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  1. I have to agree with this. Jeff’s skins/models are honestly amazing.
  2. You know, I always wondered if a lightwhip would be possible to code/mod into JK3. It’d probably take a lot of work.
  3. Part of me feels like it kind of lacks something though. I think maybe giving her a cape could actually really round out the model a bit more.
  4. Since you did Cal Kestis, is there any chance you might do the Second Sister next?
  5. Well, I would personally love to see it. Is it just the Jaina pilot model though, or all of the Jaina skins from the EU ladies pack?
  6. I'm aware of that one, which he did a couple of years ago, but the one currently on @Jeff's profile pic seems new and looks a bit different. It would be cool if he was doing a V2 of his old EU ladies mod pack though.
  7. If I might ask, where did you get the Jaina Solo pilot model in your profile pic from? Is it something your working on? Cause it looks fantastic. Are you doing any other of Jaina Solo outfits as models by any chance as well?
  8. 664 downloads

    Darth Zannah Playermodel and NPC Jedi Academy Mod By Nerdman3000 ---- This is a playermodel and NPC based on the Star Wars Legends Character, Darth Zannah, apprentice to Darth Bane. --- New Sounds: No Shaders: Yes Bot Support: No New Models: No New Textures: Yes New Icons: No Team Colours: No ---- To Install: Unzip file and place Darth_Zannah.pk3 in your base folder. ---- To use, go to command console and type 'playermodel Darth_Zannah' to play as Zannah, or 'NPC Spawn Darth_Zannah' to spawn her. ---- Credit to Scerendo for his Scerendo's Female Jedi Customisation v1.01 Mod, which makes this reskin and NPC possible. Also credit to author's Drew Karpyshyn, Darko Macan, and Abel G. Peña, for the creation of Darth Zannah.
  9. Well this is awkward. I made my own version of a Scerendo Darth Zannah reskin myself recently, only to now find this version after I uploaded my own. Mind you, they are different texturewise, but the model is the same for both. I guess two minds think alike or whatever.
  10. 614 downloads

    Siri Tachi Playermodel and NPC Jedi Academy Mod By Nerdman3000 ---- This is a playermodel and NPC based on the Star Wars Legends Character, Siri Tachi. ---- New Sounds: No Shaders: Yes Bot Support: No New Models: No New Textures: Yes New Icons: No Team Colours: No ---- To Install: Unzip file and place Siri_Tachi.pk3 in your base folder. ---- To use, go to command console and type 'playermodel Siri_Tachi' to play as Siri, or 'NPC Spawn Siri_Tachi' to spawn her. ---- Credit to Scerendo for his Scerendo's Female Jedi Customisation v1.01 Mod, which makes this reskin and Playermodel/NPC possible. Also credit to author Jude Watson, who created Siri Tachi.
  11. It would be cool to have more bonus missions (and a bigger bonus section area to come with it or even a bonus mission menu), though I wouldn't mind if entire bonus EU/Legends duels were added after the Original and Sequel trilogy content is added.
  12. So I discovered this mod yesterday, and find myself to be personally quite excited about it as I am very fond of the original. However I have a question concerning one of the SP missions, An Old Enemy, which features Darth Maul fighting Ben Kenobi on Tatooine. The original version of said mission was based on the old EU Star Wars comic Old Wounds, and had Obi-Wan and Maul fighting on Tatooine during the daylight, and Maul having the dark Grevious-like legs which he sported when he first appeared in Clone Wars. I mention this because I would like to know whether or not this mission will it be changed in order to be based more on the recent Star Wars Rebels episode Twin Suns, which featured Ben Kenobi fighting Maul on Tatooine at night around a unlit campfire. I personally wouldn't mind the mission being changed to follow closer to the Star Wars Rebels episode, but I wanted to bring this up and ask.
  13. Here is the possible finale splash screen for the 2.1 Beta. I hope you guys like it:
  14. If you guys want it, here's a very early, early WIP look at what will eventually become the splash screen. It's not even half way done, but it's a start: There's no background right now, however I am slightly basing the image off the original KOTF splash screen, so a lot of characters positions will be modeled off of that. Not yet added are Palpatine and Old Ben Kenobi. The goal is to hopefully represent all three movie eras as well as the Legends continuity. Also, the image of Rey will of course be updated once Disney releases a better quality version of her Last Jedi image.
  15. Darth Talon, Darth Zannah, and Lumiya are on the list. The others are admittedly not.
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