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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. It'll look exactly the same as JKA. The animations that were in JK2 (walks, runs, etc) with the toe moving were simply added for JKA's GLA and not changed at all. You can tell by looking at the XSI source files in Max/Mod Tool, they won't have any JKA bones (lhang_tag_bone, tail bones, etc). JKA-specific animations however, look to have been made with the toe removal in mind - ie feet flat on the ground.
  2. Yeah, not like SoFII where they have seperate low res textures chewing up space.
  3. I've split the videos out of DF2_assets.pk3. Current pk3s are: - DF2_assets.pk3 = currently 187MB - DF2_videos.pk3 = currently 528MB All videos have been converted to RoQ format.
  4. Might be worth adding a conversion table in JK Enhanced for JKA models.
  5. Just realised it's been a little over 3 years since I started DF2 Mod. I think it's been collecting dust long enough....

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      So are we ready to pull the mod out of the despair of the inactive mods section? I'm pretty certain we are more active and have been more active than a few that aren't in that section.

    3. swegmaster


      DT, can your yun be improved to not have a jaden head =P

    4. TheWhitePhoenix


      It really makes me happy that so many are learning what the old masters like Sith-J-Cull learned when it comes to Mapping. As for me, my offer to be a beta tester for the mod itself is still out in the open if you need anyone to test a few levels. ^_^

  6. Space. I have 4.4gb in total on Dropbox for free.
  7. Nice work. If anyone wants to check out the 11gorc level, I've updated the mod files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yfkp0gedbde4pl9/AABwurywhkMYamKHIoavY6Ysa?dl=0 Video has been converted and added, I've written out the objectives. No enemies or music though.
  8. I've gone over the latest copy I had and finished it. Caulking & Vis is all sorted as well. Lighting may need bit of a tweak and there's still scripting and such to do:
  9. No one else besides eezstreet chiming in? Well, I certainly hope that was the fix.
  10. This guy will only need 1 stance and core animations (runs, walks, crouchwalks, etc) so give retargeting a go. If it looks like complete shit, then recreate the animations.
  11. Sure will be interesting to see how this turns out, my attempts at re-targeting in the past have failed so I hope you have better luck.
  12. Oh yeah, I forgot this game you can't have the rigging pose different to the basepose for animations. Had my mind elsewhere in 2016, not 2002 lol.
  13. Honestly, the pose now looks fine for rigging.
  14. Had a look at other ghoul2 stuff and came across this: gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model(Model); So I just added it to the end of misc_model_ghoul and the FPS appears to be staying at 60 now. I wonder if this is was the issue all along or not, so I'd like some feedback.
  15. Necro time! New features: - render radius - rootbone LOOP - Loop the animation. Default - play once. "model" - arbitrary .glm file to load "modelscale" - "x" uniform scale "modelscale_vec" - "x y z" scale model in each axis "renderRadius" - default "120" model render radius "rootbone" - default "model_root" animation root bone "startframe" - default "0". animation start frame "endframe" - default "0". animation end frame "skin" default "models/players/kyle/model_default.skin" - skin file to load. must include path. - The frames between the "startframe" & "endframe" will play. - Use "renderRadius" for models larger than a player if you notice them disappearing when moving the camera. - Use "rootbone" if wanting to change the root bone that the animation will play from. Now whenever I have 3x Kyles animating in a very small basic test map, my FPS dips from 60 to 49 unless I look away. Something I've missed or done wrong perhaps...... @@Xycaleth @@ensiform @@eezstreet Would I need to precache it? void SP_misc_model_ghoul( gentity_t *ent ) { #if 1 ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( ent->model ); gi.G2API_InitGhoul2Model(ent->ghoul2, ent->model, ent->s.modelindex, NULL_HANDLE, NULL_HANDLE, 0, 0); //DT EDIT: misc_model_ghoul edits - START //ent->s.radius = 50; if (ent->playerModel >= 0) { ent->rootBone = gi.G2API_GetBoneIndex(&ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], "model_root", qtrue); } G_SpawnInt("renderRadius", "120", &ent->s.radius); //DT EDIT: misc_model_ghoul edits - END G_SetOrigin( ent, ent->s.origin ); G_SetAngles( ent, ent->s.angles ); qboolean bHasScale = G_SpawnVector( "modelscale_vec", "1 1 1", ent->s.modelScale ); if ( !bHasScale ) { float temp; G_SpawnFloat( "modelscale", "0", &temp ); if ( temp != 0.0f ) { ent->s.modelScale[0] = ent->s.modelScale[1] = ent->s.modelScale[2] = temp; bHasScale = qtrue; } } if ( bHasScale ) { //scale the x axis of the bbox up. ent->maxs[0] *= ent->s.modelScale[0]; ent->mins[0] *= ent->s.modelScale[0]; //scale the y axis of the bbox up. ent->maxs[1] *= ent->s.modelScale[1]; ent->mins[1] *= ent->s.modelScale[1]; //scale the z axis of the bbox up and adjust origin accordingly ent->maxs[2] *= ent->s.modelScale[2]; float oldMins2 = ent->mins[2]; ent->mins[2] *= ent->s.modelScale[2]; ent->s.origin[2] += (oldMins2 - ent->mins[2]); } //DT EDIT: misc_model_ghoul edits - START G_SpawnInt("startframe", "0", &ent->startFrame); G_SpawnInt("endframe", "0", &ent->endFrame); char *root_boneName;//[MAX_QPATH]; G_SpawnString("rootbone", "model_root", &root_boneName); gi.G2API_SetBoneAnim(&ent->ghoul2[0], root_boneName, ent->startFrame, ent->endFrame, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP, 1.0f + Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * 0.1f, 0, -1, -1); ent->endFrame = 0; // don't allow it to do anything with the animation function in G_main char *skinName;//[MAX_QPATH]; int skin = gi.RE_RegisterSkin(skinName); G_SpawnString("skin", "models/players/kyle/model_default.skin", &skinName); gi.G2API_SetSkin(&ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], G_SkinIndex(skinName), skin); //DT EDIT: misc_model_ghoul edits - END gi.linkentity (ent); #else
  16. Tempust85


    I want to get this working. Any idea what's broken about it?
  17. @DT85 - Available: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Saturday 9am-8pm and Thursday/Friday/Sunday 9am-6pm. Timezone: UTC +10 Brisbane.
  18. In all seriousness, I probably won't be able to make the time as things like this are usually early morning my time. I'll post my info incase though.
  19. Hey, why didn't I get a summon? I worked a little bit on JKG. It's cuz I'm Australian isn't it....ISN'T IT?! :P
  20. Honestly, all of these could make one decent Halloween mod.
  21. Funny thing is, I haven't touched anything to do with 3D modelling in months.
  22. Had a little bit of time today: 5,389 tris.
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