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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Found out the issue. It didn't like that I manually set the gridsize.
  2. Afaik, MD3 don't have auto generated LODs.
  3. @@therfiles You can use the key and value _rs 1 to receive shadows & _cs 1 to cast shadows on the misc_model_static. No matter what I do, I can't seem to make anything but the map itself be affected by lighting.
  4. Any player models or misc_model_static's in my map aren't using the lighting. I'm doing a full compile, minus bounce 8. Any ideas?
  5. I don't think OpenJK's rend2 has specular working, or at least it isn't in my tests.
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0f4xsua1is1ofx/zzz_GLM_viewmodel.pk3
  7. - Doesn't load .skin files which is why the texture isn't working. - I've included a *flash, but the muzzle effect & blaster fire don't emit from it - Would like a FOV setting per gun
  8. Ok, so my first step is to load up the AK74 model and it worked but it's rotated like it was in one of your screenshots. I'll get to work on a test model later today.
  9. I've always been able to skip cinematics by pressing CTRL. May take a few seconds but it works for me.
  10. They say the third time you like it.
  11. Also to note, I'm using the old DF2 Mod's 02narshadda map with a few fixes. Shame it wasn't more complete, they only got as far as 3 minutes in.
  12. Yay it finally works for me. Now to get cracking on that view model.
  13. Here's a teaser: http://i60.tinypic.com/32zueld.png On the floor is water (yes I know, I so need to change the texture), complete with splashy splashy sounds when you walk There's drops that come from the ceiling, with sound on impact That bit of tech in the middle has a sound Added a locked door so it makes more sense how the Gran get down here
  14. Ok, that seems to work thanks @@Circa.
  15. Crashing: ------ Server Initialization ------ OpenJK: v1.0.1.1 win_msvc-x86 Feb 10 2014Server: kejim_post Loading shader text ..... .....2601 shader definitions loaded data is NULL ----- CL_Shutdown ----- Shutting down OpenGL subsystem ...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success ...deleting GL context: success ...releasing DC: success ...destroying window ...shutting down QGL ...unloading OpenGL DLL ----------------------- Shutting down cmShaderTable..... FS_FreeFile( NULL )
  16. Ok so I've decompiled yavin1 to try and figure out how to do water. I can get it work, but I'm not getting the 'splashing' sounds when the player walks through the water. I don't see any triggers set up to play the sounds, so I must be missing something else?
  17. Got 3 errors in Release & Debug: error C2228: left of '.GetWinVars' must have class/struct/union tr_init.cpp 1479 1 SP Vanilla Renderer error C2228: left of '.PD_Load' must have class/struct/union G2_API.cpp 743 1 SP Vanilla Renderer error C2228: left of '.PD_Store' must have class/struct/union G2_API.cpp 764 1 SP Vanilla Renderer
  18. Post here if you need any models made.
  19. Thanks. I was seeing if I could save some BSP space.
  20. Ok so I've noticed when I'm using misc_model_static instead of misc_model, I don't get the same kind of lighting. It usually looks dull even though there are lights directly above the models. Is there something I need to do to get the lighting to work or is this just a drawback of using misc_model_static?
  21. I noticed it was searching there as well, so I've been making sure it's cleared. I'm stumped as to what's going on.
  22. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get into loading a level anymore. It always crashes with vanilla dll as the fault module name when trying to create a new game, or doing map kejim_post. I've tried moving JK2 assets to the base folder while removing JKA's, using +fs_basepath JK2HD and using +fs_game JK2HD.
  23. Yeah I did. I'll try a fresh /build dir and see how I go. Normal JKA works fine with what I compile, though I need to set the com_jk2 to 0.
  24. I've tried removing the JKA assets, still not working. Now it's crashing to do with the vanilla dll, I have no idea what's going on. :\
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