the other mod.

    As promise here is the link for the recent version:


    gabtrucker likes this
  13. @General Tantor I don't think he will ever relaese his mod, I even said commented that on his video but they didn't like that. The only mediafire link isn't the most recent version, for some reason they too that other file down. I defentaly would apreciate any help you like to give curntly I'm trying get the kinks out of the robotics level that jerethk did. I'll post a link latter today or tomorrow morning for the most recent version.

    General Tantor likes this
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